Lymington Town Sailing Club Celebrates First Lady Commodore
by Vicks Ward 11 Mar 15:01 GMT
11 March 2025

First female Commodore of Lymington Town Sailing Club is Heather Chipperfield © Petrina Jones
Within 24 hours of celebrating International Women's Day, Lymington Town Sailing Club (LTSC) were
electing, voting in and celebrating their first Lady Commodore, Heather Chipperfield. The first woman to take the helm in the club's 79-year history.
On the banks of Lymington River, LTSC is a popular and active hub for local sailing enthusiasts.
Heather's been a member for over 20 years, sailing dinghies and yachts at club level, but also dinghy
racing on the National and European circuit - winning the RS500 World Championships in The
Netherlands in 2015 (with fellow LTSC member Peter Barton).
Heather has been Rear Commodore of Sailing at the club for two years and Vice Commodore for a
year, so she's extremely well placed to take on the role.
Commenting on Heather's appointment a colleague said, "It's great to see her have the opportunity
to give something back to the sport and club she loves!"
When asked about her appointment Heather told us, "I've visited hundreds of sailing clubs over the years
and can only remember meeting one female Commodore. As sailing is such a popular sport with both
sexes, I've always found that surprising. I'm proud to be the first Lady Commodore of LTSC, since its
inception in 1946.
"At our recent AGM, three other women were also voted into the nine roles on the Executive
Committee. Our election is a strong indicator of the positive trend towards diversity in leadership
within LTSC specifically and in UK sailing clubs generally. LTSC promotes participation of all kinds,
from everyone, and these appointments are a true reflection of our openness."
Historically, leadership roles such as the Commodore in UK sailing clubs have predominantly been
held by men; many sailing clubs were originally established as male-only institutions back in the
early 1900's with women typically excluded from maritime sports, resulting in few women having
the necessary experience for leadership roles within sailing clubs.
Today there is much work going on within the sailing industry to embrace and promote diversity and
inclusion. And LTSC are keen to celebrate it.
Heather added, "With the support of an excellent Executive Committee, I feel ready to take on this
role for our great Sailing Club. I'm very optimistic, building on the fantastic legacy of being voted
RYA Club of the Year 2023, we will continue to offer fabulous sailing, training and plenty of social
opportunities for our members."
Lymington Town Sailing Club offers membership to anyone with a love of or interest in sailing,
regardless of skill or experience. With sailors aged 6 to 96 years old. Situated on Lymington River and
within walking distance of the town centre, the club offers excellent year-round sailing
opportunities, modern facilities and one of the best balcony views in town. The club also welcomes
those keen on the social side of a sailing club, with its varied and vibrant social calendar. Our next
Open Day is on 29th March 2025, all welcome.
Please contact for further information or visit