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Zhik Microfleece Hikers

Firefly National Championships 2024 at Restronguet Sailing Club - Day 1

by Guy Davison 29 Jul 2024 08:54 BST 27 July - 2 August 2024
Startline on day 1 of the Firefly Nationals at Restronguet © Alice Gardner

Restronguet Sailing Club welcomed the Firefly class for their 2024 National Championships having attracted 68 entries, showing again the continuing strength of this classic two person dinghy. The club have hosted the class twice before and it is now a class favourite.

Competitors have come from Firefly fleets all over the UK, from the Universities and schools where often team racing is the race format of choice. With a vibrant local Firefly fleet, at least 4 past Club Firefly Champions, the event has the hallmark of great organisation and a typical Cornish hospitality. This was made clear by the first evening's shantymen and women giving the competitors a rousing Cornish welcome whilst the fleet savoured the local Cornish Pasties and ales. Some competitors who should know better enjoyed this reception just a tad too much....

Sunday dawned earlier than some expected with sunshine ablaze and winds largely absent or at best fickle. Neil Andrews PRO summoned the wind Gods and got the practice race away some two hours late. It wasn't perhaps a great surprise to see Stuart Hudson ably crewed by daughter Lizzie shoot out of the line start and show the fleet his heels and was largely unchallenged throughout the shortish practice. Once ahead the Hudson firefly is usually very hard to chase down!

Race 1

The wind was softening for the first points race. The PRO elected for a very sensible line start. Whilst it looked starboard biased, the left soon dominated. Thommie Grit and Alice Bradford tacked and crossed the fleet. However, it was those that kept going left that came out best. Jason Aldous and Jo Mason were very strong on the early part of the beat. Nigel Wakefield and Emily Saunderson also did well here, establishing a massive lead which was never threatened so now they head the leader board. Barny Smith and Alannah Hebbert in second place fought hard for two laps fending of multiple attacks from Alex and Stella Davey, and Will Pank/Steve Carver the reigning national champions in Alarm F999.

On the last beat Alex/Stella consolidated second with some impressive shift picking ahead of Barny/Alannah and Will/Steve. Meanwhile Jono Pank and Helena Lucas MBE expertly climbed through from 17th to be narrowly beaten by nephew Will. These two boats nearly let sniggling Guy Davison and Sally Wakefield in, but the family battle was abated just in time to halt his progress. Subsequently Jono/Helena were disappointed to have been adjudged premature starters.

However looking at the wider fleet it is daunting to see how many past National Champions and top end competitors are all over this fleet promising all competitors close and nerve jangling racing.

Race 1 Results:

PosSail NoBoat NameHelmCrewClubPts
1F3007Tip Top TooNigel WakefieldEmily SaundersonNetley Sailing Club1
2F2649MustardAlex DaveyStella DaveyRoyal Harwich YC2
3F3023Fourwood ThinkingBarney SmithAlannah HebbertHamble River Sailing Club3
4F999AlarmWilliam PankSteve CarverNBYC ‑ UEA sailing club4
5F3318LynestraGuy DavisonSally WakefieldLlangorse and Netley S C5
6F3695Officer DibbleAngus CookLucie HopkinsCastaways6
7F2065BonkersJason AldousJosephine MasonPapercourt sailing club7
8F3625Squabbling PhoenixJenny SmallwoodPhilip AldhousOCSS8
9F1384PoohThomas DaveyCameron BowdenRoyal Hospital School9
10F3617IrisRob SherringtonMel SherringtonOCSS10
11F973SpiderlingDavid sincockBetty SincockRestronguet SC11
12F3850Fursty FerretStuart HudsonLizzie HudsonRoyal Lymington YC12
13F3690MutsyRosie DaveyJessica GreenRoyal Harwich YC13
14F3871Go BallisticTerry HackerAnnabelle HackerRutland SC14
15F3671Purple DorisBen TylecoteLucy CoxRutland SC15
16F3801FriedaDamian BorehamToby SherringtonChew Valley Lake Sailing Club16
17F3154Gemini TooDom JohnsonSophia JohnsonWest Kirby Sailing Club17
18F4220ScruffyGordon Cogan SivarajanLizzy LinsdellOCSS18
19F2937SmuttyChris KameenJenny JohnsonImperial Poona Yacht Club19
20F2925DignitySebi SchmidtClaudia BazykPenzance Sailing Club20
21F3764Tic TacJamie TylecoteAlice LucyRutland SC21
22F2502CycloneSophia HulbertAlan HulbertRestronguet SC22
23F1867CumulusSteven GreavesJane HudsonRoyal Lymington YC23
24F3414TiggerToby SmithHarriet GeorgeRoyal Hospital School24
25F3615SkirmishJamie McEwenBen McEwenRoyal Lymington YC25
26F3874TarantellaWilliam McEwenRobbie HudsonRoyal Lymington YC26
27F3288TinkerbellEllen MorleySam DernieCUCrC27
28F2485FuryLuke RowlandsJude BeattyRutland SC28
29F2900SnarkAndrew MckeeAbigail MckeeRutland SC29
30F2294NerapiThommie GritHannah CroganNBYC ‑ UEA sailing club30
31F3713Barry GirlEdward MorrisDominic BowdenSpinnaker Sailing Club31
32F3609ShockerAngus ArmstrongPoppy ArmstrongWest Kirby Sailing Club32
33F4125ThreshdarJoe ScarboroughJames NicollWest Oxfordshire SC33
34F2012KEMBen PymSarah HickmanRORC34
35F4000WalrusWill MasonAmy BowdenBurghfield SC35
36F3915Bon JournoHarris GoodmanBen TweedleUniversity of Warwick SC36
37F888DesparadoDylan BeattyOliver McKeeRutland Sailing Club37
38F3677Wiki WikiHugh TomkinsHelen JonesOCSS38
39F3037GrasshopperSteve TylecoteTasha ArmstrongRutland SC39
40F2525HookeyGideon SherwoodBen SherwoodDell Quay Sailing Club40
41F4234VaderIzzy JohnsonAnna MorrisWest Kirby Sailing Club41
42F3554StrigaJames BallFreya HalsallWest Oxfordshire Sailing Club42
43F4444FornicationAlex BaxterElla VincentOCSS43
44F2659KongBen LumbyLiz EvansRestronguet SC44
45F1979The Winter of DiscontentHarry RowlandsHarry BurgeRutland SC45
46F3556HushTed AshworthIsla ArmstrongNetley SC46
47F900KingfisherAnnabel CaldecottGeorgiana CaldecottRutland47
48F3820Silly GooseChloe HardingGeorgia EvansNBYC ‑ UEA Sailing Club48
49F2587Chi ChiRichard WhitefootElizabeth WhitefootNorfolk Broads YC49
50F3957MaccatooAndrew RobsonNaomi RichardsonWest Oxfordshire SC50
51F3837CalypsoFiona TylecoteJane HutchinsRutland SC51
52F4400SwaggleErin PankCharlie PhillipsCastle Cove SC52
53F8FateGuy EnglishBecca ScouseRestronguet SC53
54F339MazurkaEllie MaynardCharlie WhelanBurghfield SC54
55F3893Rockin RobinAnna KennedyJames KennedyKeyhaven Yacht Club55
56F3739WillowLucy BorehamRachel CrebbinChichester Yacht club56
57F3476AtalantaMaddie GreavesPolly MasonRoyal Lymington YC57
58F400TBCMatthew MasonDan CowleyHayling Island SC58
59F3916ThatcherFfion MorganAlex Long‑WeatherUniversity of Warwick SC59
60F4378PixieLouise WoodleyCaitlin KentNYBC ‑ UEA Sailing Club60
DNSF2100Old PineDavid ChisholmAlex BaroneHISC69
DNSF3095MensongeChristian GuyIona SherwoodCastaways69
DNSF3133ThermopylaeAmy MorrisGilly PhillipsRoyal Lymington YC69
DNSF3550Water SpiderEwan McLellanJonquil HackenbergImperial Poona YC69
DNSF3610SerenityNoa MoskovitchGabs BurltonRoyal Lymington YC69
DNSF3741Ma HonArthur GreavesWilliam McEwenRoyal Lymington YC69
OCSF1954PogieJono PankHelena LucasImperial Poona YC69
OCSF3119HorrorRoger MorrisIzzy BrethertonRoyal Lymington YC69

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