La Trinquette tops J/80 Grand Prix de St. Cast
by J/Boats 7 May 2023 10:08 BST
29 April - 1 May 2023
J80 fleet © J/Boats
The St Cast Grand Prix last weekend brought together a 17-boat fleet of J/80s from all over France. Some of those crews came from Toulon (Bruno Royer De Vericourt) and others from the north of France (Jacques Hubert's EOS). In addition, there were three teams from the various French naval schools sailing the regatta as part of their training to be French Naval officers.
Over the three-day weekend, the CN St Cast Race Committee and PRO managed to run eleven races in light conditions. The wind gradually picked up throughout the weekend to reach around fifteen knots for the last race of the series.
Winning the regatta with a remarkable performance was the SNBSM LA TRINQUETTE team that consisted of Frank Lavenant, Marie-Adelaide Le Gue, Alix Collett, Alexandre Carlo, and Simon Proust. With four 1sts and two 2nds in their scoreline, they were the runaway winners with just 25 pts net in their ten counted races.
Taking the silver medal was the TELESTO ECOLE NAVALE team of Jean Baptiste Bernard, Paul Loiseau, Tugdual Guillemot, and Brieux Megret. While they also won three races, they were no match for the LA TRINQUETTE team, finishing second based on a tiebreaker at 35 pts net.
Losing that tiebreaker on countback to earn the bronze medal was Sophie D'Ortoli's team on CN ST CAST- GRAND OUEST ETIQUETTES. She was the famous "locals" team that had high hopes to finally win a J/80 regatta in their home waters. Nevertheless, they had a spirited competition with their fellow J/80 sailors, and her team of Nicolas Richard, Julie Richeux, Emmanuel Houze, and Matthieu Legrand thoroughly enjoyed the regatta.
Rounding out the top five was a famous French J/80 sailor Patrick Bot, sailing ECOLE NAVALE- LOCAPONTON. His 4th place was also based on a tiebreaker at 45 pts each, having to win it on a countback over Gilles Briend's J'N TONIC.
Click here for more J/80 Grand Prix de St. Cast scores and information.
More French J/80 Class sailing information here.