Nacra 15 Summer Training Camp at Windsport
by Emilia Laker & Thomas Peace 20 Aug 2024 14:40 BST
15-18 August 2024

Nacra 15 Summer Training Camp at Windsport © Vicky Jinks
The UK Nacra 15 Class congregated for four days of pre Nationals & Worlds training at Windsport International, Falmouth from August 15th to 18th.
Day 1 kicked off with a exhilarating day of sailing in 25-30 knots wind, providing the fleet with strong winds and some nice waves to play with. The Class Squad stayed in the harbour and was revisiting heavy wind sailing after a summer of relatively light winds. The RYA Youth Squad however were keen to explore the bay and push the boundaries!
Day two dawned with lighter conditions and the pleasant surprise from coaches Theo and Jas of a fitness session. As the wind picked up the sun shone and the Nacras headed out. The Class did some light wind speed practice while the Youth Squad did some light wind drills and then we all came together for starting practice. The Falmouth week fleet raced by us at times whilst we paddled and bobbled around in minimal wind. Eventually the wind filled in around 4ish as we headed in ready for a warm evening ahead.
Day three dawned with very similar conditions to day 2 and the fleet made good use of the time ashore to practice bleep tests in preparation for the fast approaching RYA squads selection weekend.The day was eventful and fun, topped off with a lovely class barbecue hosted by Dawn and Dusty Jones at Roselidden Camp Site.
The Cornwall camp concluded with a last day of competitive racing. The racing took place in a range of locations around Falmouth harbour with the wind shifting to present challenging racing conditions. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by all involved - sailors, coaches and parents. It was great to be joined by 2 guest sailors from other youth classes who were keen to experience the excitement of sailing a Nacra 15.
To find out more about our opportunities to join our exciting class please follow UK Nacra 15 sailors on Facebook or drop an email to