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CoastWaterSports 2014

J/Teams prevail in Stratford Shoal Gearbuster Race

by J/Boats 21 Oct 2024 17:33 BST October 13, 2024
69th Annual Indian Harbor Stratford Shoal Race - the Gearbuster © Indian Harbor Yacht Club

Last Columbus Day weekend was the infamous "Gearbuster Race" run annually every fall by Indian Harbor YC. It's a long day race around various government buoys in western Long Island Sound.

It's a popular event as the "grand finale" of fall sailing on the Sound. It is quite popular with J/sailors. There were 25 J/Teams sailing (50% of the 51-boat fleet!). Lots of silverware was garnered by the various J/Teams! Here is how it all went down by division.

PHRF Doublehanded Division
In this fleet of half-dozen boats, the J/teamms nearly swept the podium. Winning was Christian Uecker's J/120 HOUND DOG, with Thomas Sa's J/33 GUN DOG in second place, and the two other J/120s rounding out the top five- Sara & Josh Reisberg's ABILYN in fourth and Richard Wests's CHARLOTTE in fifth position.

PHRF A Division. (<9)
Winning this half-dozen boat division was the screaming-fast J/125 GOOD NEWS sailed by Macrae Sykes.

PHRF B Division (10-55)- J/Teams sweep!
This ten-boat fleet was packed with hot J/crews and it was not a surprising outcome to see the top five spots occupied by those talented teams.

Winning was Bill & Jackie Baxter's J/111 FIREBALL by nearly 24 minutes corrected time! As a result, they also took PHRF Overall honors, too. Second was Steve Losik's J/121 HABIRU, third went to Eric & Maggie Deichmann's J/112E MISCHIEF, fourth was John Sartorius's J/120 ALIBI, fifth was Bill Klein's J/120 SPECK, and sixth went to Brian Nelson's J/112E HONEYBADGER.

PHRF C Division (56-91)
Four J/crews sailed this nine-boat fleet. Taking class honors was Nicolas Delcourt's J/88 OH JEE, with Steve Landy & Derek Soohoo's J/100 SANGUINE taking the silver medal.

Eaton's Neck Short Course Race

PHRF Spinnakers Division- J/Teams sweep!
Sailing in this fleet of eleven boats were several J/crews that swept the podium! Winning was Ken & Drew Hall's J/88 NEVERMORE, followed by Randy Bourne's J/105 STRANGE BREW in second, and JC Zucconi & Jim Townsend's J/92 EASY RED.

PHRF Non-spin Division
This eleven-boat fleet saw Jim Reichel's J/105 SCAPEGOAT take the silver medal.

More information here

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