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Platinum Jubilee Appeal Fulfilled at Manor Park Sailing Club

by Peter Pallet 27 Apr 2023 21:17 BST
Platinum Jubilee Appeal Fulfilled at Manor Park SC with four new Hartley 12s © Gary Robertson

Manor Park Sailing Club (MPSC), the Family Friendly Club based near Kings Bromley in Staffordshire, are delighted to report that their Platinum Jubilee Dinghy Appeal, launched a year ago in honour of our late Queen, has been finally realised. MPSC have just taken delivery of four brand new Hartley 12 sailing dinghies to join their expanding training fleet!

The club is grateful to our various funding providers who have worked closely with Peter Pallett, our 'go to' fundraiser at the club. Every club needs such a dedicated fundraiser, who alongside the manufacturer's MD, Mr Richard Hartley turned our enthusiasm for teaching sailing into reality on the water.

The boats will be used to train adult and junior sailors completing their RYA levels and junior stages to become capable self-reliant sailors ready to explore and enjoy the network of three lakes at MPSC Kings Bromley, then, if they wish, venture further afield following their sailing ambitions.

The dinghies are made in the UK to the exacting standards laid down by Hartley Boats based nearby in Derby. They feature a robust hull design and proportions to make sailing comfortable and easy to learn for adults and junior sailors - a very stable training dinghy. The simple rig is quick to make ready and responsive on the water meaning maximum time is spent out on the water developing skills as a single hander for adults and multi-crewed for juniors

The boats were launched for the first time on Saturday 15th April and proved a great success with the junior team who filled them to maximum and put them through their paces - there was so much happiness and smiling faces, so what did our sailing instructors call the spectacle? - "A murmuration of Hartley's"

The training team said "We are looking forward to putting these dinghies to good use every Saturday and Wednesday evening during our regular training sessions and perhaps seeing them race. They are well built and simple to rig and maintain - just what we want from a training boat. Hartley have been great in delivering them on time for the start of our season and providing them at a value for money price, within our budget."

A big thank you goes out to all our sponsors, crowdfunders and supporters in making this Appeal so successful.

If interested in sailing, find out more at

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