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Chichester Yacht Club Frozen Toe Winter Series - Overall

by Mark Green 16 Dec 2024 12:31 GMT 3 November - 15 December 2024
Chichester Yacht Club Frozen Toe Winter Series concludes © Mark Green

Chichester Yacht Club's Frozen Toe Series, running from November to Christmas, attracted over 60 boats across three fleets. As is typical for early winter sailing, the conditions varied greatly - from warm and sunny to cold, wet, and windy. Fortunately, this year we avoided the worst of the storms and managed to run all four events without cancellation.

In the final event of the series, Races 7 & 8, race officer Ian Brookes, supported by many members of the Chichester Hadron H2 Fleet, set a trapezoidal course with a long beat from Marina to Birdham Racing.

The Fast fleet, bolstered by six Merlin Rockets, a Devoti D-One, a Scorpion, and a Hadron, saw fierce competition. In both races, the results were the same: Chris Gould and Sophie Mackley took first place, followed by Caroline Gould and Jonty Freeman in second place, with Martin Orton in a borrowed Hadron finishing third, much to the admiration of the Hadron Fleet members on duty.

The Medium Fleet, featuring twelve boats including a strong fleet of 2000s, enjoyed competitive racing with positions changing throughout the races. In Race 7, Bill Bawber and Sue Manning finished first, 20 seconds ahead of Jonathan and Matthew Bailey, with a Laser II from Spinnaker SC in third. In Race 8, Jonathan and Matthew Bailey from Weir Wood took first place, followed by James Gerwat in 2nd, and Bill Dawber and Sue Manning from Dell Quay in third.

The Slow fleet had just two competitors this week, with Anna Swain taking the honors in both races ahead of Karen Cheeseman in 2nd place.

After the races, competitors came ashore to enjoy some mulled wine and canapés. CYC's new RC Dinghies, Michael Olliff, presented the series prizes.

In the Slow Fleet, the winner was Anna Swain, who was praised by Karen Cheeseman for her commitment to racing in every race of the series, come rain or shine. Second place went to Karen Cheeseman, with Olivia Ashton taking third place.

In the Medium Fleet, first place went to CYC's Ian Barnet sailing a Solo. Second place was taken by Bill Dawber and Sue Manning in the 2000, with Mark Harper finishing third in a Solo.

In the Fast fleet, first place went to George Yeoman in his Merlin Rocket with an assorted range of crews from Itchenor. Second place went to Jack Holden and Tim Blackmore in the RS400, with Pete Harrison taking third in the Hadron H2.

The overall winner of the 2024 Frozen Toe Series was CYC's Ian Barnett, who was presented with the trophy by Mark Harper, the original donor of the Trophy when the Frozen Toe was first created.

George Yeoman, representing the visitors, thanked everyone at CYC for arranging the series.

The next dinghy event at CYC is the start of the Snowflake series on Sunday, 2nd February.

Fast Fleet Results:

PosClassSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8Pts
1stMERLIN‑ROCKET3777George YeomanMark Oakey/Pip Kilsby/Tom Pygall/Charlie FiskItchenor SC1211‑33‑5‑58
2ndRS 4001550Jack HoldenTim BlackmoreChichester YC21‑33UTYUTY(DNC)(DNC)10
3rdHADRON H2114Pete Harrison Chichester YC33‑52‑4‑5UTYUTY13.4
4thHADRON H2122Ian Brooks Chichester YC(DNC)(DNC)455‑6UTYUTY23.4
5thHADRON H2128Ian Farr Chichester YC4.54‑77‑8(DNF)UTYUTY25.9
6thMERLIN‑ROCKET3803Caroline GouldChris Gould/Jonty FreemanShoreham SC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNC212234
7thHADRON H2115Ian Payne Chichester YC‑10888(DNC)(DNC)UTYUTY40
8thHADRON H2191Rick de Blaby Chichester YC‑117111077(DNC)(DNC)42
9thRS 4001152Mike JacotRebecca AllenChichester YC4.59124(DNC)(DNC)DNF(DNC)43.5
10thRS 2001678Richard BullockMilly BullockItchenor SC(DNC)(DNC)2964(DNC)DNC48
11thHADRON H2122Martin Orton Chichester YC(DNC)(DNC)UTYUTY(DNC)DNC3355
12thSCORPION2033Bill GroseSally CantelloChichester YC7129(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNC82
13thMERLIN‑ROCKET3803Chris GouldSophie MackleyShoreham SC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC1183
14thMERLIN‑ROCKET3807Tim SaxtonFaye ChattertonItchenor SC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNC12DNCDNC84
15thHADRON H2111John Crawley Chichester YC9DNF10(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNC87
16thMERLIN‑ROCKET3796William WarrenZeb ElliottShoreham SC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC4489
17thHADRON H2107Steve Kelsall Chichester YC65(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC92
18thHADRON H2176Paul Walker Shoreham SC(DNC)(DNC)66(DNC)DNCDNCDNC93
19thRS 4001386Nick EllimanRoger EllimanChichester YC1310DNF(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNC93
20thSCORPION2030Tom LonsdaleEmily BattertonWest Oxfordshire SC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC7694
21stDEVOTI D‑ONE314Tim Blackmore Chichester YC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC6794
22ndHADRON H2131Roger Millett Chichester YC86(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC95
23rdRS 4001333Rob CorfieldLawrence KiesDell Quay SC1411(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC106
24thDEVOTI D‑ZERO363Nigel Cowan Itchenor SC(DNC)(DNC)13DNF(DNC)DNCDNCDNC107
25thHADRON H2112Roger Clare Chichester YC12(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCUTYUTY110
26thMERLIN‑ROCKET3658Matthew ShorrockBen ShorrockFrensham Pond SC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC8116

Medium Fleet Results:

PosClassSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8Pts
1stSOLO4892Ian Barnett Chichester YC‑2112‑5‑8UTYUTY6.6
2nd200022744Bill DawberSue ManningDell Quay SC1221‑3‑31‑37
3rdSOLO5836Mark Harper Dell Quay SC43‑54‑6‑74419
4thSUPERNOVA1318James Gerwat Shoreham SC(DNC)(DNC)438‑145222
5thILCA 7/LASERCYC2Tom Walker Chichester YC853‑1124(DNC)(DNC)22
6th20002204Iain YardleySarah YardleyRYA(DNC)(DNC)8‑9426525
7thSOLO5400Ian Lissamore Chichester YC569‑10UTYUTY(DNC)(DNC)33.4
8thGP 1455Nick ColbourneBiddy ColbourneChichester YCUTYUTY(DNC)(DNC)(DNF)68633.4
9th200022098Jonathan BaileyMatthew BaileyWeir Wood SC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNC112134
10thSOLO5168Stephen Holcroft Dell Quay SC64‑116910(DNC)(DNC)35
11th200021731Michael OlliffPaula OlliffChichester YC‑16‑13UTYUTY7510‑1236.6
12thYW DAYBOAT566Ken BakerHelen EvansDell Quay SC9775‑11‑11‑12937
13th200021676Chris HodgeLouise VarleyChichester YC‑149(DNC)(DNC)UTYUTY7840
14thSOLO6060John Purdy Dell Quay SC3‑11108(DNF)(DNC)91141
15thILCA 7/LASER186259Nick Oppe Chichester YC‑108‑13710‑12.5UTYUTY41.6
16th200022542Helen GreenRubyChichester YCUTYUTY(DNC)(DNC)1212.5(DNC)1057.5
17thEUROPE393Geoff Newman Chichester YC7‑15(DNC)(DNC)1415UTYUTY60
18thRS VAREO372Mark Green Chichester YC1310‑15(RET)13‑16UTYUTY60
19thSOLO5237Derek Jackman Chichester YCUTYUTY12(RET)(DNC)(DNC)111360
20thLASER II9245Sam Spinnaker SC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNC93777
21stRS AERO 72747John Tinnams Chichester YC12141613(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNC84
22ndGRADUATE3011Catherine HemsleyCharlotte TangyeChichester YC1112(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCUTYUTY86.6
23rdRS AERO 51304Hiliary Sparkes Chichester YC1516DNF(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNC108
24thSOLO5735Mark David Gardner Chichester YC(DNC)(DNC)6DNF(DNC)DNCDNCDNC111
25thRS AERO 72274Jason Noble Papercourt SC(DNC)(DNC)1412(DNC)DNCDNCDNC113
26thSUPERNOVA1327Duncan Llewelyn Dell Quay SC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNC15DNFDNCDNC122
27th42053457Effie GrantMegan PetersChichester YC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNFDNCDNCDNC137
28thILCA 6/LASER RADIAL215222Charlotte Fensom Chichester YC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNC145

Slow Fleet Results:

PosClassSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8Pts
1stTOPPER46708Anna Swain Chichester YC‑2111‑2‑2115
2ndBYTE CI3726Karen Cheeseman Chichester YC‑33UTYUTY(DNC)(DNC)2211.6
3rdILCA 4/LASER 4.7170576Olivia Ashton Chichester YC42(DNC)(DNC)11(DNC)DNC17
4thRS FEVA XL374Polly PerkinsTommy PerkinsChichester YC1(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC37
6thTOPPER23898Emilia Davies Chichester YC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNFDNCDNCDNC40
7thILCA 4/LASER 4.7206446Lottie Sparkes Chichester YC(DNC)(DNC)DNF(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC41
8thMIRROR (S/H)70268Sarah Grant Harris Chichester YC(DNC)(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNC45

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