Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez: The village, Les Voiles' flagship!
by Maguelonne Turcat 29 Sep 2024 08:01 BST
28 September - 6 October 2024

Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez © Gilles Martin-Raget /
From 9 a.m. this morning, the Village des Voiles de Saint-Tropez, based on the Môle Jean Réveille, opened its doors to both the competitors and the public. Beneath bright blue skies, any clouds swept away by a strong NW'ly wind, the gusts packing quite a punch, visitors were treated to the wonderful spectacle of the competing yachts coming alongside in the old port in glorious sunshine.
Open to one and all from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. through until 6 October, this villages comprises all the structures devoted to the organisation, together with a number of boutiques, a bar and a stage, which will form the beating heart of Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez.
Indeed, although the races play out offshore, it is on this promontory betwixt land and sea that the social and festive ambiance of this extraordinary event truly comes to the fore.
An enchanting setting
Linking the port and the gulf of Saint Tropez, the village is once again stretching across the 2,500 m2 that make up the Môle Jean Réveille venue as the new site proved to be a runaway success last year. To stroll from the Portalet tower, at the foot of which is the main stage, to the marquee where the competitors register for the event at the far end of the jetty, is to benefit from a wonderful spectacle to both port and starboard. On the one side are picture postcard views of the old port, which has already begun to fill up with Maxis and classic yachts; on the other an excited Gulf of Saint Tropez greeted today's arrivals with some gusty conditions, enabling a number of boats to test themselves in the breeze before they get down to action on the racetrack.
Below this, the exhibitors' village enables visitors to combine the useful and the pleasing to the eye. "A day of Les Voiles draws in the equivalent of peak summer crowds, enthuses Pascal Bonnet, the person in charge of the Village entertainment. And as last year's formula enjoyed such success, we're continuing with the same ethos, bar a few minor tweaks. For example, we've extended the bar to increase the area for socialising in front of the jetty and be better protected, plus we've allowed people to circulate on both sides, overlooking the sea and the port."
For the event opener this Saturday, the shuttles were already in service to enable visitors to gain direct access to the beating heart of Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez via the harbour office, with entry still possible by foot by going around the port via the Quai Frédéric Mistral.
From Monday at 6.30 p.m. through to 5 October, a band will perform on the main stage every evening, with DJ Fabrice warming up the decks until then to kick off festivities this evening.
Keeping a weather eye
Somewhat biased perhaps, some say that the weather is always great in Saint Tropez. Be that as it may, this may well hold true for the coming week. "The weather is key!" acknowledges Pierre Roinson, President of the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez, who has been responsible for running every edition since the first Nioulargue back in 1983 and still permits himself to race on one of the two boats competing in Thursday's Club 55 Cup. "Last year, we were able to press play on every one of the scheduled races but I have known editions where it was a whole different ball game. In fact, last night saw gusts of 41 knots recorded but things are calming down nicely now. We have our fingers crossed and we're believing in it!"
This optimism is shared by Georges Korhel, who reckons that "conditions should be fairly light. It's one less thing to stress about and it'll be perfect on Sunday for the arrival of the classic yachts racing from Cannes in the Coupe d'Automne." Heading the three Race Committees, the Principal Race Officer is finalising his race documents and is already preparing for his morning briefings. "I'm fortunate in that I have a small circle of people who are well versed in such matters and have been working together for over ten years. We're well-honed and everything's in place for a fabulous regatta!" Tomorrow afternoon, Sunday, the golf will be ablaze with sails for the first time with the arrival of the classic yachts from Cannes in the Yacht Club de France's Coupe d'Automne.
Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez 2024 Programme
- Saturday 28 September: Registration for Maxis (over 18.28m) Classic and Modern yachts up to 18.28 metres.
- Sunday 29 September: Registration for Maxis (over 18.28m) Classic and Modern yachts up to 18.28 metres. Arrival of the YCF Autumn Cup (Cannes Saint-Tropez)
- Monday 30 September: regattas for Maxis and Modern yachts
- Tuesday 1 October: regattas for all fleets
- Wednesday 2 October: regattas for Modern and Classic yachts
- Day Off for the Maxis and Club 55 Maxi Cup
- Thursday 3 October: Challenge Day and Club 55 Cup for Modern and Classic yachts, regattas for Maxis
- Friday 4 October: regattas for all fleets
- Saturday 5 October: regattas for all fleets, Prize-giving ceremony for the Maxis
- Sunday 6 October: Prize-giving ceremony for Modern and Classic yachts