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Bembridge Illusion Bill's Barrell 2024

by Mike Samuelson 2 Dec 2024 05:56 GMT 30 November - 1 December 2024

The annual 'Bill's Barrell' weekend is always fun and this year was no exception. The special NoR updated by the organiser, Bill Daniels, included a new Rule 10 which required helms to race with the very minimum of 'shouting':

No. 10 HAILING Other Yachts Afloat: Silence Is Golden, sailing is a spiritual activity.

Racing is a non-contact sport conducted on Holy Days. The racing area is consecrated as part of the St Helens Church lost to the sea, the local Vicar prefers silence in the congregation. Competitors are required to conduct themselves in a sportsman like manner and under these special rules any hailing will be verbalised using the minimum number of words to communicate the issue at hand, and verbalised in a conversational volume. Shouting and hollering is forbidden. Any competitor shouting will be disqualified by the local Vicar and by the Royal Marine Committee. (i.e. The maximum permitted decibel noise volume limit shall NOT be set by David).

On Saturday, a gloomy dawn broke with a gentle SSW 7kn breeze. At 10.00, the wind was flicking through 30o so a short AP display allowed the course to be reset whilst the 2 late launchers joined the 16 other boats. Race 1 got away cleanly and Owen Pay led Mark Downer round the 1st mark. Owen gybed away allowing Mark to power through him and lead at the gate with Owen followed by Colin Simonds, Bruce Huber and Jo Downer. At the finish, that order held with Jo managing to pass Bruce to take 4th.

Start of Race 1 Saturday

Race 2 had another clean start with Mark picking up another significant wind shirt and committing to a port hand flyer off the pin. Mark led at the top end with Bruce snapping at his transom and Owen in the mix as well; they split gybes and at the gate, Mark led round the left hand mark with Bruce and Owen taking the other option. At the finish, Mark had extended his lead with Bruce Owen and Jo trailing.

Start of Race 2 (2) Saturday

Race 3 saw the sun appear along with Flag Uniform as the fleet got overexcited and broke the line early. A big right hand shift followed by a left hand swing saw the fleet turned inside out. At the 1st mark, Bruce led from Mark but he was soon passed on the run; they were followed by Monty Irwin, Andy Christie and Simon Birchenough with Owen, Bill Bailey and Colin and Caroline Simonds. At the finish, Mark narrowly squeaked in ahead of Bruce from Andy, Owen and Simon.

Race 4 saw Bill Bailey's eclectic Sailing Instructions put to use as the RO displayed a Green Flag requiring the windward marks to be left to Starboard. NoR 10 banning shouting and loud voices on the course had worked admirably with even the most vocal sailor stunned into quiet mode. However, the fleet recovered its voice as the boats approached the starboard hand rounding at Mark 1. Almost inevitably, Mark and Bruce's spinnakers were the first to be seen as they jousted their way down wind. They traded positions throughout the rest of the race with Bruce at last getting the better of Mark to lead him home by 14 seconds, nearly a minute ahead of Julia Bailey, Owen and Bill.

Quite heavy rain and a gusty SSW'erly F5 breeze greeted the 15 helms (Monty Irwin, Ollie Laughton-Scott and Roly Wilson had other commitments) on Sunday morning. After a 10 minute postponement while the Committee Boat re-positioned, the first race of the day did not start well and required a General Recall and a second start under Flag U in 18 knots of breeze.

1st start Race 1 (5) Sunday

2nd Start Race 1 (5) Sunday

Split tacks as they headed south to the windward and spreader marks saw Mark Downer round first just ahead of Bruce Huber then a slight gap to Jo Downer and Owen Pay. Taking different leeward gate buoys, it was nip and tuck between the front two who 'match raced' their way round the course. Despite every effort, Bruce could not get through and had to make do with another second. Jo was third and Oliver Morgan was fourth. Although there was a bit of a gap to the next five boats, they all finished very close together.

The second start, again under Flag U was certainly close especially as a 19 knot gust came through just as boats were crossing the line. With most boats deciding to kept to the left side of the course, it was no great surprise when Mark and Bruce's grey and lime green spinnakers lead the was down the first run.

Start of Race 2 (6) on Sunday

The chasing fleet of Bill, Jo, Colin Simonds (in his new boat) and Oliver Morgan had some very close racing but none could breach the gap to the front two. With Mark looking very secure out in front, and the rain making conditions pretty unpleasant, the ROs decided to stop the race after 2 rounds (much to Bruce's disappointment). Jo was third and Bill was fourth.

Sticking with Flag U, and despite an altercation that saw Colin's new boat being spun when he was caught in a three boat sandwich a couple of seconds before the start, the third race got away first time.

Start of Race 3 (7) on Sunday

Bruce led the way and by the end of the second round was looking unbeatable, however on the third round Mark showed that its not all over until the final 'whistle'. Indeed as they negotiated the leeward gate for the third and final time neck and neck, it looked as if he was going to magic yet another win, however Bruce hung on by the closest of margins and finished a couple of inches ahead. Jo was third and David Peerless was fourth.

At the start of the fourth and final race, Ian Prideaux had a bit of a 'senior moment' and wandered over the line well ahead of the Flag U start, so was disqualified. This did not cause the rest of the fleet any issues.

Start of Race 4 (8) on Sunday

Mark was first round the windward marks with Bruce as always breathing down his neck. So keen were these front two that it was David P who actually rounded the leeward gate first. However it was not too long before Mark established himself as the leader and left Jo, David and Bruce to battle out the the other two podium places. In the event Bruce finished second, Jo was third and David was fourth.

With six firsts and two seconds, the overall winner of Bill's Barrell was Mark; Bruce was second, Jo with four thirds today, was third and Bill was fourth. Two excellent days racing under very different conditions. Our thanks to Bill for provision of the 'traditional' supporting prizes that Goddards Brewery so generously offer.

Weather permitting, next weekend is the first (of two) Team Racing weekend. In the event that conditions make team racing impractical, racing will revert to fleet racing.

Additional photos at

Overall Results:

PosHelmSail NoR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8Pts
1Mark Downer1641112112110
2Bruce Huber1015221221217
3Jo Downer16644910333339
4Bill Daniels686985545951
5Oliver Morgan16971077458654
6Caroline Simonds6787123776555
7Colin Simonds170351114867862
8David Peerless140148688114463
9Owen Pay160234469SS68
10Mike Issaias15291114911812781
11Andy Christie14910133161410101389
12Simon Birchenough136181651510131311101
13Robin Ebsworth12161817121214910108
14Will Lowe1501717181713121112117
15Monty Irwin1471561011SSSS122
16Julia Bailey1571314166RSSS129
17Roly Wilson15611121318SSSS134
18Ollie Laughton‑Scott8012151513SSSS135
19Ian Prideaux38SSSS151514D144

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