MDL Cadet Nationals at Royal Torbay Yacht Club - Day 4
by Steve Proffitt 23 Aug 2002 11:36 BST
Race 8
Following the lay day, race 8 got underway in a force two with an individual recall. One of the boats over was Adam Richards who immediately re-rounded the committee boat. The fleet spread out all over the course and at the windward mark it wasn’t clear if any side had been favoured. Robbie Allam was first to the mark; clear of Gemma Green and Adam Richards. There was a gap then to ‘Vache Mystique’ David Brewer/Kate MacGregor, Thomas Makey, Jonathon Moss and ‘Harum Scarum’ Richard Newby/Andy Gale. By the leeward mark the wind was dropping. Robbie now had a fifty-five second lead ahead of the chasing pack who had maintained station. The next beat favoured the right hand side. By the next windward mark Robbie had increased this lead to one minute fifty seconds. Gemma was still second with Adam third. Thomas was fourth. With the wind dropping further the course was shortened and they finished in that order. No more racing was possible.