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Pascoe's emphatic victory in the Seldén Sailjuice Winter Series 2023/24

by Andy Rice 6 Mar 2024 17:34 GMT
Winner Sam Pascoe with podium finishers Ben Flower and Sam Barker - Prizegiving for the Seldén Sailjuice Winter Series 2023/24 © Tim Olin /

It's hard to recall a more dominant performance in the Seldén Sailjuice Winter Series, with Sam Pascoe winning all but one of the six events in which he competed. Not since 2011 has a Musto Skiff won the Seldén Sailjuice Winter Series, when Andrew Peake took the overall prize.

Sam Pascoe showed signs of greatness last season when he finished runner-up at the GJW Direct Bloody Mary. Winning this year's Bloody Mary was one of many high points in the Castle Cove competitor's winter season.

Usually the Musto Skiff is raced almost exclusively on windward-leeward courses. One-sail reaching is very difficult, standing on the trapeze and trying to sheet in and ease the mainsheet one-handed as the tiller hand works to luff and bear away through every gust and lull. But Pascoe knew he was going to have to improve his skills in this area if he was going to be successful over the winter.

Huge range of courses and conditions

The huge diversity of course configurations in the Seldén Sailjuice Winter Series demands an ability to think and respond in the blink of an eye to changes of wind speed and direction, as well as the high-traffic hecticness of 93 different types of sailing craft in limited space.

Through all the randomness of multiclass handicap racing and some really challenging wind conditions, Pascoe managed to win at the:

  • Fernhurst Books Draycote Dash
  • Datchet Flyer
  • Gill Grafham Grand Prix (Fast Fleet)
  • GJW Direct Bloody Mary
  • Tiger Trophy

The only one that Pascoe attended but didn't manage to win was the last of the Series, the Oxford Blue, when he finished in third behind winner Luke Fisher's RS Vareo and Matt Mee and Chris Robinson's GP14.

A tale of two Sams

Pascoe travelled the circuit together with fellow Ovington Boats employee Sam Barker with their double-stacker from Dorset. The two Sams added an extra metre to their mainsheets to be able to cope with all the trapeze reaching in the Series and their boathandling got better throughout the events, also being pushed hard by other Musto Skiffers from Stokes Bay SC, Rob Richardson and Dan Vincent (fourth overall in the Series).

After all his efforts travelling up and down the country to different events, Sam Pascoe was gutted not to be able to make the prize-giving at the RYA Dinghy Show. But with a prior commitment to attending a friend's wedding, it was top 2.4m keelboat sailor and Sam's sister Megan Pascoe who came up to accept the overall trophy on her brother's behalf. She said Sam will be back next year but most probably it will be competing off a more difficult PY number set by the Great Lakes handicapping group.

Ben Flower has been as committed as he can be to attending events in the Seldén Sailjuice Winter Series whilst campaigning hard on the Olympic circuit in his ILCA7. With the ILCA7 World Championships taking place early in the year in Australia, Flower was absent from some of the events but made a return for the Oxford Blue and did enough to hold on to second place overall ahead of two Musto Skiffs in third and fourth overall, respectively Sam Barker and Dan Vincent.

Coaching on the horizon

Young sailors from Draycote Water, Imogen Wade and Hugo Valentine, were solid performers throughout the series in their 420 and were fifth overall ahead of Oxford Blue winner Luke Fisher in his RS Vareo.

While the Seldén Sailjuice Winter Series continues to attract Great Britain's very best amateur sailors, and even a few from the professional ranks, the organisers are looking to extend the appeal to young up-and-coming sailors who can't necessarily afford new boats or coaching support.

Three-time winner of the Series, Simon Horsfield, is looking to offer remote and on-site coaching for next winter's events, and there are moves to create favourable handicap numbers that take account of older boats being slower than their brand new equivalents.

There will be an online forum on 26 March to discuss the Future of Handicapping in great detail. You can sign up here:

Simon Lovesey and Andy Rice are keen to work with class associations looking to increase engagement and activity, so please send an email to if you want to talk through ideas and ways of building interest and activity on the water.

You can find out more about the Series at with the full results shown at (also below).

Previous winners of the series:

2023/24 Sam Pascoe (Musto Skiff)
2022/23 Peter Gray & Geoff Edwards (Osprey)
2021/22 Roger Gilbert & Ben McGrane (505)
2020/21 Simon Horsfield & Katie Burridge/ Natalie Johnson (2000)
2019/20 Simon Horsfield & Katie Burridge (2000)
2018/19 Simon Horsfield & Katie Burridge (2000)
2017/18 Alistair Goodwin (Laser)
2016/17 Matt Mee & Emma Norris (RS200)
2015/16 Ian Dobson & Andy Tunnicliffe (GP14)
2014/15 Nick Craig & various crews (Merlin Rocket)
2013/14 Michael Sims (Solo)
2012/13 Tom Gillard & Simon Potts (Fireball)
2011/12 Peter Gray & Rachael Rhodes (Scorpion)
2010/11 Andy Peake (Musto Skiff)
2009/10 Olly Turner & Richard Whitworth (Merlin Rocket)

Overall Results of 2023/24 series: (showing boats that competed in two or more events)

1Musto SkiffSam PASCOE 1.792.29 7.161 1.745.216.82
2ILCA 7 / LaserBen FLOWER 8.959.1810.747.4629  6.9532.54
3Musto SkiffSam BARKER 16.1118.36  6 10.4312.1744.7
4Musto SkiffDan VINCENT  391 21.48197.165.21 52.85
5420Imogen WADEHugo VALENTINE42.964.59  534.776.95 59.27
6RS VareoLuke FISHER 44.7552.78 11.193438.1929.541.7476.47
7ILCA 7 / LaserJamie BLAKE 26.85558 59.672523.8734.7619.1294.83
8RS Aero 6Ellie CRAIG 34132.13   52.5139.9715.64121.75
9RS200Ben WHALEYLorna GLEN66.2320.65  36  17.38140.26
10National 18Oliver HOUSEMANSteve WATTON    2828.6433274.73164.39
11OspreyRoger BLAKEJonathan OSGOOD55.4980.32 49.511250.1260.8397.32167.12
12505Roger GILBERTIan MITCHELL 114.74 35.8 14.328.69 173.55
13ChallengerVal MILLWARD 28.6427.54 85.77  53.8767.78177.83
14ILCA 6 / Laser RadialFinlay COCHRANE  59.6739.3893.23111313599 189.16
15Devoti D‑ZeroThomas SOUTHWELL 53.757.37 114.26 57.2843.4534.76189.18
16Musto SkiffRobert RICHARDSON 14.3213.77100.24   64.3 192.63
17GraduateFresh ABENDSTERNRoss KEMP68268.8542.96  33.41  213.24
18EnterprisePaul YOUNGNathan MC GRORY96.6684.91  4562566455.61228.7
19BlazeRichard BOTTING 48.3371.14 76.17  62.5672.992552
20RS600Will RUSSELL    38986119.3352.141393295.55
21RS200Ben DEARDENAlice CARTER 64.2678.7691.4 76.37  310.79
22ILCA 6 / Laser RadialJohn CANT 91.29783   66.8388.63 324.77
23FinnGeorge COLES   71.6167.577347.73  359.91
24RS Aero 7James EBERLEIN 85.92  95.21 938 996373.27
25ChallengerAlex HOVDEN 100.24105.56 96.96  99695.58391.84
26VortexJonathan CARTER 94.87   64112.17 125.13396.17
27ILCA 7 / LaserCarl AVERY 89.5 107.4100.69  102.53 400.12
28RS300Chris HATTON 1279137.69   114.5692.11 471.45
292000Alastair MOPPETTSarah SEDDON   824139128.88 123.39473.31
302000Mike MCEWINGAlex WILBY   149.17145164.68100.8135.55530.52
31Laser 3000James DAVIESAmy COOKE173.63  137.98169140.81128.6154.675626
32RS600Matt BANBROOK    133.3 171.84119.91142.5567.56
33SupernovaSerena STEWARDSON 177.21  167.811301677161.62133.82592.5
34Norfolk Punt HardchineEdward CLIFFORDAlex STANDLEY 160.64 171.84119159.91 163.36602.91
35ContenderStuart JONES  11.47 11.43 11.93  615.83
36RS600David NUNN    148.53 169.45166.83149.46634.28
37ScorpionDave WADEBen RAYNER 166  67 20.85 684.92
38RS Aero 7Harrison PYE    60.94  31.2822.59695.81
39505Michael SIMSCarl GIBBON50.12  42.9631   7058
402000Matt SARGENTRoss SOUTHWELL    102 24.3336.5743.83
41ChallengerDuncan GREENHALGH 41.1750.49    78.2 750.86
42SoloChris BUNN    63.4  69.5138.23752.14
43PhantomMark ADDISON     14126.49 31.28752.77
44OspreyBen MCGRANEJames ROSS 167.53   2.3915.64 766.55
45OspreyPhilip MEAKINSRichard ANDERTON    5 27.81165.1778.9
46RS Feva XLMia HATELEYMona NYGÅRD78.76 938 71   823.84
47ChallengerGraham HALL 73.39  67.13  116.44 837.95
482000Mark FOLEYEllie PARLE 107.86   100.2474.73 863.83
49Merlin RocketKieran SHRIMPTONAndrew SHRIMPTON    561051151.19 893.21
50RS Aero 7Andy SHARP 141.41     133.8292.11948.33
51ScorpionMaciej MATYJASZCZUKSue THOMPKINS   140.9195 149.46 966.37
52TopperSylvia JEFFERIES     1611364 88.63966.67
53BlazePeter MCFARLANE 1364149.17    104.27 970.48
54ISOBob LADELLTom CAVE153.94    138.43 152.93126.30
55ContenderEd PRESLEY 7.166.88      1.1764
56Merlin RocketIan MARTINChris MARTIN    7  24.331.193.33
57OKNick CRAIG   17.914.92    1.194.82
58SnipePeter WOLSTENHOLMELloyd ROBERTS     199 13.91.195
59RS Aero 9Peter BARTON     17  20.851.199.85
60ILCA 6 / Laser RadialFreddie SUNDERLAND 12.53  29.83    1.204.36
61RS200Rob HENDERSONAlex WARREN   194   27.811.208.85
62420Joe JONESHennie BURLTON 41.31    12.17 1.215.47
63ILCA 6 / Laser RadialHugh ANDREWS    37.29 26.25  1.225.55
64420Arwen FFLURMatthew RAYNER    62 3.48 1.227.48
65420Harry GEORGERalph CAWTHORNE 25.24  43   1.230.24
66Comet Trio (MK I)Adrian PADROCallem PADRO46.54   27   1.235.54
67Comet Trio (MK I)Adrian PADROCallem PADRO46.54   27   1.235.54
68FireballGeorgia BOOTHOlly DAVENPORT     16.71 57.351.2366
69TopperClive JACKSON  34.42     41.711.238.13
70GP14Al FRYJames HOBSON     45.35 3321.240.37
71RS Aero 7Joe SCURRAH 256  53.32    1.240.38
72FireballGraham COOKWilliam COOK    3054.89  1.246.89
73RS800Tom MORRISJames CURTIS3.5889.5      1.2558
74RS400Sam JONESJohn TAILBY    55 45.18 1.262.18
75ILCA 6 / Laser RadialIris SINGLETON    44.7565   1.271.75
76Musto SkiffFred CUDMORE  61.96  48   1.271.96
77RS400Nicholas CHARLESSimon CHARLES    4669.21  1.277.21
78RS300Charlie SOUTH  48.19     83.421.293.61
79FireballDj EDWARDSVyv TOWNEND 119.33  13   1.294.33
80AlbacoreMatthew METCALFE‑SMITHNatalie SMITH 73.44  72   1.307.44
81ChallengerKirsten POLLOCK    70.85  83.42 1.316.27
82RS400Charlie SANSOMEsther HEATHCOTE   114.56   45.181.321.74
83Comet Trio (MK I)Jamie GRIGORAlex PEGG    101  5991.3229
84BlazeDouglas CLOW     9971.6  1.332.60
85TopperIsobel JEFFERIES     125  62.561.349.56
86RS400Chris LARRKaren LARR80.55      107.751.350.30
87RS200Emily DAVISJo TRIBE      93.84102.531.358.38
88ILCA 7 / LaserKai HOCKLEY     87109.79  1.358.79
89PhantomRob COOK     18 179 1.359
90Devoti D‑ZeroGordon STEWART    106.64 97.85  1.366.49
91MiracleGraham WATTSHelen JACKS114.5691.79      1.368.35
92Merlin RocketTom LOWEd LOW 167.53  42   1.371.53
932000Jay WHITEHEADAlice MOORE    13385.92  1.380.92
94FireRupert RHODES  82.62 152.34    1.396.96
95LarkOlly SAUNDERSZara FRANKTON   144.72   90.371.3979
96RS Aero 7Andy WILKINS       1393114.71.415.73
97Merlin RocketJulian HARMSTim HARMS      180.7478.21.420.94
98RS200Tom MOSSPoppy CHRISTIE  139.62121.87    1.423.49
99SolutionJon STEWARD    130.52138   1.430.52
100WaszpDaniel GOODMAN 159.31110.15      1.431.46
101ILCA 6 / Laser RadialNick RYLES 164.68      109.491.436.17
102TopperJoshua BLACKMAN NORTHWOOD     108 182.48 1.452.48
103RS Aero 5Luke MARKEY  167.53 1236    1.452.59
104RS VareoPaul NORTH 1705   126   1.4585
105ILCA 6 / Laser RadialChristine STATHAM 130.67 171.84     1.464.51
1064000Tom COCHRANERob SHEPPARD   150.36   156.411.468.77
107TopperTabitha BLACKMAN NORTHWOOD     123 184.21 1.469.21
108ILCA 7 / LaserJessye OPOKU‑WARE     142171.84  1.475.84
109PhantomSimon WIGMORE 139.62  179    1.480.62
110RS600Tom CAVE    159.96159   1.480.96
111505Tim BIRDMike PRIDDLE171.84  157.52    1.491.36
112RS VareoSimon MOSS   164.68175.27    1.501.95

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