Bart's Bash 2023 at Lymington Town Sailing Club
by Clare Sleigh 18 Sep 2023 17:31 BST
16 September 2023

Bart's Bash Race 2023 at Lymington Town SC © Clare Sleigh
Saturday 16th September dawned clear, warm and calm for Bart's Bash 2023 at Lymington Town Sailing Club, but not calm enough to put off over 60 club members who had arrived to join in this annual fundraising event.
The Club lawn and slipway area were brimming with 40 dinghies ranging from Optimists, Fevas and LR Scows, to Musto Skiffs, RS400s and a Flying Fifteen.
Our RO Geoff Havers set an inshore course to keep everyone out of the strong tide and make the most of the light wind. In Lymington this inevitably means that some of the dinghies will have to get themselves off the mud to keep sailing, but adds to the fun.
Our youngest competitors rose to the challenge on the day, and were racing until the end, even though they had to sail back up the river to get home.
The spirit of the day is about having the opportunity to take part in sailing. This was demonstrated throughout the fleet, with close racing on the water, huge support from our volunteer safety crews and race officers, and a donation for the Andrew Simpson Foundation to use to support more of the sailing that we all enjoy.