Marine craft construction a national priority
by Boating Industry Association 10 Jan 2024 06:31 GMT

Marine craft construction a national priority © Boating Industry Association
BIA has successfully secured recognition by the Federal Government of the ongoing value and demand for boat builders and shipwrights across Australia.
When BIA heard these trades were not on the national priority list in 2023, it set in train a series of direct engagements with the Federal Departments of Employment and Workplace Relations, and Jobs and Skills.
BIA welcomed Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O'Connor's recent news the Federal Government has reinstated the trades Boat Builder and Repairer, and Shipwright to the Australian Apprenticeship Priority List.
BIA also acknowledges and applauds those industry members who responded to a BIA's value and demand survey which provided valuable current data with which to press for the inclusion of these trades on the Priority List.
Inclusion on the Priority List means employers have access to Federal funding via a wage subsidy to support new apprentices signed up from 1 January; further information on incentives is available here.
The Australian Apprenticeship Priority List will be used by the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System (AAIS), to provide additional financial support to apprentices, trainees and their employers in order to boost apprentice numbers and support completions in priority occupations.
An eligible full-time apprentice may receive up to $10,000 over the duration of their apprenticeship to help with cost-of-living pressures, while an employer may receive support of up to $15,000 over the duration of the apprenticeship.
These payments are aimed at encouraging apprentices and trainees to pursue work in areas of skills shortage, complete their training, and go on to have successful long-term careers.
For more information visit the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List website.