Sir Robin Knox-Johnston among first to congratulate Charlie Dalin for record Vendée Globe victory
by Barry Pickthall for IACH 14 Jan 09:36 GMT
14 January 2025

Charlie Dalin (FRA), skipper of MACIF Santé Prévoyance, is pictured after winning the 2024 Vendée Globe, on January 14, 2025 in Les Sables d'Olonne, France © Jean-Marie Liot / Alea
"Dear Charlie,
I have just watched you crossing the finishing line
WOW - what an achievement! You have broken just about every race and solo monohull record going:
- Fastest from the Equator to Cape of Good Hope
- Fastest across the Southern Ocean from Good Hope to Cape Horn
- Fastest from Cape Horn to Equator
- Fastest from Equator to the finish in Les Sables d'Olonne
While doing so you are the first to break through the 500 mile day barrier with a new solo 24 hour monohull record of 509.05 n.miles - a teeth (or filling) shattering 29.02 knot average, and also smashed the previous solo monohull circumnavigation record by a massive 9 days!
You and your podium rivals Yoann Richomme (Paprec Arkéa) and Sébastien Simon (Groupe Dubreuil) have transformed the Vendée Globe Race from a 3-month adventure into a 2-month sporting sprint around the Globe.
We Cape Horners tip our caps to you all.
55 years ago when I completed the first solo non-stop circumnavigation in 312 days aboard my sturdy little yacht Suhaili, it was inconceivable to think that anyone might one day achieve the same in my lifetime within just 65 days!
It is a tribute not only to your own skills in navigation, seamanship and sporting prowess, but to the designers and engineers who produced your IMOCA 60 MACIF Santé Prévoyance to withstand all that has been thrown at it by the elements without breakages.
According to our records, you are the 194th person to have now completed what is your second solo circumnavigation via Cape Horn, and we Cape Horners extend to you a warm welcome to one of the most exclusive clubs in the world - The International Association of Cape Horners
I hope to be able to attend the Vendée Globe Prize giving to personally present you with our Cape Horner's pennant.
Your time is almost unimaginably quicker than anyone could have expected. A phenomenal performance!
Huge congratulations!"
Sir Robin Knox Johnston
President of the International Association of Cape Horners