ILCAs in the Frostbite Series 2023/24 at Queen Mary Sailing Club - Week 9
by Tony Woods 19 Feb 2024 14:37 GMT
18 February 2024
Race 1
Eighteen ILCAs turned out for races 17 and 18 on week 9 of the QMSC Frostbite Series- the rain had passed and RO Mike Pryer set a good 4 lap course in the 10-18 knt westerly wind.
Chris Ellyatt, Guy Noble and Michael Hicks were just back from the Masters Worlds in Australia and were keen to get going. The fleet got away first time with the boats getting lifted off the line, wiping out what seemed to have been a pin bias. Generally the pressure seemed to favour the right hand side, but as always at QM there were shifts to be had from the left too.
Tony Woods rounded first, hotly pursued by Chris and Guy who demonstrated their exceptional down wind speed on the first run - Chris overhauling Tony on the right of the run (left side of the course) with more pressure. Neil Peters made an attempt to decapitate Guy while capsizing in a strong gust. On the next upwind Tony managed to recover the lead by staying a bit further right. Guy and Chris were never far away and were very much in contention down the reaches. The third beat the breeze went very soft and patchy but Tony managed to pull away and they finished Tony 1st, Chris 2nd, Guy 3rd.
Race 2
The second race also got away first time. John Curran won the pin and looked to be in a good position, for about thirty seconds. The wind immediately shifted right and all those towards the pin end lost out. Chris Ellyatt tacked off taking several sterns and promptly sailed into less pressure putting him in the pack. Mike Bean and Guy carried on, Guy taking a small lefty in increased pressure.
Andrew Whittaker got over to the right after the start keeping clear air and staying in pressure. Andrew, Mike B and Guy rounded the top mark in that order. Andrew and Guy gradually pulled ahead of Mike B giving them the opportunity to do some rather careful match racing. A small error by Andrew on the final beat let Guy establish a narrow lead which he held to the finish. Neil Peters (AKA Stick Daring) had a good tussle with Tony Woods and Chris Ellyatt. Tony eventually managed to pass Neil P and Mike B.
Race 2 finished Guy 1st, Andrew 2nd, Tony 3rd and Mike B 4th.
Next weekend is QM's big Sunday. Anyone wishing to come along and experience the great ILCA /Laser racing should come and join in. Big fleets, often 20+ boats, great course and excellent race management makes it a must for anyone wanting to sharpen up their pre-season racing.
Results can be found here.