Sussex Yacht Club Spring Series Weekends 2 & 3
by Sussex Yacht Club 28 Mar 2023 08:47 BST
18-19 & 26 March 2023

Sussex Yacht Club Spring Series & Training Day © SYC
In 2023 Sussex Yacht Club (SYC) and University of Sussex Sailing Club (USSC) have restarted their previously successful relationship. USSC members are now formerly affiliated with SYC and can make use of the club facilities. Most importantly, USSC members are now coordinating each week for spots on the SYC race fleet as crew. As part of providing the USSC with sailing experience, a training evening was recently organised.
A description of the evening is provided by Richard Cooper, Skipper of Jongleur GBR5488R, a J88:
"There was quite a range of experience from the 6 Sussex University students that joined Jongleur for a Wednesday afternoon training day. We met at midday and with boat prep and safety chat done we had time for the back-up helm to practice mooring before heading through the 13:00 lock.
Sails up and heading out into an unrecognisable calm sea with a barmy 10kts from the south we were soon tacking away and learning the ropes! Bearing away we successfully got the kite up and gybed our way back towards Shoreham. With a sweet leeward drop this was all going rather well.
It was decision time, in on the 14:30 or another hour sailing? The sailing had it unanimously so back out we went. We made some crew changes and the more experienced demo'd some tips to the less experienced and the fine conditions held and the kite launched again. The second drop didn't go quite as good and some shallow trawling ensued but recovery with young muscle was swift!
We completed another out and back and then motored in. With a bit of mooring practice for 2 other helms we had docked and tidied by 16:30. I hope the smiles in the photos reflect the fun we all had."
Following the Wednesday training, SYC also held race weekends on 18/19 March and 26 March. Unfortunately, the Pursuit race on the 25th was sensibly abandoned due to the weather. Luckily both Sundays provided for excellent weather at this time of year and good racing was enjoyed by all.