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Bembridge Keelboats Daily Summer Racing 2024

by Mike Samuelson 13 Aug 2024 10:25 BST 6-12 August 2024
10Aug24 - Bembridge Keelboats Daily Summer Racing © Susie Beart

Tuesday 6 August (by Jaffa Orange)

Two races run for both classes. Five Redwings & seven One-Designs in each race. SW F4, drizzle with reduced visibility. Started from Janson. Redwings were set Undertyne to Port then Janson. 2 laps, - finishing downwind at Janson. Musicus (David McCue) was OCS, but went back. Redwing (Olav Cole) had the best start. The fleet split up the excellently set first beat with the fort side getting a lift into the shore to E. Plover (Andrew Eddy) and Vera (David Swinstead) had a good tussle on the run with the latter getting through to windward. Musicus had a good beat and got through Plover as well. At the finish it was: Redwing (Olav), Toucan (Colin), Musicus (David), Plover (Andrew) and Vera (David). For their second race, the Redwings were set Garland to Tara x2 and finishing at Footprint. The breeze had dropped a bit to 10 knots and looked flukey near the shore; and just after the start it shifted right. After some interesting shifts into the shore, the finishing order was Toucan, Plover, Redwing, Musicus & Vera

For their first race, the One-Designs had the same course at the Redwings. All were a little line shy at the gun. Five went right, two went left. On the second round, it was reversed; five went left and two went right! At the finish the order was: No 8 (Charles Perry), No 4 (John Suffield), No 1 (Rob Mathieson), No 9 (Penny Stanley), No 7 (Simon Beart), No 2 (Sarah Marshall) and No 5 (Simon Beart). A few boats changed helms for their second race. Initially planned to follow the Redwing course but a 50 degree right shift after the sequence had started meant the race was abandoned with 2 mins to go to the off. Set a new course Britten, Janson x2 finishing at Footprint, they had a better beat than Redwings and had a great close race. With the race officers jumping into the RIB to take footage at leeward mark roundings, they had to speed to get back to Sea Breeze to finish everyone in time! After a cracking close race with everyone finishing in close order as follows: No 9 (D Orange); No 1 (Russ Fowler); No 8 (Charles P); No 4 (John); No 7 (Charles Abel Smith); No 2 (Sarah) & No 5 (Simon).

A misty wet start, that brightened up a bit during day. Race 1 about 45min and Race 2 about an hour. All boats were left on Under Tyne moorings and we went home!

Wednesday 7 August (by Mike Samuelson)

Wednesday morning was programmed for the Zanen Long Distance Trophy which sees both classes starting at the same time, sailing the same course and the result based on a magic formula overseen by the RO Mike Samuelson! Although a rather disappointing turn out, the F4 SW'erly provided champagne racing for the three Redwings and five One-Designs (sadly the sixth, No 7 helmed by Charles Abel Smith did not start following a rigging issue during the start sequence).

Starting off Fitzwilliam with Undertyne as the first windward mark, Tarpon helmed by Dominic Samuelson was well over the line and took a bit of time before they could get back to the pre-start side of the line, so was always in catch up mode. Toucan, helmed by Colin Samuelson had established a considerable lead by the time they rounded Undertyne and from then on extended it on every leg to cross the finish line via St Helens, Footprint, and Fitzwilliam) two minutes ahead of Robin Ebsworth in Quintessence.

As for the rest of the fleet, it was certainly not so straight forward. Tarpon was third boat round St Helens but unlike Toucan and Quintessence who had headed towards Seaview so as to lee bow the ebbing tide, she tacked in the hopes of a major wind shift, but unfortunately to no avail so she found herself behind the lead One-Designs at Footprint. Mark Grzegorczyk in No 9 lead the One-Designs at St Helens, just ahead of Charles Perry in No 8. Unlike Roy Burrows in No 2 who tried to tack immediately after rounding and fouled No 1 helmed by Simon Allocca, the lead two followed the lead Redwings towards Seaview. Interestingly No 5 helmed by Syd Beart would have probably been the first of the One-Designs to round Footprint had he not decided to round Garland instead! As it was, it was No 1 who rounded first ahead of No 8 & No 9. It was close at Fitzwilliam but then No 8 tacked early and finished 45 seconds ahead of No 1 with No 9 half a minute later.

An excellent race with Toucan winning (again) the Zanen Trophy; No 8 One-Design was second on corrected time and No 1 was third.

Thursday 8 August (by Mike Samuelson)

There was certainly no shortage of wind on Thursday morning; indeed the big question was whether it was going to be too windy for the Redwing's annual Princess race to be run. After chatting it through before going afloat it was agreed to give it a go but with everyone aware of the conditions and that it was their decision to continue to race or retire. In the event, Redstart helmed by Jim Conneybere-Cross decided to retire after checking the conditions pre-start around Fitzwilliam. This left four Redwings to brave the lumpy conditions. Starting with a beat to Tara, a reach to the Bembridge Ledge, followed by a challenging beat to the West Princess, then back to the Ledge, a run to Britten and a final beat to the finish at Undertyne.

Having been locked out at the start by Plover (Andrew Eddy), Engima (Mark Downer) had a bit of ground to make up, however by rounding Tara in front, signalled that she was going to be the boat to beat. Indeed after a challenging beat to the West Princessa (lumpy sea, gusting 18 knots and a strong ebbing tide) Mark had established an eight plus minute lead ahead of Plover and Toucan. Robin Ebsworth in Quintessence meanwhile having radioed just prior to rounding Tara that they had an equipment issue but hoped to be able to continue was a bit further behind. The run back to the Ledge and on to Britten was considerably easier and quicker but provided little opportunity for place changes. The final leg to Undertyne was more of a tight reach than a beat as the breeze had veered however no one minded. Finishing order was Enigma, Plover, Toucan and Quintessence.

The six One-Designs meanwhile had wisely voted against joining the Redwings going to the West Princessa, so they went to Tara, Derrick, Undertyne, Britten and back to Undertyne. No 1 (Peter Summerhayes) rounded Tara ahead of No 9 (D Orange), No 4 (John Suffield), No 7 (Charles AS), No 6 (Ashley McLucas), No 2 (Roy Burrows) and No 5 (Syd Beart). At this stage Sea Breeze headed off to keep an eye on the Redwings, so rather left the One-Designs to their own devices. Apparently No 1, No 9 and No 4 overstayed on the beat from Derrick but racing was close and although the intended final leg was more of a tight reach after the breeze had veered, there was less than a three minutes separating all six boats. With Seabreeze unable to quite make it back to the finish, the self finishing order was: No1, No 5, No 9, No 2 & No 4 tied, No 7 and No 6.

Friday & Saturday 8 - 9 August - BSC Keelboat Regatta (by Robin Joy)

Our Redwings and One Designs were joined by ten Mermaids from Seaview Yacht Club and four Squibs from the Royal Victoria Yacht Club at Fishbourne for racing on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th August.

The Redwing fleet were first away into a lively 20kts from the SW on Friday, on a windward/leeward course from a start at JJ up to a laid inflatable windward mark near Footprint, with Ruthven as the leeward mark. Mark Downer in Enigma established a narrow lead over James Wilson in Quail, which he extended on the first run. Further back an unfortunate contact with One-Design No 3 damaged David Swinstead's Vera, and she was towed back into the harbour for damage assessment. After 3 rounds Enigma led home from Quail, followed by the Cole family in Redwing, Joe Robertson in Red Gauntlet, Billy Clegg in Lady Laetitia, Dominic Samuelson in Tarpon, Robin Ebsworth in Quintessence and Andrew Eddy in Plover.

Slightly easier and sunnier conditions prevailed on Saturday, and a similar course was set. Mark Downer was obliged to take a 720 penalty before the start, leaving him a minute in arrears in his attempt to repeat his previous day's victory. Class captain Rory Morrison in Paroquet had already worked out to a good lead by the first mark, but the next few boats were very tightly bunched. Mark worked his magic all round the course, but Rory was the one boat he couldn't catch, so he had to settle for second. Billy Clegg was third, beating Joe into fourth by the tightest of margins, no more than two feet. Olav Cole took fifth a minute later, followed by the Goslings, Dominic, and Andrew.

On Friday ten Mermaids sailed over from Seaview, with many of them being crewed by a very enthusiastic and happy looking band of younger sailors. They sailed the same course as the Redwings (shortened to 2 rounds), with a mixture of reefed and full sail rigs being flown, and even a few spinnakers in the blustery conditions. Experience, however, prevailed over youth on this occasion, and the winner was Noel Dobbs in No 13, followed by Jeremy Spencer-Cooper in No 10. Then came Ed Bostelmann in No 3, Tim Wakefield in No 4, Rob de Laszlo in No 1, Addie Pinkster in No 6, Richard Bowtell in No 12, and George Self in No2.

There were fewer youngsters in the eight Mermaids that raced on Saturday, but the enthusiasm was undiminished! A tightly contested start and first beat saw the lead change hands a few times, but Noel was again the man to beat. Sailing No4 this time he fended off Robin MacCaw in No 13 and Jeremy in No 9 to win by a minute. Next came Richard in No 12, James Burridge in No 8, Robin McArthur in No 1, David Hunter in No 2, and David Carter-Johnson in No 8.

Nine One-Designs started on Friday, with the lead changing many times between several boats over the 2 rounds. Indeed Mark Grzegorczyk in No 9 led at the end of the first round, but that was soon to change. Charles Perry in No 8, Russ Fowler in No 1, and John Suffield in No 4 all led at some point, but Ed Burrows in the charter boat No 12, having not been on board a One-Design for years, sneaked in at the finish to win! Timing the last gasp tacks for the line was vital, and just a few seconds covered Charles in second, then Russ, then John. Mark G was next, then Roy Burrows in No 2 and Sarah Marshall in No 7. Alexander Ross sailing No 5 solo retired, as did Stephan Ludwig in No 3 following the collision already mentioned.

Five One-Designs raced on Saturday, with John Deacon in No 6 making an uncharacteristicly late start, from which he struggled to recover. Ed, again in No 12, sailed into a lead which the others couldn't close. Simon Allocca helming No 1 was 40 seconds adrift at the finish, Penny Stanley in No 9 followed, and then came Roy in No 2, and finally John.

On both days four Squibs from RVYC sailed 2 rounds of the same windward/leeward courses. After some challenging racing on both days Chris Gear helming Osprey won both with Kestrel, helmed on Friday by Jeremy Landon and on Saturday by Harry White, second in both. Albeit on Saturday only by a mere 3 seconds! Third was Icarus, and fourth was Whizzard.

Sunday 10 August (by Mike Samuelson)

Nine Redwings and five One-Designs made it to Seaview for the first day of SVYC's two day Regatta. Although the breeze had backed to the SE which made for some lumpy conditions, at around 15 knots it provided some excellent racing. Set challenging courses both classes as usual struggled a little to work out where the marks were, but with Mark Downer in Enigma acting as the pathfinder for the Redwings, it was rather a matter of 'follow my leader'. Reaching Wreck well ahead, there was never any doubt who was going to win; the question was who was going to be second and third. In the event it was Serena helming Gosling and Joe helming Red Gauntlet. In the One-Designs the pathfinder was Catherine Williams (née Summerhayes) who lead the whole way but was then thwarted at the shorten course finish at Wreck. Originally set as starboard, and with the finish boat anchored on the starboard side of the buoy, the correct finish was to leave the mark to port; sadly Catherine rounded to starboard and was thus guilty of a 'hook finish'. By the time she had untangled herself, Martin Bonham in No 2 and Charles Perry in No 5 had finished correctly.

Monday 11 August (by Mike Samuelson)

Fewer boats made it to Seaview for the second day of the SVYC Regatta, however those that did enter had some 'interesting' if at times frustrating racing. Six Redwings started off the Green line and beat to Wreck; first to round was Joe Robertson helming Red Gauntlet II with Mark Downer in Enigma and Robin Ebsworth in Quintessence a reasonable distance behind. Andrew Eddy in Plover, Henry Thorpe in Redwitch and Olav Cole in Redwing were very close as they sought ways to catch up on the run to Little Deb. As the six boats neared the mark the wind died (the classic SE'erly v SW'erly off Seaview) and Joe had to frustratingly watch the chasing fleet close down his lead; indeed once the SW'erly had begun to build and a change of course (to Somers, Bertie, line) announced, he was last. At Somers (U), the order was Enigma, Plover, Redwitch, Quintessence, Redwing and Red Gauntlet. After an excellent beat to Bertie with the fleet splitting tacks, the finishing order was: Enigma, Redwitch, Red Gauntlet, Quintessence, Plover and Redwing,

Although they too finished after the same change of course had been broadcast, the two One-Designs - No 9 helmed by Mark Grzegorczyk and No 2 helmed by Martin Bonham - were never far apart. No 9 had the better start after No 2 had given way to a Mermaid on port as the gun went and was comfortably ahead rounding Pier Head where, following the breeze veering to the SWest, the course was changed to Somers, Bertie line. This provided the opportunity for Martin to close the gap and they rounded Somers with less that a boat length between them. The beat to Bertie was a good one with Mark covering Martin's every tack so as to finish at least 20 seconds ahead.

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