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Haven Knox-Johnston Commercial

Dart 18 Grand Prix Round 1 at Dee Sailing Club

by Lee Matthews 13 Apr 2023 22:23 BST 8-11 April 2023
Dart 18 Grand Prix Round 1 at Dee © Alan Jenkins

Dee Sailing Club based at Thurstaston on the Wirral peninsula hosted the first UKIDA Dart 18 GP of the season over the Easter weekend. Despite the rather uncertain forecast 31 boats entered, with 17 travellers from all corners of the UK and 14 local boats.

Day 1 on Easter Saturday was a beautiful day with 10-15 knots from the south east and the race team fitted in three races over the tidal window.

James & Alison Douglas led around the first mark in race one, but David Lloyd & Rusty overtook downwind and stayed in front to the finish.

Will Thompson & Molly Nash come home comfortably in third, sadly Will's shoulder gave way at the start of race 2 putting an end to their event.

Race 2 was dominated by Mat & Jacob Exon leading all the way, followed home by James & Alison in second, thanks to son Cameron & Molly Frost hitting the last windward mark and dropping to third.

By race 3 the tide had turn making it hard to make the start line and tempting three port tack starters. Of these three Alex Jardine & Iona Deacon went the furthest right a little too far as they hit foul tide in the welsh channel. The Douglas' rounded first followed by Douglas & Frost and finished in that order. Ellis & Tilly Stonehouse sailed into third place and a consistent set of results left them in 3rd place overnight.

Saturday night after excellent food and a drinks promotion was Karaoke night. Tally numbers were drawn and crews performed to the lively crowd.

Easter Sunday was clear and sunny, but sadly windy with a poor forecast. The local cruising fleet reported 20kts gusting 30. The race team went afloat, but made the decision that it was not safe to race. So the crews enjoyed the local area and reconvened in the evening for a great party night dancing to live music from Xebra.

Easter Monday forecast showed very strong winds from 1400 onwards. The crews got to the beach to launch in good time but unfortunately a squall at that time was enough to send many back to the dinghy park.

The race team managed to get race 4 going after a big windshift to the west and Douglas & Frist led at the first mark having taken the right hand side of the course. LLoyd & Rust managed to take the lead downwind and held that to the finish. Pete & Max Spedding were third round the mark closely followed by Lee & Chantelle Matthews. Douglas' in fifth managed to get to third by the leeward mark and overtook Douglas & Frost upwind to finish second.

The race team had been monitoring the wind readings to the west and cancelled all further racing. Some of the crews were a little surprised but understood clearly when the building wind hit hard as the crews arrived at the beach.

Douglas' took the event by one point from Lloyd & Rust. The UKIDA handicap prize winners were Paul Hemsworth & Rachel Meddick, Soggy Moggy, Mumbles YC.

Thanks to the hard work of all the volunteers this was a great event and a great start to the season which includes the World Championships in the UK at Royal Yorkshire Yacht club in August.

Handicap Results:

1st Paul Hemsworth and Rachel Meddick, Soggy Moggy, Mumbles YC
2nd Will Stefanou and Amanda Jenks, Pale Rider, Stokes Bay SC
3rd Mal Taylor, 7444, Dee SC

Overall Results:

PosBoatSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4Pts
1stBogtrotter II7534James DouglasAlison DouglasDee Sailing Club‑22125
2ndTriggers Broom7711David LloydChirs RustStokes Bay S C1‑13416
3rd 7673Cameron DouglasMolly FrostDee Sailing Club‑133238
4thMat Finish8004Matt ExonJacob ExonRYYC41‑5510
5th 7847Ellis StonehouseTilly StonehouseRYYC653‑814
6thPussy Galore7707Billy ChristieMark StonesDee Sailing Club5410(DNC)19
7thKBO6214Pete SpeddingMax SpeddingDee SC(OCS)188430
8thSoggy Moggy5481Paul HemsworthRachel MeddickMumbles Yacht Club12612(DNC)30
9thDeva Sail Racing7973Simon MoruzziSteve JardineDee Sailing Club7815(DNC)30
10thDazed & Confused6558Alex JardineIona DeaconDee Sailing Club15107(DNC)32
11thDee‑Ranged6137Kevin MastersonWarren BidwellDee Sailing Club1116‑19936
12th 6434Jon WorthingtonSeb GreberDee14176(DNC)37
13th 1322Gary Piper Stokes bay17159(DNC)41
14thPale Rider3766Will StefanouAmanda JenksSBSC87(DNC)DNC47
15thZen Zero6460Mick SingletonLivvy BarrettRunswick Bay‑222218747
16thMuttley crew5011Andy McLeish Fairlop Waters SC162111(DNC)48
17thFluid8011Joe FranksKieran FranksRYYC911(DNC)DNC52
18th 7444Mal Taylor Dee SC191222(DNC)53
19th 7839Martin SmithPippa RocksRutland212014(DNC)55
20thDaisy & Buttercup7778Lee MatthewsChantelle MatthewsDee Sailing Club18(DNS)DNC656
21stFat Boys Slim7577Darren WoodTracey‑Ann WoodIYC1014(DNC)DNC56
22ndMOS6692Peter Sherwin SSC(OCS)917DNC58
23rd 6935Taylor SageAbbie SloanIYC201921(DNC)60
24thRisky Business6609Alan HolmesColin ThackrayRoyal Northumberland242413(DNC)61
25th 7958Simon LakeTBARVYC/RYA252516(DNC)66
26th 7348Michael DoddDarren SmithDee Sailing Club232320(DNC)66
27thObejet D'art1056Will ThompsonAthena NashDee Sailing Club3(DNC)DNCDNC67
28thDarty Stopouts5298Jean‑Louis SimonsSteve JardineDSC(DNC)DNCDNCDNC96
28th 5809Octavia OwenAbibie SandersDee Sailing Club(DNC)DNCDNCDNC96
28th 6130Neil White RYYC(DNC)DNCDNCDNC96
28th 6693Chris WhiteOlivia EssemRYYC(DNC)DNCDNCDNC96

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