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Global Solo Challenge: The means to the dreams for Juan Merediz

by Margherita Pelaschier 4 Aug 2023 14:22 BST
Waypoint © Pep Portas

The only Spanish sailor entered in the Global Solo Challenge, Juan Merediz, is courageously and passionately leading this campaign to fulfill his dream of completing a solo round-the-world circumnavigation. On this journey of dreams and hopes, his boat, Waypoint, is the first starting and reference point for this great project.

"It's the first time I have a boat, so imagine how much I'm in love with it." Juan talks about and describes his boat openly, with the experience of a true sailor, and with all the passion that his Mediterranean heart can express. "I'm happy that my family is the primary support for me; it's a great help," indeed, the other pillar of his life is his family.

Juan had clear ideas about which boat to choose for the GSC, a first-generation Class40 Pogo 40S, the same model chosen by the French Gouin.

"I believe a Class40 is perfect, as it's an ocean-going, fast, and easy-to-handle boat, but at the same time challenging if you want to fully make the most of its capabilities. I found this boat quite randomly on the Class40 website. I got in touch with the owner Cargo Damir, a Croatian entrepreneur, to whom I will always be grateful for his crucial help that has made it possible for me to be here today. I visited him in Split, and there was immediately great harmony between the two of us."

Waypoint is Class40 number 69, designed by Finot-Conq and built at the Structures shipyard. It was the flagship of the yard in the years when it was introduced as a model. Merediz's boat is a slightly modified Class40, sportier, optimized in terms of weight, and in its most competitive version. She has a good track record, having won the Quebec - Saint Malo in 2008, skippered by Halvard Mabire. It has made at least four other Atlantic crossings and many Mediterranean races, such as "Roma x 2" and the "500 x 2". It has changed owners three times before landing in Spain.

"We are changing the flag from Croatian to Spanish, but I wanted to keep the name that Damir had given the boat, Waypoint, the same name as his boat rental business in Split. In fact, the Class40 was his, and he did not charter it out but used it for pleasure and competition. It was his jewel; he liked this boat a lot, and I think it's right to continue to call her by her original name."

Juan has brought the boat from Split and spent most of his time preparing her, making modifications mainly related to onboard electric systems. Other changes focused particularly on trimming, rudder angles, and mast trim, all for the purpose of making the boat as fast and safe as possible. Currently, Juan is working on the installation of five watertight compartments, as required by the race regulations.

Determined to prepare his boat to face every challenge and not just the extreme conditions of the Great South, Merediz aims to make his boat fast, safe, and well-balanced, regardless of the stretch of sea to be navigated. For Juan, the choice of the type of boat, which must maintain stability of course and speed, is fundamental for the safety and speed of the journey.

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