Check out the line up for the 36th Annual Chesapeake Bay Gam
by Seven Seas Cruising Association 5 Sep 2023 17:47 BST
September 29 - October 1, 2023

Maryland Yacht Club, Pasadena MD © SSCA
For the Chesapeake GAM and Conference, Sept 29 to Oct 1, 2023, Seven Seas Cruising Association has a roster of excellent speakers to help inform cruisers.
Located at the Maryland Yacht Club, Pasadena Maryland, boaters have anchorage, slips at a discount, and free parking. This is an event for and with cruisers, and the opportunity to ask your passaging questions. This years Saturday night, Dinner/Key Note speakers are Jamie and Behan Gifford presenting "Ready enough: Perception, Reality and a Plan to Go" The Giffords are well known, and beloved in the cruising community for their efforts in informing and teaching cruisers. They are known for their theme ( of DreamWorthy to Seaworthy, as both sailing coaches and instructors. If you plan to sail the Bay or Head South, or plan to cruise in the future, this SSCA GAM has something for you!
Join Marine Weather Center's, Chris Parker, who will discuss "Passage Making and Weather Considerations." His presentation is not to be missed with the new patterns of El Nino. Well known and respected, Curtis Stokes will present "Buying and Selling a Boat, Essentials of a Good Survey." This topic is critical for cruisers, due to the fact this highlights the key items necessary for any boat transaction. Not only that, but cruisers can use the same checklist for part of their boat checks.
For those provisioning Deb Rapp will cover "Provisioning and Cooking Underway," one way to keep a happy crew! Meet Frank Lanier " with his seminar on " Seven Ways to Murder Your Diesel Engine." Then continue with our navigation series of seminars with Waterway Guide's Ed Tillett on "Navigating with Today's Technology."
Followed by seminars on marine charting, with Aqua Map's, Giorgio Ghiggini - "Deep Dive into Aqua Maps." This is your opportunity to meet the developer and owner, who has come all the way from Italy to visit with cruisers. Following the mapping and charting seminar, then join well known BOB423, Bill Sherer - "Heading South on the ICW."
Medical topics such as concerns, needs and sailing when disabled will be addressed by medical professionals. "Offshore and Near shore Communications Options" is presented by cruiser and professional engineer/inventor Luis Soltero. Luis is well known for his years of successful efforts with communications engineering, message compression, device design, and implementation.
Meet and learn from another professional engineer and now licensed survey engineer, Commodore Scott Berg who will cover " Energy Optimization for Your Boat." Gowrie Group's Scott Stusek (Risk Strategies/Gowrie Group) will be available to answer your questions on boat insurance. Then meet Dick (Richard) Marsh, just returned from a transatlantic, with his seminar. " A Cruising Retrospect- First Time Atlantic Crossing." And to complete this broad scope, join Hilary Howes for our popular " Women's Forum Host/Women Who Sail." Nica Waters speaks on and provides her guidance during "Tips for Successful Fitness and Cruising While Underway" always important to keep in shape during trips. Joyce and Ziya Gun present "Chartering Considerations"
Join SSCA for three days of seminars. The two tracks (two presentation areas) format will offer those attending the opportunity to learn, meet with other cruisers and gain ideas for their cruising goals. Friday Happy Hour and Potluck part of our "Heading South" series, allows attendees to meet and greet others, find groups heading south they can chat with. Find the details and register at, Discounted slips are first come first served and attendee numbers are limited to the facility regulations, sign up as soon as possible to reserve your seat, slip and meals!
Register here