RS Class Association RS400 demo boats are available for sailors who would like to try an RS400
by Michelle Ryder 8 May 2023 13:42 BST

RS Class Association RS400 demo boats are available for sailors who would like to try an RS400 © Sally Campbell
Are you thinking of joining the RS400 class? If so, come and find out why this class remains so popular, over 25 years after it was launched, with a proactive Class Committee and a super-friendly and welcoming fleet.
The RS Class Association have two demo RS400s, one in England and one in Scotland. Bookings are now being taken for full and half day trials and for more experienced sailors, for RS400 events.
There is a nominal charge which helps to fund the maintenance, storage and transportation of the boats. Priority is given to sailors new to the class, but we can also sometimes accommodate past RS400 sailors looking to re-join the fleet.
The demo boats have been hugely popular and have led to a number of new sailors joining the class. Antony Parker recently sailed one: "When I heard about the RS400 demo that was going around the clubs, I had just had to enquire at Leigh and Lowton to see what this boat was all about," he said. "After speaking with Dave Exley, who kindly offered his time to go through the boat, myself and a friend took the RS400 out for a sail and I was immediately hooked, I needed to find one and join the fun!
"As it happens when we came off the water Dave was there, and I got speaking to him and there happened to be an RS400 for sale at the club. After a couple of days, I was proud to say I am now an RS400 owner looking forward to getting around the buzz area and joining the competitive fleet on the water along with the social events."
Volunteers from the class look after the boats and assist sailors, and our sponsors help maintain the boats. We'd particularly like to thank Andy Powell, Hamish Gledhill, Paul Reynolds, David Swift and Dave Exley and the full Scottish team who have looked after the boats recently as well as the new co-ordinators for 2023 - Michelle Ryder in England and Jon Gay in Scotland. Also, thanks to:
- Rooster
- Rope4Boats
- RS Sailing
- Rain and Sun
- GP Sails
- West Country Boat Repairs
- Zest Boatworks
The English boat is currently at Island Barn West Molesey, Surrey, KT8 2LF, where it will be based for the rest of 2023 aside from potential trips to events and the Nationals.
Island Barn Reservoir is a popular club accessibly located to the southwest of London. The deep-water reservoir is raised, enjoying a clear wind over its wide-open surface, giving open water inland sailing with no overhanding trees, islands or shallows. The RS400 fleet at Island Barn has continued to grow to be over 10 RS400s now.
If you are interested in joining the class, you are invited to contact to book a sail.