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in Advance Half Ton Classic Cup at Royal Nieuwpoort Yacht Club starts tomorrow

by Half Ton Classics Cup 2 Aug 2024 15:48 BST 5-9 August 2024

From Saturday 5 until Friday 9 August, Royal Nieuwpoort Yacht Club (KYCN) will receive 30 Half Tonners from seven countries for their annual In Advance Half Ton Classics Cup.

In addition to 12 Belgian teams, there are teams from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Norway, France and South Africa. From Monday to Friday, these thoroughbred racing boats sail short 'round the cans' regattas every day. One day, an offshore of 35 nautical miles will also be scheduled. Every evening, the fleet returns to the central jetty in the KYCN marina. De winner of the day will be celebrated.

Not one but more prizes

Major prizes will be awarded on Friday. The trophy for the 'overall' winner of course. The Half Ton True Spirit plaque is awarded to the team that most exemplifies the philosophy of the class. The Vintage Trophy goes to the boat that remained as original as possible from the moment it was built. The Corinthian Trophy goes to the best amateur team. And the new Ladies Trophy is obviously for the best women's team.

Half Ton Magic

According to Bert Janssens of the organizing Half Ton Class Europe, about half the fleet has got a chance to win a spot on the stage. He sees three important criteria.

One: Since its start in 1966 the class is still a laboratory for technical developments in sailing to this day. This has been the case from the outset in the now abolished IOR formula for time correction and now, in the application of the IRC formula, it still is. Keels, rudders, rigging, sails down to the smallest details such as blocks evolve at lightning speed. Weight savings and functionality are permanent challenges. Whoever stays ahead of evolution has a point of victory.

Two: local knowledge. The North Sea and the Belgian coast are subject to constantly changing currents and the unique weather system. The sandbanks and the combination of wind and currents make for very changeable waves. This is called 'challenging'. This is of course to the advantage for the Belgian teams.

Three: (but not least) the teams. The Halftonners are technical feats and require a sensitive and experienced treatment. The more attuned the team is, and/or tactically proactive and able to execute all manoeuvres blindly, the more you'll see them in front.


The class encourages diversity among the participants. Apart from the fact that some sail with a mixed crew, there are some outspoken women's teams this year. The Norwegian 'Midnight X' sails with a full female crew, the Belgian 'A+' has six women and one man on board and on the 'M'Half Raz', another compatriot, it is 50/50.

The event also hosts a Norwegian youth team. The class puts the 'Tom Pouce' at their disposal.

Nieuwpoort Sailing City

In addition to hosting the Half Ton Classics class since its revival in 2003, the Royal Nieuwpoort Yacht Club is proud to receive this prestigious event for the fifth time. In doing so, it lines up with other mythical sailing locations: Cowes -UK, Dinard-FRA, Dun Loaghaire-IRL, Hankø - NOR,...

At the Yachting Wave wharf next to the KYCN-marina, sailors have been prepping the previous days on a growing series of half ton boats. They come by road on trailers, or are sailed all the way from Oslo. Local Tom Florizoone of yachting Wave is considered as the expert by the insiders.

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