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Join the Final Straw Foundation at the March for Clean Water

by Hannah Cooper 27 Oct 14:00 GMT 3 November 2024
Final Straw Foundation prepares for the March for Clean Water © Hannah Cooper

On Sunday 3rd of November, Final Straw Foundation team members, supporters and volunteers will be Marching for Clean Water in London. Joined by other amazing organisations such as the Marine Conservation Society, RSPB, and River Action UK, we will be donning blue and creating a river of resistance, flowing through the streets.

We are marching because we have seen, first-hand, the appalling way our waterways and oceans have been treated. We pick up evidence of sewage discharges such as cotton buds, nappies and wet wipes on every single one of our beach cleans, and have carried out water testing in our local harbours to help shed light on the grimy truth about what's in our waters.

We believe people should have the right to use their local lakes, rivers, harbours and seas for work and recreation safely and without fear of what's lurking beneath. Just as importantly, we believe it is imperative that action is taken to protect our precious marine and aquatic wildlife. Ocean life creates half of the oxygen we breathe; looking after it is vitally important.

If you'd like to join us and #floodthestreets on Sunday the 3rd of November, you can register to march at

Or get in touch for more info. We hope to see you there!