Oldest videos from the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race
by Magnus Smith 14 Jan 2024 12:00 GMT

Sydney Hobart Yacht Race start 1950 © Reueters
Our video archive is fully searchable, and linked to all the clubs and classes in our database. It is updated weekly with the latest videos of sailing, and whilst lots of Rolex Sydney Hobart 2023 videos were added just last week, here we will delve into the past, and round-up all the old footage we can find.
We start with an early video, just three years after the iconic race first started. See the start of the 1948 race below. It features 'Morna', 'Mistral', 'Nautilus', 'Defiance' and more - plus some group shots of the 28 starters.
The footage from the 1950 start is much shorter, and mentions there were only 15 starters. As above, the Pom narrator's voice will be a delight to any Aussie's ear...
Jumping ahead many years, 43 yachts start in 1963 is the next we can offer you.
We have more from the sixties: 1965 race coverage.
Then the 1966 start shows 46 yachts leaving the harbour. There is footage of Peggy Slater helming 'Nam Sang' through the Heads in the lead.
A very jolly soundtrack accompanies the narration for the 1970 race summary.
Finally we have moved far enough ahead to have colour footage! This Sydney Hobart race 1977 documentary which was broadcast on ABC. 130 yachts entered, apparently. There are several interviews. Sadly, we cannot embed the video, so we have to...
Now for a more personal story, with Sydney to Hobart 1990 aboard 'Bobsled', thanks to David Mackay. Again, we cannot embed the video, so we have to...
Below is a 26 minute promotional film made about the Telstra Sydney Hobart 1997 (won by 'Brindabella') which starts with a little footage of 'Morning Glory' winning the 1996 race.
What of the other decades?
Do you know the location of any other Sydney Hobart videos from before the year 2000? We would love to share these with other sailors. You can submit video links to us for immediate review.
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