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Cyclops Marine 2023 November - LEADERBOARD

League's big weekend of celebration - 90th anniversary of 18 footer racing on Sydney Harbour

by Frank Quealey 29 Jan 05:14 GMT 31 January - 2 February 2025

The Australian 18 Footer League's 90th Anniversary of the club's first race on Sunday, February 3, 1935 is now here and the club will celebrate its proud record with a weekend of 18ft skiff racing which will be livestreamed through SailMedia with its usual professional commentary team on the course to keep the world up to date with all the action.

One of the highlights of the weekend will be the re-creation of the Sydney Harbour Marathon event, which was an incredible race for 18 footers, 16 footers and 12 footers that was sailed between Clontarf (Middle Harbour) and Clark Island (Sydney Harbour, off Double Bay) or Kirribilli.

Saturday's race, and function in Double Bay's Steyne Park, is sponsored by Shaw and Partners Financial Services.

The League has arranged for the "Smaller/Slower" boats to start at 2pm, the "Mid Size/Speed" craft to start at 2.30pm and the 18 footers at 3pm.

Coverage details for the weekend are:

Friday, January 31
Balmain Cup - Super Sprint Series

Saturday, February 1
Sydney Harbour Marathon

Sponsored by Shaw and Partners Financial Services

Sunday, February 2
Queen of the Harbour

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