Compact kit for dinghies and small keelboats
by Marine Products Direct 4 Mar 16:48 GMT
Anchors, boat hooks and outboard engines. All essential pieces of equipment when on dinghies and small keelboats, and all items that take up space and have been known to be heavy and hard to use when you're singlehanded. But not anymore.
Kaia Bint Savage spoke with David Ellis at the RYA Dinghy & Watersports Show to find out about some of the useful products that save weight, space and therefore require less human effort to use from Marine-Products-Direct.
Buy the products featured in the video to save space, weight and effort on your next sailing adventure.
The TEMO 450 Electric Outboard Engine
The Revolve-Tec Boat Hook
The Mantus M1 Stainless Steel Dinghy Anchor Kit