GP14 Open Meeting at Aldridge Sailing Club to go ahead
by Steve Ellison 8 Mar 2001 10:03 GMT
At present we are still sailing at Aldridge and there is no indication that the local authority will be closing us down. This means that we are able to go ahead with our GP meeting on Sunday 18th March 2001.
For any of you living in a rural community or connected with animals I would advise you that we are now right on the edge of the 8Km exclusion zone around the confirmed outbreak of Foot & Mouth at Chase Terrace. Unless you approached us from the south, through Aldridge town centre, you would certainly have to pass through part of this zone.
A large number of clubs are closed to sailing in the Midlands and this could result in an embarrassingly large entry which we could not handle. The small size of our water means that we could only manage a fleet of about 20 boats. This would make the first mark interesting but, hopefully, not impossible.
I regret, therefore, that I will have to restrict entries to a maximum of 28. If the fleet exceeds 20 then it would be split with each boat sailing three of four scheduled races.
Those of you who have sailed at our open in the past three years will be guaranteed an entry and I would find it difficult to exclude any of our club members. This leaves about 10 or more entries available on a first come first served basis.
If you intend joining us on the 18th please let me know in advance by e-mail or 'phone on 01543 377933 I can then put you on the list and confirm you will have a sail. DO NOT turn up on spec as per normal or you may be disappointed. Please include contact details in your message so I can inform you of any alterations which may be necessary.
Hoping to provide as many as possible with a good sail.
Steve Ellison, Fleet Captain, Aldridge Sailing Club.
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