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Wetsuit Outlet and Zhik International Moth World Championship Day 3

by Mark Jardine for IMCAUK 14 Jun 2023 23:13 BST 12-18 June 2023

It took a very early start, but racing is finally under way at the Wetsuit Outlet and Zhik International Moth World Championship! Sailors were already busy in the dinghy park at 6am, getting ready for an 8am start, with Yellow fleet the first to hit the water.

A cracking North Easterly breeze of around 15 knots meant the Moths were hitting the high notes as they blitzed around Portland Harbour ahead of racing, with the spray shining in the early morning sunshine.

Race Officer David Campbell-James knew there could be no hanging around, as the wind was set to drop, and he must have been relieved when the sailors played their part and he could signal clean starts in all three races held. As predicted the wind steadily dropped, until it was lowriding conditions in the third race of the morning, which was the first for Blue fleet.

Australian Olympic gold medallist Tom Burton started strongly in Yellow fleet, winning the opening race by a comfortable margin, but followed this up with a 14th in the second race, after adhering too much to the course rather than the conditions as the wind dropped:

"It's good to get one under the belt, I guess. Just disappointing it's not a great first day. I'm expecting that there's gonna be a lot of high scores, if we're going to race in what we did today. In the second race it was just disappointing; I was in a good spot to make it a keeper, and then just kind of raced too 'racey' and not basic enough for the marginal foiling conditions. So, my own fault really - that's why I'm most frustrated.

"I was on the biggest gear I have, for the lightest wind. I tacked when I thought I was close to the lay line. I thought, 'worst case, I just tack at the top again and go the other way,' but I didn't really factor in that maybe there's no wind at the top, and getting a tack in there's going to be difficult! So I just raced too 'racey' really and should have just over-laid by 100 metres like most people, and just reached in and gybed around at the top. It's a rookie error really, so it shouldn't happen - just frustrating."

At the top of the leaderboard, thanks to winning Yellow fleet race 2, is French four-time Olympian and reigning ILCA 7 World Champion Jean-Baptiste Bernaz, who was relieved to finally get out on the water:

"It's great to get sailing. In my group we raced early in the morning, and I had two great starts, with two splashdowns also, but it was enough to win my first World Championship race in this class, so I was pretty happy."

On the regatta itself, with the difficulties around the light wind, Jean-Baptiste is using his vast experience of major events:

"Some regattas you can 'miss' some races when you have a joker [discard] but this one is a bit tricky as you don't have any racing for two days, and then you have to jump back onto it in your first race. I need to keep focused and stay consistent."

British sailor Jack Wetherell was another sailor to have a consistent morning, posting 2,4 results to be on equal points with leader Jean-Baptiste. As he explained, he was extremely happy to post two 'keepers', especially when the conditions became more marginal:

"I'm very happy to survive the day! There was very variable breeze out there. It would have been very easy to come away with a big score that might not necessarily have been your fault. 100% it is 'head out the boat' time. For me, I started racing the breeze, and didn't give any consideration to other boats. I was just looking for breeze that I could guarantee I could foil in. That was the only consideration really!"

Argentinian sailor Mario Segers was sailing well with two results in the teens, but lost a few places in the second Yellow fleet race of the day:

"I dropped off the foils in the second race at the windward mark; it was looking like a good opportunity to be top ten Moth. Annoying! A gust came and I could take off pretty easy so it was not that bad."

On the frustration of falling into a wind hole Mario added:

"The worst part is when you drop off and you see other people just start to go downwind and fast, and you know that you will not get an opportunity to catch them. Nothing! You just have to concentrate in the next gust and hope to take off as early as you can."

In Blue fleet's one and only race of the day, young Kiwi sailor Jacob Pye took the win, lowriding into the finish line when the wind died, which was a stressful moment for him:

"That finish was extremely tense for me! I really didn't know what was going to happen. There were boats coming in from behind me, and I didn't know if they were going to overtake me or not. It was super light and they fell off the foils, and I managed to pip it before them."

When asked whether he'd practiced lowriding at all, just in case he had to during a race, Jacob was very open in his reply:

"If I'm brutally honest, I haven't practised lowriding. I think that when I'm in a race I'm going to be on the foils! It's something you don't expect every day, especially at the Worlds. I was just focussing on making the boat go fast - I really wanted to make it through the finish - I was so focussed on that line!"

Just behind Jacob was German Olympian Philipp Buhl who was very happy to come back through the fleet to take second place:

"Very pleased! I think I was around 10th to 15th in the first half of the first lap, then I got lucky to fly through the first gate, when eight boats in front of me couldn't. That was a good gain.

"Basically, you needed a gust. Obviously foil choice matters, but everybody knew it was going to be a big foil morning. Apart from that, finding the gusts, connecting the gusts, you needed the ability to get your head out of the boat, and go where the wind is. On one downwind I was almost about to fall down, but just didn't."

The USA's Richard Didham finished 11th in his Blue fleet race, but wasn't as lucky when it came to navigating the light patches:

"Specifically, there was this massive hole right at the windward gate. I think only one person made it through that gate on the first lap without falling off the foils. I saw it was getting light there, but I didn't quite judge it correctly, and fell off the foils on the wrong side of the gate. Then I got passed by a bunch of boats who saw a group of us not foiling at the bottom, so they overstood the gate on full foils. So I went from about fourth to 20th. I passed a few boats on the second lap, but it's still kinda frustrating."

After Blue fleet's race the sailors were sent ashore under postponement in the hope that the wind would fill in again from the south-west. Once again it flattered to deceive, every so often raising the sailors' hopes, only to die away shortly after.

It will be another 8am start for the fleet on Thursday, trying to make the most of any breeze that shows up in event which has so far been plagued by light wind.

More photos from the event by Phil Jackson are now live on Digital Sailing's website.

Competitors can download a free low-res version for personal use. Feel free to tag @digitalsailing if you share these photos. You can also purchase watermark free, high resolution downloads and/or prints. There is 50% off these until the 3rd July using the coupon code MOTHWORLDS23 at checkout.

Results after Day 3: (age shows zero for boats built in 2023)

1stYellowFRA4961Jean‑Baptiste BernazCNSMBeiker0Beiker5 1 6
2ndYellowGBR4965Jack WetherellWPNSAMaguire1Aerocet4 2 6
3rdYellowITA3Simone SalvàFraglia Vela MalcesineMaguire1Aerocet3 3 6
4thYellowNZL4959Mathias CouttsManly SCBieker1Moth2 7 9
5thYellowNOR4998Nicolai JacobsenRoyal Hong Kong YCMaguire0Aerocet8 4 12
6thYellowAUS4897Tom BurtonBSCSwift1Swift1 14 15
7thYellowGBR4772Simon HiscocksWPNSAMackay4Bieker9 8 17
8thYellowNZL4842Seb MenziesMurrays Bay SCMackay2Beiker13 5 18
9thYellowAUS4908Robert GreenhalghCYCAMaguire1Aerocet14 6 20
10thYellowUSA4846Lucas CalabreseLauderdale YCMackay2Bieker12 9 21
11thYellowAUS4988Otto HenryWSCMackay1Bieker7 18 25
12thYellowAUS4739Scott WebsterFVMMackay2Bieker17 10 27
13thYellowAUS5001Max GodfroyRFBYCMaguire0Aerocet15 15 30
14thYellowARG4880Mario SegersCNSIManta1Manta16 17 33
15thYellowPOL4950Robert GracyzkNavigo SopotExploder0Bryt6 29 35
16thYellowFRA4728Leo MaurinBrest Bretagne NautismeMaguire3Exocet19 16 35
17thYellowUSA4987Dylan DimarchiKaneoheMackay0Bieker Moth10 28 38
18thYellowGBR4906Alex AdamsWPNSAMaguire2Aerocet P127 12 39
19thYellowGBR4874Ed RedfearnBristol YCWhite Formula1Thinair11 34 45
20thYellowJPN4769Keita YukinoriHayamaMackay2Beiker35 11 46
21stYellowGBR4673David JessopGWSCMaguire4Exocet33 13 46
22ndYellowAUT4634Michael SchonleitnerUYCASRocket4R220 26 46
23rdYellowGBR5012Ben CleggBrightlingsea SCExploder0Exploder23 23 46
24thYellowUSA4770Brooks ReedWest Coast MothMackay3Bieker Moth21 27 48
25thYellowPOL4674Michal KorneszczukYacht Club GdanskMaguire4Exocet30 20 50
26thYellowSUI4675Linus RindsfüserThunersee YachtclubMaguire4Exocet31 21 52
27thYellowAUS4730Harry PriceWSCBieker3Moth28 25 53
28thYellowAUS4985Keagan YorkSt George SCMackay0Bieker39 19 58
29thYellowGER4795Franziska MageBYCMach 24Flying Unicorn36 24 60
30thYellowGBR4905Jeremy HartleyStokes Bay SCMaguire1Aerocet29 33 62
31stYellowGBR4676Andrew BridgmanGuernsey YCMaguire4Excocet24 40 64
32ndBlueNZL4841Jacob PyeManly SCBieker2Moth 1 DNC65
33rdBlueGER4763Philipp BuhlSCAIMaguire1Aerocet 2 DNC66
34thBlueAUS4900Jack FergusonRoyal Sydney Yacht SquadronCawthorne Composites1Swift 3 DNC67
35thBlueGER5000Kai AdolphBYCMaguire0Aerocet 4 DNC68
36thBlueGER4636Paul FerienKYCMaguire5Exocet 5 DNC69
37thYellowGBR4966David SmithwhiteHayling Island SCMaguire1Aerocet32 37 69
38thBlueNZL4845Henry HaslettWakatereMackay2Bieker 6 DNC70
39thBlueFRA9Enzo BalangerLa Pelle MarseilleMackay1Bieker 7 DNC71
40thBlueGBR4968David HiveyWPNSAMaguire1Aerocet 8 DNC72
41stYellowGBR4721Andrew JarvisOxford SCWhite formula3Thinair40 32 72
42ndBlueGBR4990Jason BelbenStokes Bay SCMaguire0Aerocet 9 DNC73
43rdBlueIRL4747Ewan McmahonHowth YCMaguire3Exocet 10 DNC74
44thBlueUSA5Richard DidhamABYCMackay3Bieker 11 DNC75
45thBlueGER4668Fabian GielenLSCHomebuild1Gielen 12 DNC76
46thYellowGER4853Lisa SchweigertSegler Verein WörthseeRocket2R234 42 76
47thBlueUSA4Brad FunkWPNSAMackay3Beiker 13 DNC77
48thYellowGBR4967Christian HamiltonWPNSAMaguire1Aerocet22 55 77
49thBlueNZL4774Jack BennettManly SCBieker3Moth 14 DNC78
50thYellowGER4983Markus SteegSCR Mackay0Bieker18 60 78
51stYellowCAN4887Andrew WoodRoyal Vancouver YCMackay1Bieker43 35 78
52ndBlueUSA4734Ravi ParentNew York YCMackay3Bieker 15 DNC79
53rdBlueNZL4644Stuart GoodesMurrays Bay SCMackay4Bieker 16 DNC80
54thYellowGBR4525Gareth DaviesBlackwater SCMaguire5Exocet26 54 80
55thBlueSUI4829Jann SchuepbachThunersee YachtclubMaguire2Exocet 17 DNC81
56thYellowGER4645David SchafftSelentMackay4Bieker42 39 81
57thBlueUSA4850Helena ScuttSt Francis YCMackay1Bieker 18 DNC82
58thBlueJPN4598Hiroki GotoSailfastMackay4Bieker 19 DNC83
59thYellowGBR4578Andrew FriendNorfolk Punt ClubHomebuild5 53 30 83
60thBlueAUS4899Les ThorpeBalmoral SCCrawthorne Composites1Swift 20 DNC84
61stYellowGBR5011Joe AdamsOxford SCExploder0Exploder37 47 84
62ndYellowGBR4522Josie GliddonNetley SCMaguire6Exocet46 38 84
63rdBlueGBR4946Michael LennonHayling Island SCExploder0Exploder 21 DNC85
64thBlueGBR4945Aaron HolmanWPNSAExploder0Exploder 22 DNC86
65thYellowGBR5010Kyle StonehamPMSExploder0MD325 61 86
66thYellowNZL4964George Lee RushWBCMackay0Bieker41 45 86
67thYellowGBR4992Dan WardStokes Bay SCMaguire0AerocetRET [65] 22 87
68thBlueGBR4826Ross BanhamDatchet Water SCWhite Formula2Thinair 23 DNC87
69thYellowGBR4713Isabelle FellowsYealm YCMaguire3Exocet56 31 87
70thBlueGBR4837Doug PybusQueen Mary SCWhite Formula2Thinair 24 DNC88
71stYellowSUI4591Philippe SchillerSNGMaguire4Exo744 44 88
72ndBlueGER4767Maximillano MägeBYCMackay4Bieker 25 DNC89
73rdBlueGER4701Mathias MenkeBSVHomebuild4CSIV 26 DNC90
74thYellowGER5061Peter SchafftDRSExploder1MD347 43 90
75thBlueGBR4637Paul GliddonNetley SCMaguire5Exocet 27 DNC91
76thYellowGBR4817Phil ReesMumbles YCMaguire2Exocet38 53 91
77thBlueGBR4976Hattie RogersRoyal Lymington YCMaguire1Exocet 28 DNC92
78thBlueGBR4590Chris JeevesBraassemermeerMaguire5Exocet 29 DNC93
79thBlueARG4849Franco GreggiYacht Club ArgentinoMackay1Bieker 30 DNC94
80thYellowGBR4589Adam GoldingHayling Island SCMaguire5Exocet45 49 94
81stBlueGBR4710Ricky TaggHayling Island SCMaguire4Exocet 31 DNC95
82ndYellowCRO4879Luka DoganJK SplitManta2Manta59 36 95
83rdBlueIRL4848Ronan WallaceWHBTCMackay1Bieker 32 DNC96
84thBlueGBR4944Eddie BridleBrightlingsea SCExploder0Exploder 33 DNC97
85thBlueGBR4485Dan HolmanNetley SCMaguire6Exocet 34 DNC98
86thYellowFRA5014Gaetan Le GuilYacht Club de FranceExploder0Exploder52 46 98
87thYellowGBR4808Sam CurtisGold Sails LtdThinair3V250 48 98
88thBlueSUI4350Aymeric BlinCVVTMaguire8Exocet 35 DNC99
89thYellowGBR4442Robert PikeRESCMaguire7Exocet49 50 99
90thBlueGBR3169Brad GibsonMYAHomebuild3BR2 36 DNC100
91stBlueBER4805Emily NagelWPNSAMaguire3Exocet 37 DNC101
92ndBlueGER4700Aaron Merlin MoserBSVHomebuild4CSIF 38 DNC102
93rdYellowNED3794Daan VisBraassmermeerMcgonigie13Mack251 51 102
94thBlueAUS4875Luka DamicSt George SCDamic2Swift 39 DNC103
95thBlueGBR4902Jack HawkinsRestronguetFluid Composites1Maverik 40 DNC104
96thYellowSUI4896Antonin RadueSNRCrawthorne Composites1SwiftDNC 41 105
97thBlueGBR4386Andy JeffriesEastbourne SovereignMaguire9Excocet 41 DNC105
98thBlueFIN4895Antti KeurulainenESFCawthorne1Swift 42 DNC106
99thYellowGBR4854Matthew LeaRutland SCAardvark1Rocket V348 58 106
100thBlueGBR4999Henry WetherellWPNSAMaguire0Aerocet 43 DNC107
101stBlueGBR4208Tom LambertNetley SCRocket9Rocket 44 DNC108
102ndBlueGBR4758Ed GatehouseHayling Island SCMaguire3Exocet 45 DNC109
103rdYellowGBR4096Tim FreemanWarsash SCMaguire10Exocet57 52 109
104thBlueSLO5036Luka TomoriJK Pirat PortorozCawthorne Composites0Swift 46 DNC110
105thYellowGER4697Christophe ZeiserYCRAMaguire4Exocet54 56 110
106thBlueSUI4404Adriano PetrinoHellerup SCMach 28Mach 2.6 47 DNC111
107thBlueIRL4517Neil O'TooleNYCVoodoo6Voodoo 48 DNC112
108thBlueGBR4036Paul MyerscoughDerwentMaguire10Excocet 49 DNC113
109thBlueGBR4705Alex BaroneCardiff University SCRocket7R2 50 DNC114
110thBlueGBR4951James PhareWPNSAExploder1Exploder 51 DNC115
111thBlueGBR4343Joe WaltersSouthampton University SCHomebuild8Lunar 52 DNC116
112thBlueUSA4847Ben RosenbergSail NewportMackay1Bieker 53 DNC117
113thYellowGBR4048Jonathan PeatsCCSCMaguire9Exocet60 57 117
114thBlueGBR4545James SainsburyRutland SCHomebuild1Quarantini 54 DNC118
115thBlueGBR4669SMHayling Island SCMaguire2Exocet 55 DNC119
115thYellowUSA8Harry MelgesLGYCMackay1Bieker55 DNC 119
117thBlueESP4863Marc VerdaguerNautic N'escalaExploder2Exploder 56 DNC120
118thYellowGBR4881David ChisholmHayling Island SCHomebuild2Oxcart A‑12 v461 59 120
119thBlueGBR4779Orkun SoyerDraycote Water SCShock3Sho 57 DNC121
120thYellowGBR4361Donald SmithASYCMach8Mach 2.358 DNC 122
120thBlueGER4489Sebastian PruterSVAGVoodoo6Voodoo 58 DNC122
122ndBlueGBR4534Graham BridleBrightlingsea SCMaguire7Excocet DNC DNC128
122ndYellowITA4907Fabio MazzettiCircolo Vela ArcoMach 21Mach 2.6DNC DNC 128
122ndBlueUSA4643Ripley ShelleyLGYCMackay5Bieker DNC DNC128
125thBlueCAN4960Graeme SutherlandRoyal Vancouver YCMackay1Bieker UFD [65] DNC129
125thBlueUSA4986Riley GibbsSTFYCMackay0Bieker UFD [65] DNC129
125thBlueUSA4738Michael MenningerSTFYCMackay3Bieker UFD [65] DNC129
125thBlueGBR4830Craig BurltonNetley SCMaguire4Exocet UFD [65] DNC129

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