The 5 Minute Warning: Andy Rice & Matt Sheahan's 5min racing update
by PlanetSail 24 May 2024 11:50 BST
This week, Sailjuice's Andy Rice calls up from Turkey to update PlanetSail's Matt Sheahan on the world of wingfoil racing. One of the big topics is lowest possible take-off windspeed for foiling, a common design challenge for all forms of foiling craft including the AC75s aiming at the next America's Cup.
Matt reports that the Kiwis have done some digital mapping of all the challengers' new designs and... surprise, surprise! The Kiwi analysis reveals that it's none other than their own boat that is looking fastest for the Cup! Real news, or smoke and mirrors? Who knows...
Meanwhile the venerable old J Class yacht, Shamrock V, has been beautifully restored while the IMOCA fleet is ready for a rematch back across the Atlantic in the New York Vendée...