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Liverpool Yacht Club completes another successful Brass Monkey Series

by Alistair Roaf 25 Mar 2024 07:16 GMT

In the first quarter of 2024, five races were sailed in the LYC Brass Monkey Series with the last raced on 24 March. 15 yachts competed in the IRC and Venture fleets (NHC) crewed by 125 sailors over the series.

It was a mixture of winds and temperatures, at least one race required the crews to clear the ice off the decks before starting.

All races were sailed in the Mersey with at times strong spring tides. Starting with a five tidal stream pushing the fleet across the line is a skill that must be mastered as well as knowledge of the Mersey's changing tides.

The eight boat IRC fleet was dominated by EAZI TIGER with bullets in the first three races. Second place was taken by MAXINE III in the final race with NO MERCY coming third.

In the Venture Class which had a diverse fleet of seven boats including a J109, a motorsailer and a ketch. It was YNOT which led from the start of the series followed by LILLEBOLERO and BOJANGLES.

It wasn't all racing this year. Earlier in March, it was our annual awards dinner dance held, this year, at the Crowne Plaza hotel with over 80 members and friends dressed to impress with all having fun. Plus, there was on the water skills training.

Looking forward, our next race which is the Easter Bunny, Race and Bake, where a yacht's race time is adjusted by the standard of their baking during the race. The Race Officer not only has to run the race but judge the baking. So far, there have been no requests for redress on the Race Officer's judging. I am not sure the RYA rules casebook covers this. After this, we move into the LYC Spring Series.

Overall Results:

PosBoat NameBoat TypeHelmPts
IRC Results
1EAZI TIGERCorby 29A Kyffin/J Oliver4.5
2MAXINE IIISigma 33N Thomas7.5
3NO MERCYPrism 25T Jenkins10
4SHAULASunfast 37S Windle/J Anderton17
5SKUKUSAImpalaS Lofthouse19
6DAYDREAM BELIEVERFirst 34.7J Cartwright20
7JON DOSigma 33J Meyerscough22
8ARCTURUSSunfast 42R Mann28
Venture Results
1YNOTOceanis 37P Brereton/M Carmichael7
2LILLEBOLEROWesterly Konsort DuoA Roaf11
3BOJANGLESJ109P Hampson13
4LADY DOROTHYHorizon 30J Nelson17.3
5AQUAHOLICBavaria 30C Bailey21
6WILDWOODGibSea 760M Blackwell23
7OCEAN DAYSWesterly 33D McElvogue28

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