Try an RS400!
by RS Class Association 11 Mar 2024 17:09 GMT

RS400 demo boat © RS Class Association
Are you thinking of joining the RS400 class? If so, come and find out why this class remains so popular, in the 30th anniversary of RS Sailing, with a proactive Class Committee and a super-friendly and welcoming fleet.
The RS Class Association have two demo RS400s, volunteers from the class look after the boats and assist sailors, and our sponsors help maintain the boats. One boat is currently at Yorkshire Dales, under the guardianship of Mike Saul, the other will spend the Summer at Largs, looked after by our Scottish Rep Alan Birse. If you are not based near either of these clubs, we can help to arrange a sail with a current RS400 owner closer to you.
Bookings are now being taken for full and half day trials and for more experienced sailors, for RS400 events, including the Noble Marine RS400 National Championship at Royal Torbay YC. There is a nominal charge, which helps to fund the maintenance, storage and transportation of the boats. Priority is given to sailors new to the class, but we can also sometimes accommodate past RS400 sailors looking to re-join the fleet.
The demo boats have been hugely popular and in 2023, once again led to a number of new sailors joining the class.
If you are interested in joining the class, you are invited to contact to book a sail.