5.5 Metre News - March 2025
2025 Events and Championships
The 2025 International 5.5 Metre Calendar is published. It is divided into Category A and B Events. Category A events are the principle international events attracting the most competitors and from which the 5 Nations Cup events are selected.
For all the latest updates and links please see: https://5.5class.org/regattas/calendar
Below are all the details and entry form links of all the main events.
Nations Cup 1: Alpen Cup
Riva del Garda 1-3 May
The Notice of Race and online entry can be found HERE.
11 entries already in
Nations Cup 2: German Open
Warnemünde 29-31 May
The German Open is one week prior to the Cups and World Championship in Sopot. Boats can be left in Warnemünde after the German Open.
Entry is open HERE. 14 boats already signed up.
Download the brochure HERE.
Nations Cup 3: Swiss Open
Geneva 3-6 July
The Swiss Open returns to the SNG in Geneva in July.
Entry is open here.
Nations Cup 4: Austrian Open
Gmunden 22-24 August
The inaugural Austrian Open [incl. Salzkammergut-Preis] is being held on the Traunsee at Gmunden. The Salzkammergut-Preis will be awarded to the best boat under the Yardstick Handicap system.
Online entry is open here.
Nations Cup 5: French Open
Cannes 22-26 September
The 2025 French Open will again be held as part of the Regates Royales
in Cannes from 22-26 September. Once again the fleet will be based at the Yacht Club de Cannes instead of the old harbour due to the ongoing works.
Online entry open HERE on Manage2Sail.
More here: https://www.regatesroyales.net/
A new edition of fivepointfive magazine is being printed and will be with Class Presidents soon
Thanks to all those who helped and supported this publication.
First copies will be available at Easter on Thun and the Alpen Cup at Riva, as well as most events this year.
Other German Events
The Berliner Bar is from July 19-20 at the VSaW in Berlin Manage2Sail, followed by the Willi Lehmann Preis/Test it Now! on the Langer See at the WSV 1921, also in Berlin, from 24-27 July. Entry here: Manage2Sail. From 30-31 Aug the Evolution Cup is being sailed from Seebrucker Regatta-Verein, on Chiemsee. Manage2Sail. Then at the end of season the Suennschienpreis, from 11-12 October is at Hamburg, Alster (NRV).
Other Swiss Events
The Osterregatta on Thun is from April 18-19, Manage2Sail. Then the traditional
Coupe de la Harpe, at Rolle, on Lake Geneva, is from May 17-18 Manage2Sail. A
Mid-Summer-Racing event is planned at Thun from Aug 9-10, Thun, Manage2Sail, and then the season closing Herbstpreis is also at Thun from Oct 11-12. Manage2Sail.
Italian Events
The Italian events include the Enoshima Trophy from 9-11 May in La Spezia, followed by the Trofeo Straulino in La Spezia from 23-25 May. Then from 28-29 June the Trofeo Volpina will be sailed from Mandello del Lario. Finally the Italian Championship is expected to be from 12-14 September on Lago Maggiore
More details on the Italian class page HERE.
Other French Events
The French events include June 7-9, Open de France Métrique, June 20-22, Challenge Métrique 2, Benodet; July 12-14, Challenge Métrique 3, La Trinité Sur Mer (SNT); and Aug 1-3, Challenge Métrique 4, Noirmoutier. More details here.
North America
From 24-27 April, the US Championship, returns to the
Texas Corinthian Yacht Club, Houston, USA (More info here.)
Closing photo...Girls on Film on Garda
Thanks to the following suppliers and companies for their support: