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Frostbite Series 2025 at Neyland Yacht Club - Overall

by Gavin Sims 11 Mar 09:35 GMT 9 March 2025
Frostbite Series at Neyland - final day © Gavin Sims

Mild March temperatures and easy going neap tides greeted the sailors for the final day of racing of the Frostbite series at Neyland Yacht Club, yet again, though, with the wind blowing from the east.

The course for the day was set as a port hand triangle with a downwind start from the club line, first a run to a dropped buoy within the moorings, then a reach across the channel to a dropped buoy to the east of Dockyard Bank post, a beat to a dropped buoy between the club line and Batts buoy before the final broad reaching leg to cross the line.

Division 1 were first away, twelve starters for the day, in a patchy 4 to 6 knots. The foiling Moth of Simon G was first to start dipping inside at the pin end, but with insufficient wind to raise onto his foils was enveloped by the fleet as they reached the first gybe mark. On the reach to the leeward mark Alan G in his Dart 18 pulled clear ahead, but the pack was very tightly bunched as they began the beat.

Geoff T on his Supernova crossed to the left immediately and found more breeze on the north side, hiking all the way to the windward mark, completing the first lap 30 seconds in front of the quicker Dart 18. A further 40 seconds behind were Keira and Simon in the 29er and Vaughan and Paul in their Wayfarer, different sailing styles required in each.

The pack, still closely intertwined, followed a further 30 seconds later. Over the following two laps Geoff extended his lead, irrespective of lighter phases or not across the course, taking the race on corrected ahead of Vaughan and Paul in their Wayfarer in second and Eloise C in her ILCA 6 in third.

Division 2 started once the faster boats were clear, evidence of their winter coaching sessions evident in them all being up to speed and crossing the line as the hooter went. The three Teras held onto the transom of Dylan in his ILCA 4 running to the first mark, but he pulled away, as expected on the subsequent reach and beat and following two laps.

The Teras remained bunched together for the majority of the race, the Pro sized rigs of Anwen S and Liam F finishing ahead of Isabelle N. On corrected the fastest and slowest in the division, Dylan and Isabelle, were joint first, with Anwen S taking third and Liam F fourth.

For the second race of the day, the last in the series, Division 2 started first. Again the youngsters were on the line at speed on the hooter and sailed the first run close together, in formation with windward heel and sails well eased.

Dylan in his ILCA 4 eased away from the Teras on the reach and subsequent legs but for this race Isabelle N in her Tera Sport managed to keep ahead of the two Tera Pros, holding them at bay through the very light patches on the final beat of the 3 laps. No tie this race - Isabelle N first, Dylan W second, Liam F third and Anwen S fourth.

Division 1 too got away cleanly for the final start of the series. Simon G in his foiling Moth was again very much displacement sailing and aiming for the inside track at the pin end, only Roger C in his Vareo got a better start, soaking away from the tightly packed fleet close behind on the first half of the run. The RS200 and 29er sailed their angles, gybing close to the north shore on this first run, but the wind was a little stronger on the direct route to the first buoy leaving them behind the pack on the reaching second leg.

Again, Geoff T was sailing well in the conditions and was soon clear ahead once beating, slowly extending away throughout the remainder of the race, but the 29er of Keira and Simon just pipped him to the line after joining all the dots on their final lap. Alan G in the Dart 18 was third to finish but would suffer on handicap.

On corrected time Geoff T took the win for the second time that day, Rob B in his Wayfarer took second with Alec D in her classic ILCA 6 in third.

With racing finished for the day a steady 7-9 knots filled in from the ESE across the river, enticing a few boats to make the most of it in the sunshine.

Thank you to the volunteers - Paul Harries and Rebecca Bell running the racing from the starting hut and Alun Lloyd, Rob Boltman, Steve Rich and Gavin Sims for providing safety boat cover.

Out of the twenty planned races for the series fifteen had been run, one missed due to insufficient wind, and four due to gales.

Overall, in division 1, the winner of the series was Eloise C (ILCA 6), second was Geoff T (Supernova), third was Alec D (ILCA 6). In division 2 the winner was Isabelle N (Tera Sport), second Anwen S (Tera Pro), third Dylan W (ILCA4). On the same week as International Women's Day it is clearly the women leading the way in the dinghy racing at Neyland YC.

Club website:

Division 1 Results:

PosClassBoatSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11R12R13R14R15Pts
1stILCA 6Reza202408Eloise Cusden NYC 224431114(DNF)3‑53‑628
2ndSUPERNOVAGerpil357Geoff Turner Fishguard Bay333‑53‑5353‑8 211128
3rdILCA 6Gustave165267Alec Denny NYC44‑8‑822‑622‑65134332
4thLASER STRATOSEustratius307Jo MussonGareth DaviesPembroke Haven ‑877764445277  60
5thDART 18Bostin Fittle6400Alan GregoryAnnabel Richards/Dimitri CatsailorNYC1(NSC)‑13‑10‑1175353499101066
6thILCA 7Crispy Chicken Wrap221330Jon Nuttall NYC 112512  11    83
7thWAYFARERWildcat10041Vaughan EverittPaul BellNYCOOD910  OODOODDNF8  422485.4
8thMoth FoilingMothferatu3995Simon Goodwin NYC5‑129‑1312(DNS) 8623OODOOD121188
9th29ERVingt Neuf838Keira EdwardsSimon TurnbullNYCDNF10‑14310‑11(DNF)999 888891
10thSOLUTIONMust Try Harder439Ross Prytherch Dale Yacht Club2NSC4118DNF67      103
11thILCA 6Das Boot213791Noah Sutton NYC 56  477   54  130
12thRS 200Jive Turkey1377Robert MainConnor Main/Robin FlemmingPembrokeshire 71168    7   77145
13thMoth FoilingStayin' Alive3169James Norris NYCDNFRETRETDNF 13DNFDNF     11DNF159
14thILCA 7Boolean Expression210288Michael Bool NYC     98      65189
15thRS VAREODemona161Roger Cusden NYC           6699191
16thHobie 16BakabanaIan Elwell NYCDNF  12NSC129        193
17thTASARTaza Sopera358Gavin SimsSebastian KummerNYCOOD65OODOOD      OODOOD  200.5
18thILCA 6NYC RadialNYCOliver Newboult NYC   11610DNF        201
19th29ERBwat Gato2378Nina MarshAmelia NuttallNYC 111299          202
20thWAYFARER 11460Robert Barlow NYC             52214
21stILCA 7NYC ILCA 7NYC1Simon Merhasin NYCDNF              239

Division 2 Results:

PosClassBoatSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11R12R13R14R15Pts
1stRS TERA SPORTDark Horse3230Isabelle Nuttall NYC(DNF)133RET11  2 221.5121.5
2ndRS TERA PROSea Anemone2442Anwen Sims NYC3  1123.5  32143427.5
3rdILCA 4Zebedee215649Dylan Williams Pembrokeshire 2‑5423‑6114 431.5227.5
4thRS TERA PROLittle SatelliteNYCLiam Franz NYC1542342  DNF   4350
5thRS TERA PROR2D23766Iolo Bool NYC     63.5  DNF     143.5
6thRS TERA SPORTNYC TERA 1NYC2Ted Silverstone NYC466            144
7thRS FEVA XLJungleNYC FEVANina Marsh ‑ FevaAmelia NuttalNYC         11    146
8thRS FEVA XLCabinNYC FEVA 2James Norris FEVAJesse NorrisNYC           31  148
9thTOPPERStormcloud49201Daniel Plant NYC 31            148
10thRS TERA SPORTDer Steiffel‑‑‑‑Sebastien Kummer NYC       22      148
11thRS TERA SPORTSea AnemoneNYC3Anwen Sims NYC 42            150
12thRS TERA SPORTPickle3933Iolo Sims NYC     55        154
13thRS TERA PROEl Grande3163Cerise Le Petit NYC2              162
14thRS TERA SPORT ‑‑‑‑Charlotte NYC       DNF       163

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