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TEMO-450 Electric Outboard

MYA Scottish District IOM Championship at Kinghorn Radio Sailing Club

by Malcolm Durie 27 Apr 2023 17:06 BST 22 April 2023
MYA Scottish District IOM Championship at Kinghorn Loch © David Marrs

The 2023 MYA Scottish District IOM Championship took place on Kinghorn Loch on Saturday the 22nd April 2023. The event was hosted by the Kinghorn Radio Sailing Club, with Richard Ennos as the Race Officer with Stuart Teasdale ARO, Malcolm Durie (Scorer) and support from David Marrs, Hutch Grant, Robert Brown, John Handley and David Redpath.

Richard Ennos welcomed 13 skippers to the event and gave an overview of the setup for the days racing, he outlined the course and introduced the race team to the competitors. The competitors had a quite a range of IOM designs racing (Alioth, Buzz III, Buzz 3C, Corbie 1, Corbie 4, Corbie 6, Rubix, Vickers 11 and Vision). The fleet was a mixture of home built and commercial hulls including wooden hulls, 3D printed hulls and fiberglass. Competitors travelled from around Scotland representing six clubs: Aberdeen, Ayr Bay, Buchanness, Greenock, Levenhall, Paisley and Tayside.

The weather remained dull for most of the day with a few sunny intervals. The wind was a strong and gusty breeze from the NNE to NE. Thus, the course for the event comprised a start line towards the west end of the course, a beat along to the east with a starboard rounding of the weather mark followed by a starboard rounding of a spreader mark. The downwind leg was then sailed back to the west end through a gate. There were two laps of this course, with the finish line on a beat around the middle of the course. There were no changes required to the course during the event.

All the skippers decided to use their B Rigs for the first race and continued to do so for the rest of the day. There was very competitive racing with boats changing places throughout the field. The first race was won by Richard Rowan and there were four other skippers who won races during the day. Richard went on to win a total of five races during the event.

David Northbridge won Race # 2, Ian Dundas won Race # 3 and Brian Summers won Race # 4. These skippers won all the races between them during the event except for Race # 17 which was won by David Stewart.

In midfield, a battle took place between Colin McGinnis, Ian Davidson, David Stewart and David Smith. Each was encountering their own various snakes and ladders! Behind them John Taylor, Gordon Allison and Gordon Rae had some good results but unfortunately encountered various technical issues later in the day which impacted their scores. Throughout, Alan McKechnie kept competing whilst Bill Lees had a terminal failure prior to Race # 1.

By the end of the event, seventeen races had been held and hence there were three discards. Brian Summers, with four race wins and five second places with a corrected total of 29 points was declared the 2023 MYA Scottish District IOM Champion. Second was Richard Rowan who won five races, was second in three races and had a corrected total score of 30 points. David Northridge in third place won three races and was second in four races with a score of 36 points and Ian Dundas finished fourth on 37 points.

Richard Ennos announced the results and presented the prizes to the three top placed skippers. Brian Summers thanked Kinghorn RSC for hosting a well-run and excellent event.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHull DesignSkipperClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11R12R13R14R15R16R17Pts
107Buzz IIIBrian SummersTayside RSC2231312132431233529
285CheinzRichard RowanGreenock MY&PBC1623243311254141230
388Vickers 10David NorthridgeLevenhall RYC3155521244312325336
438Corbie 6Ian DundasAberdeen MYC47121336531231412637
545Buzz 3CColin McGinnisTayside RSC83810456727666676778
639VisionIan DavidsonGreenock MY&PBC9444810514887810564484
730Corbie 1David StewartTayside RSC612119779966897457191
889Corbie 4David SmithPaisley MYC596116978109101097888109
928RubixJohn TaylorGreenock MY&PBC148769610491457514141414118
1062AliothGordon AllisonAyr Bay RYC75148108145759141414141414134
1136AliothGordon RaeAyr Bay RYC1011971212814141114489141414143
1259Corbie 1Alan McKechnieBuchanness MYC1110101411111410111011111189914143

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