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Wetsuit Outlet and Zhik International Moth World Championship Overall

by Mark Jardine for IMCAUK 19 Jun 2023 15:36 BST 12-18 June 2023

It wasn't supposed to go like this. After being initially postponed in 2020 for obvious reasons, the 2023 Wetsuit Outlet and Zhik International Moth World Championship at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy (WPNSA) should have been rewarded with the amazing South Westerly winds and perfect foiling conditions that Portland Harbour is renowned for. Instead, the high pressure system that was locked over the UK provided fickle and feeble easterlies.

In the end, after seven days, just two races were completed for the two qualifying groups. Principal Race Officer David Campbell-James did all he possibly could to run racing over the week, and the groups were alternately sent out into the harbour when conditions looked hopeful, once even managing a start which had to be abandoned after the first leg with half the fleet still languishing at the start line while the leader rounded the windward mark. It simply wouldn't have been fair racing to let it run on.

Reducing the number of races needed to make this a valid championship was also looked at, but the consensus was that this wouldn't have been satisfactory, and as the hours, minutes and seconds ticked by on the final day of the event, it became increasingly obvious that the 2023 Moth World Championship title wasn't going to be awarded.

A low-key prize-giving was held at the WPNSA, which was understandably subdued, but there was a warm round of applause for all the volunteers who have given up their time to run the event. From mark layers, safety boats, the committee boat team, the dinghy park team, the caterers, and many more, they'd all got up for early starts and happily carried out their role. For the organisers, this was an event five years in the planning, and they were understandably so upset that the racing was disrupted.

There was also massive appreciation for all the sailors who had travelled from all corners of the world to compete. They'd invested time, effort, and money, and for the wind not to show up is cruel on everybody. The venue is fondly known as 'Foiltown' as it's usually so reliable with its wind and perfect flat water, but it was far from that last week.

It wasn't all doom and gloom in Portland, and the chat and banter in the dinghy park was superb. Discussions about the class and developments were had aplenty, and many laughs shared. The class itself is in rude health, as demonstrated by the strong and deep entry list, and the range of new designs sailing. Very good second-hand boats are now available at more affordable price points, so there's never been a better time to get into the class.

Video discussions were held with elder statesmen and female competitors at the event, which looked back at the beginnings of foiling, where the class is today and how it's developing, as well as future training camps which can be such a good way of making your first steps in foiling sailing. These will be must-watch videos for years to come and have already led to much further discussion. The female contingent is not only strong, but also hugely proactive in encouraging and helping more sailors come into the class.

When it comes to the youth, a star is born in Jacob Pye. The 17-year-old Kiwi won the UK Open prior to the Worlds, and recorded first places in the two races he sailed at the World Championship. He's grown up through the Starling, O'pen Skiff, 29er and WASZP classes and, together with fellow Manly Sailing Club youth sailors Mattias Coutts and Jack Bennett, we saw the next generation of foiling superstars this week.

There are many other young sailors coming up through the ranks as well, such as France's Enzo Balanger who finished sixth overall, and Norway's Nicolai Jacobsen in eighth.

So many champions from other classes are also drawn to the Moth, such as four-time Laser / ILCA 7 Olympian and reigning ILCA 7 World Champion Jean-Baptiste Bernaz from France who finished second overall, Germany's 2020 ILCA 7 World Champion Philipp Buhl who finished ninth, Rio 2016 Olympic champion Tom Burton from Australia who finished eleventh, and the USA's Ravi Parent, who recently won both the A Class Catamaran and Formula 18 World Championship, finishing nineteenth. There are so many more I could mention, plus some who couldn't compete due to SailGP or America's Cup commitments.

Just as important are the weekend sailors, the homebuilders, and those just starting out on their foiling Moth journeys. They bring so much fun and energy to the class and ensure it will remain strong for years and years to come.

It was without doubt a difficult week for all, but the Moth class is as healthy as it has ever been. The sailors will all go home with new ideas and new friends, the class will continue to evolve, and the WPNSA will host many future events in perfect wind conditions.

Finally, a huge thank you to the event sponsors: joint headline sponsors Wetsuit Outlet and Zhik, together with supporting sponsors Quantum Sails, Marlow, Allen, Maguire Boats, Shock Sailing, Blueteq and CST Composites.

Overall Results:

PosNatSail NoHelmClubBuilderModelYear BuiltR1R2Pts
1stNZL4841Jacob PyeManly SCBiekerMoth2021112
2ndFRA4961Jean‑Baptiste BernazCNSMBeikerBeiker2023516
3rdGBR4965Jack WetherellWPNSAMaguireAerocet2022426
4thITA3Simone SalvàFraglia Vela MalcesineMaguireAerocet2022336
5thGER5000Kai AdolphBYCMaguireAerocet2023448
6thFRA9Enzo BalangerLa Pelle MarseilleMackayBieker2022729
7thNZL4959Mathias CouttsManly SCBiekerMoth2022279
8thNOR4998Nicolai JacobsenRoyal Hong Kong YCMaguireAerocet20238412
9thGER4763Philipp BuhlSCAIMaguireAerocet202221113
10thUSA5Richard DidhamABYCMackayBieker202011314
11thAUS4897Tom BurtonBSCSwiftSwift202211415
12thNZL4845Henry HaslettWakatereMackayBieker20216915
13thGBR4772Simon HiscocksWPNSAMackayBieker20199817
14thNZL4842Seb MenziesMurrays Bay SCMackayBeiker202113518
15thGER4636Paul FerienKYCMaguireExocet201851318
16thAUS4908Robert GreenhalghCYCAMaguireAerocet202214620
17thUSA4846Lucas CalabreseLauderdale YCMackayBieker202112921
18thGBR4968David HiveyWPNSAMaguireAerocet202281422
19thUSA4734Ravi ParentNew York YCMackayBieker202015823
20thGBR4990Jason BelbenStokes Bay SCMaguireAerocet202391524
21stAUS4988Otto HenryWSCMackayBieker202271825
22ndIRL4747Ewan McmahonHowth YCMaguireExocet2020101626
23rdAUS4900Jack FergusonRoyal Sydney Yacht SquadronCawthorne CompositesSwift202232427
24thAUS4739Scott WebsterFVMMackayBieker2021171027
25thAUS5001Max GodfroyRFBYCMaguireAerocet2023151530
26thARG4880Mario SegersCNSIMantaManta2022161733
27thSUI4829Jann SchuepbachThunersee YachtclubMaguireExocet2021171734
28thPOL4950Robert GracyzkNavigo SopotExploderBryt202362935
29thGER4767Maximillano MägeBYCMackayBieker2019251035
30thUSA4Brad FunkWPNSAMackayBeiker2020132235
31stFRA4728Leo MaurinBrest Bretagne NautismeMaguireExocet2020191635
32ndUSA4987Dylan DimarchiKaneoheMackayBieker Moth2023102838
33rdIRL4848Ronan WallaceWHBTCMackayBieker202232739
34thGBR4906Alex AdamsWPNSAMaguireAerocet P12021271239
34thGBR4637Paul GliddonNetley SCMaguireExocet2018271239
36thUSA4850Helena ScuttSt Francis YCMackayBieker2022182543
37thGBR4874Ed RedfearnBristol YCWhite FormulaThinair2022113445
38thJPN4769Keita YukinoriHayamaMackayBeiker2021351146
39thGBR4673David JessopGWSCMaguireExocet2019331346
40thAUT4634Michael SchonleitnerUYCASRocketR22019202646
41stGBR5012Ben CleggBrightlingsea SCExploderExploder2023232346
42ndGBR4946Michael LennonHayling Island SCExploderExploder2023212647
43rdGER4668Fabian GielenLSCHomebuildGielen2022123648
44thNZL4644Stuart GoodesMurrays Bay SCMackayBieker2019163248
45thUSA4770Brooks ReedWest Coast MothMackayBieker Moth2020212748
46thPOL4674Michal KorneszczukYacht Club GdanskMaguireExocet2019302050
47thGBR4944Eddie BridleBrightlingsea SCExploderExploder2023331851
48thSUI4675Linus RindsfüserThunersee YachtclubMaguireExocet2019312152
48thGBR4710Ricky TaggHayling Island SCMaguireExocet2019312152
50thAUS4730Harry PriceWSCBiekerMoth2020282553
51stGER4701Mathias MenkeBSVHomebuildCSIV2019262753
52ndGBR4837Doug PybusQueen Mary SCWhite FormulaThinair2021243054
53rdSUI4350Aymeric BlinCVVTMaguireExocet2015352055
54thJPN4598Hiroki GotoSailfastMackayBieker2019193756
55thGBR4826Ross BanhamDatchet Water SCWhite FormulaThinair2021233457
56thAUS4985Keagan YorkSt George SCMackayBieker2023391958
57thGBR4976Hattie RogersRoyal Lymington YCMaguireExocet2022283159
58thAUS4899Les ThorpeBalmoral SCCrawthorne CompositesSwift2022204060
59thGER4795Franziska MageBYCMach 2Flying Unicorn2019362460
60thFIN4895Antti KeurulainenESFCawthorneSwift2022421961
61stGBR4905Jeremy HartleyStokes Bay SCMaguireAerocet2022293362
62ndGBR4676Andrew BridgmanGuernsey YCMaguireExcocet2019244064
63rdNZL4774Jack BennettManly SCBiekerMoth2020145165
64thBER4805Emily NagelWPNSAMaguireExocet2020372865
65thGBR4966David SmithwhiteHayling Island SCMaguireAerocet2022323769
66thUSA4986Riley GibbsSTFYCMackayBieker2023UFD570
67thUSA4738Michael MenningerSTFYCMackayBieker2020UFD671
68thARG4849Franco GreggiYacht Club ArgentinoMackayBieker2022304272
69thGBR4721Andrew JarvisOxford SCWhite formulaThinair2020403272
70thGBR4485Dan HolmanNetley SCMaguireExocet2017343872
71stGBR4590Chris JeevesBraassemermeerMaguireExocet2018294675
72ndSUI4404Adriano PetrinoHellerup SCMach 2Mach 2.62015472976
73rdGER4853Lisa SchweigertSegler Verein WörthseeRocketR22021344276
74thGBR4967Christian HamiltonWPNSAMaguireAerocet2022225577
75thGER4983Markus SteegSCR MackayBieker2023186078
76thCAN4887Andrew WoodRoyal Vancouver YCMackayBieker2022433578
77thGBR4525Gareth DaviesBlackwater SCMaguireExocet2018265480
78thGER4645David SchafftSelentMackayBieker2019423981
79thGBR4386Andy JeffriesEastbourne SovereignMaguireExcocet2014414182
80thGBR4578Andrew FriendNorfolk Punt ClubHomebuild 2018533083
81stGBR4208Tom LambertNetley SCRocketRocket2014443983
82ndGBR4902Jack HawkinsRestronguetFluid CompositesMaverik2022404383
83rdGBR5011Joe AdamsOxford SCExploderExploder2023374784
84thGBR4522Josie GliddonNetley SCMaguireExocet2017463884
85thGBR4945Aaron HolmanWPNSAExploderExploder202322DNC86
86thGBR5010Kyle StonehamPMSExploderMD32023256186
87thNZL4964George Lee RushWBCMackayBieker2023414586
88thGBR4992Dan WardStokes Bay SCMaguireAerocet2023RET2287
89thUSA4643Ripley ShelleyLGYCMackayBieker2018DNC2387
90thGBR4713Isabelle FellowsYealm YCMaguireExocet2020563187
91stGER4700Aaron Merlin MoserBSVHomebuildCSIF2019384987
92ndSUI4591Philippe SchillerSNGMaguireExo72019444488
93rdGBR3169Brad GibsonMYAHomebuildBR22020365490
94thGER5061Peter SchafftDRSExploderMD32022474390
95thGBR4817Phil ReesMumbles YCMaguireExocet2021385391
96thIRL4517Neil O'TooleNYCVoodooVoodoo2017484492
97thGBR4758Ed GatehouseHayling Island SCMaguireExocet2020454893
98thGBR4589Adam GoldingHayling Island SCMaguireExocet2018454994
99thCRO4879Luka DoganJK SplitMantaManta2021593695
100thAUS4875Luka DamicSt George SCDamicSwift2021395897
101stGBR4830Craig BurltonNetley SCMaguireExocet2019UFD3398
102ndGBR4999Henry WetherellWPNSAMaguireAerocet2023435598
103rdFRA5014Gaetan Le GuilYacht Club de FranceExploderExploder2023524698
104thGBR4808Sam CurtisGold Sails LtdThinairV22020504898
105thSLO5036Luka TomoriJK Pirat PortorozCawthorne CompositesSwift2023465399
106thGBR4442Robert PikeRESCMaguireExocet2016495099
107thCAN4960Graeme SutherlandRoyal Vancouver YCMackayBieker2022UFD35100
108thGBR4705Alex BaroneCardiff University SCRocketR220165050100
109thGBR4669SMHayling Island SCMaguireExocet20215547102
110thNED3794Daan VisWvbraassmermeerMcgonigieMack220105151102
111thGBR4343Joe WaltersSouthampton University SCHomebuildLunar20155252104
112thSUI4896Antonin RadueSNRCrawthorne CompositesSwift2022DNC41105
113thGBR4854Matthew LeaRutland SCAardvarkRocket V320224858106
114thGBR4036Paul MyerscoughDerwentMaguireExcocet20134959108
115thGBR4534Graham BridleBrightlingsea SCMaguireExcocet2016DNC45109
116thGBR4096Tim FreemanWarsash SCMaguireExocet20135752109
117thUSA4847Ben RosenbergSail NewportMackayBieker20225357110
118thGER4697Christophe ZeiserYCRAMaguireExocet20195456110
119thESP4863Marc VerdaguerNautic N'escalaExploderExploder20215656112
120thGBR4951James PhareWPNSAExploderExploder20225162113
121stGBR4545James SainsburyRutland SCHomebuildQuarantini20225461115
122ndGBR4048Jonathan PeatsCCSCMaguireExocet20146057117
123rdGER4489Sebastian PruterSVAGVoodooVoodoo20175860118
124thUSA8Harry MelgesLGYCMackayBieker202255DNC119
125thGBR4881David ChisholmHayling Island SCHomebuildOxcart A‑12 v420216159120
126thGBR4779Orkun SoyerDraycote Water SCShockSho202057DNC121
127thGBR4361Donald SmithASYCMachMach 2.3201558DNC122
128thITA4907Fabio MazzettiCircolo Vela ArcoMach 2Mach 2.62022DNCDNC128

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