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505 Worlds at Clube Naval de Cascais, Portugal - Overall

by Editor 29 Sep 2001 10:02 BST

With a very light and unstable wind on the final day of the 505 World Championships, no racing was held so the German team of Wolfgang Hunger & Holger Jess have won overall. Second were the British pairing of Ian Pinnell & Tim Hancock.

Overall Results: (7 races, 1 discard)

PosSail NoHelmCrewR1R2R3R4R5R6R7Pts
1GER-8788HUNGER, WolfgangJESS, Holger2103512922
2GBR-8774PINNELL, IanHANCOCK, Tim69241610132
3SWE-8655BERGSTROM, KristerMOSS, Thomas441011911333
4USA-8762THOMPSON, DanielZINN, Andrew57151045738
5USA-8714HAMLIN,HowardMARTIN, Mike181263117242
6GER-8670SCHEDER-BIESCHIN, DietrichGOERGE, Rainer14144221231367
7AUS-8780VAN MUNSTER, BrettLANGE, Geoff11723176410668
8GBR-8773PAYNE, SimonMASTERMANN, Bill10112092662278
9SWE-8232ROSEN, EbbeWENRUP, Olle64APA20,552310120 
10USA-7873ADAMSON, NickNORMAN, Alan11574120122681
11USA-8643HARRIS, BarneyJAMES, Clayton19418245131295
12SWE-8768MOLUND, JohanBARNE, Johan4421330344597
13AUS-8782HEWSON, AndrewKARLOVECZ, Frank41824813331197
14AUS-8784STODART, HughGORMAN, Simon761354194098
15DEN-8440LARSEN, PerANDERSEN, Uffe33338653728112
16GBR-8752HOWARTH, ChipsYOUNG, Paul2639341172214114
17USA-7771BEECKMAN, AndyBENJAMIN, Ben331335229326115
18POR-8742MARINHO, AlvaroMARCELINO, Tiago36191820152124117
19USA-7069MEADE, JohnBYRON, David1531451631818119
20FRA-8702BOITE, PhilippeTOUPET, FabriceAPA23,33203119121543 
21USA-8631COX, RyanSMIT, Carl934138342215121
22USA-7875MILLER, JeffNELSON, Jeff42124015182016121
23USA-8554HAGAN, DougPARK, Stuart2918307282417123
24GER-8744HAGER, JorgRIX, Hans-Heinrich28301113213623126
25DEN-8620SAUGMANN, JanRAMSBAEK, Morten58164122918106137
26POR-855DOMINGOS, AfonsoANJOS, Henrique10621650131437141
27CAN-8263MELLER, AlexanderLOVSHIN, Steve1330293749308147
28GER-8775SWIFF, TomSCHOELER, Martin40291742232910148
29AUS-8696JACKSON, CarterNICHOLSON, Darren51239181731106149
30GER-8376NIEDLEK, VolkerHELSING, Stefan12262540352635159
31DEN-8622BOJLAND, TomKARBO, Jakob56225134351619177
32GER-8665SCHLOMKA, Jens-PeterTSCHENTSCHER, Thomas35365326362321177
33AUS-8644PORTER, DavidHOLDEN, Peter8323257144944179
34USA-6991JENKINS, BillMERINO, Dan3952554925254194
35GER-8632KELLNER, ChristianSTAMMERJOHANN, Klaus25501929543946208
36GER-8769BOHM, StefanROOS, Gerald46153947374527209
37AUS-8588STOWELL, MarkBLACKMAN, Christopher214927454434106220
38SWE-8551NORDSTROM, AndersARVEDSON, Johan20244761225157221
39GER-8669BOGER, TimWEISSHAUPT, Jens62481427565029224
40FRA-8677GUBRI, SergeDI PÉDE, Thibault38272246466247226
41AUS-8498HEWSON, PeterWILLIAMS, Dear37472159424741235
42USA-8616CHATHAM, DavidMcQUEEN, Matt27283756474654239
43SWE-8719LINDVALL, JakobBYRENIUS, Kalle65445932433825241
44USA-8731LIEB, ThadWATERMAN, Rob24436658335232242
45GBR-8460GOULT, MartinRUSSEL, Gordon164557106402761246
46GER-8747THUMANN, JörgSTIEGLITZ, Oliver106353339275563252
47USA-8012AMTHOR, HenrySMITH, Mike22544966532850256
48GER-8590KOECHLIN, StefanPRIEGANN, Axel43711231615853258
49AUS-8755HANSEN, MatthewDEAN, Anthony30404865245365260
50GBR-8555SMITHWHITE, DaveFULCHER, Neil106375625603548261
51GBR-8694WILLIAMS, AndyEDMONDS, Andy235552287240106270
52GER-8772ROOS, RonaldACHTERBERG, Andreas313878146942106272
53BEL-8553GORREMANS, PaulGALLO, Pierre-Jean48604655395431273
54GBR-8787KARLSSON, FredrikDIEBITSCH, Christian57466233634134273
55RSA-8340WILLCOX, GraemeHAYLETT, Alan50595043484345279
56GBR-8535CRAM, FrancisCRAM, Dougal111576052501942280
57GER-8750MULLEJANS, ChristianJUNG, Thomas62582854595738294
58GBR-8495PEACOCK, DavidHEWKIN, Chris715116683859106303
59GBR-8701NAPIER, RobRENNIE, Jonathan543465APA54,17575659 
60GBR-8708WEDGE, MartinWILLIAMS, Andy32623644737572319
61RSA-8587CRISP, RobertVON BUDENBROCK, Brett34635872716939334
62GBR-8705DUNN, IanLAKE,59426767808030345
63AUS-8589BARBER, SandraBARBER, Mark695610624627958348
64GER-8661FREYE, DiethardtKLUGEL, Michael547744515667106349
65GBR-8685SIMS, MichaelSIMS, Richard666110648747633358
66GBR-8552SHORT, RussellSHORT, Andrew45728075527049363
67GBR-8672ODELL, MilesSTREETER, Andrew72787160704852373
68FRA-8695PUISSANT,Jean-GuyETIENNE, Seguelas47656374676868378
69GBR-8291NEAL, SamBURWOOD, Peter67797463557751387
70USA-8790WYLES, JohnCHADWICK, Andrew60APA67,178253756073 
71GBR-8678BERRY, JimBERRY, Richard53APA70,336462858870 
72FRA-8683TILLY, GerardTILLY, Xavier106648636778366412
73FIN-8056RAITA, RaimoRAITA, ANTTI106697777586467412
74ZIM-8748McCOSH, PatrickCARVALLO, Gilles111776973647856417
75GBR-8745PEARSON, ChrisRAINSBOROUGH, Frank106815970796564418
76AUS-8280QUIRK, MichaelSINCLAIR, Kane175310610632106106420
77USA-8411VON GREY, PaulDEVITA, Anthony63APA73,57564888269 
78GER-8424GERDTS, PeterLAHRS, Karsten106817271686176429
79AUS-8506ROBERTSHAW, MarkRAYNER, John55846183817477431
80GER-8692VOLCKNER, NicolaiHOWAR, Arnd11680436910610636440
81GBR-8510THORP, AndyTHORP, Nick68707678767281440
82USA-8593MEYER, EvertSCHELTER, Graham707510676667385445
83FIN-8136TIKKA, XarDILLEMUTH, Matti61669579839078457
84AUS-8781ALEXANDER, EarleLOCKENBY, Ken106688387966662462
85FRA-8603CHARTIER, Jean-PhilippeCHARTIER, Alain106927382976379486
86GBR-8474THORNE, ChrisTYAS, Andy106947080788187490
87POR-8175MATOS ROSA, MárioVOZONE, Pedro111888889829655498
88RSA-8789MURRAY, AnthonySTENGER, Angela106879095848560501
89FRA-8352NOCLAIN, PhilippeNOCLAIN, Jean-Pierre106799290658988503
90AUS-8547GAUNT, AnthonyDUFFIELD, Michael106738184998686509
91GBR-8305POWER, TonyKERRY, Richard106958585879271515
92GBR-8467ROMANS, ChrisROMANS, Brenda10610668106947174519
93FRA-8623BRUN, EricROUANNE, Dominique106868492928482520
94FIN-8582JORE, AnttiPARVIAINEN, Lauri106909186908784528
95GER-8450FEUERHAKE, JurgenJUNG, Kerstin111839394869780533
96GER-8412PAULSEN, AntjeSCHAAR, Björn106828996959490546
97GBR-8532CLAYTON, TomHYATT, Dennis1069196919310675552
98GER-8413ECKEL, MartinVON MERTENS, Alexander1069394818991106554
99IRL-8309O'BRIEN,JamesBARRETT, Dion111979793969583561
100IRL-8123O'BRIEN, MichaelO'LEARY, Kieran1119898881019889572
101AUS-8711BAGSHAW, JohnGORREL, Richard11196871069893106586
102IRL-8269M'DONNELL, MichaelO'RIELLY, Brendan1111001001061009992597
103GBR-8435MCGALE, PatrickHEMMING, Lucy106999910610610691607
104POR-8176ANDRADE, PedroPINHEIRO MELLO, Vicente10610679106106106106609
105POR-8036BELLO, JoséFERLOV, Jorge106106106106106106106636

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