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Build Sailing Participation 101 - newsletter


Build Sailing Participation 101

Barton Marine 2019 728x90

Feb-Nov23 Leaderboard TEMO2

The team loading the container at Queen Mary Sailing Club - photo © Guy Noble

Dear Recipient Name

There are times when things seem to just fall into place, and an idea becomes reality, seemingly with no trouble at all. Behind the scenes though there are always people with a can-do attitude who make it happen. This is a story of a pair of UK sailors donating ILCA dinghies to the St Vincent and the Grenadines Sailing Association (SVG Sailing) and it is one of those stories which was so good that I had to talk to the people behind it.

I'd received a short news article about UK Sailors donating equipment to SVG Sailing last week, so I quickly set up a Zoom call with Guy Noble of the UKLA and Tony Bishop from Queen Mary Sailing Club to find out more...

We'll start off with Guy, who was in Antigua on holiday, as he has the familiar conundrum that when he enters a major ILCA event, such as a World Championship, he also books a lovely holiday with his wife Nikki to gain 'brownie points' at home:

"We really love Antigua and have been there a few times. We booked The Inn at English Harbour, which is one of the most wonderful places, and there were a couple of Lasers on the beach, like a lot of these hotels have. Just down from there is a public beach, and as Nikki and I walked along it after breakfast one Sunday we saw some local kids swimming around and playing in the water. I got chatting to one of the mothers and I asked, 'Do your kids sail?', and she looked at me like I was some sort of alien and said, 'Of course not, how can we possibly afford to do that?'.

Games on the beach in Antigua - photo © Guy Noble
Games on the beach in Antigua - photo © Guy Noble

Henri-Lloyd 2023 Freo Jacket - YY MPU   Hyde Sails 2023 SIBS

"While we were walking back, I said to Nikki that it's a terrible shame, that there's this beautiful sea with a lovely wind and it's warm, where we as visitors get the opportunity to take full advantage of the environment, and yet these kids who are local don't. I just thought that's all wrong.

"A few days later the Caribbean Championships just so happened to be on just around the corner, which I entered. I had a nice time and after the racing I got chatting to this couple and brought up the beach kids and how we could get them sailing, I said I was a member of Queen Mary Sailing Club and that we had all these boats in the dinghy park that are not used. From this conversation they talked to a guy who backs this little sailing association in St. Vincent (SVG Sailing) and had a transport company, and they managed to persuade him to put a container together to come from the UK back to St. Vincent, then got the St. Vincent government to waive any import duty; all the pieces started to fall into place, and I just needed to talk to Tony Bishop at Queen Mary SC."

Guy Noble enjoying breakfast at The Inn at English Harbour - photo © Nikki Noble
Guy Noble enjoying breakfast at The Inn at English Harbour - photo © Nikki Noble

Icom M330GE 300x250   Zhik 2023 September Seaboot 700 MPU

For Tony this all tied together with a previous project he'd been working on just before the pandemic, so he was enthusiastic to help:

"Pre-Covid we were looking at creating something called the Abandoned Boat Club, to try and get young kids on the water, and in the process of doing that, we actually created a new membership category and found a way to do it with other club boats. So, these boats we'd found were fortuitously ready but without a project. When Guy tapped me on the shoulder, we were able to move incredibly quickly as we had six boats sitting here, most of them 20 to 25 years old, but actually in sound condition.

"What happens in a sailing club is that you have a boat park full of boats, and people have the best intention to go sailing, and fortunately, between 40 and 60% of the members do go sailing, but there's a minority where things change, life moves on, and these boats sit there. They keep paying their membership fees until the value of the boat decreases, the fees come a bit higher then, all of a sudden, there's this tipping point where they're paying more for their membership than the boat's worth, and then they decide to abandon the boat and it becomes the club's problem. There are thousands of boats across the country in this condition, it's not just our club. Interestingly, when I started sailing an Optimist, I got a bit too big, and my first boat after that was an abandoned Europe, at Bewl Valley Sailing Club in the 1980s."

Abandoned Laser at Queen Mary Sailing Club - photo © Guy Noble
Abandoned Laser at Queen Mary Sailing Club - photo © Guy Noble

RS Sailing 2021 - MPU   GJW Direct 2020 MPU

So, in dinghy parks across the UK, and around the world, there is a huge stock of dinghies which are unused. Yes, some of them will be beyond repair and sadly need to go to landfill, but many are still in a sound condition and can be brought back to racing standard with very little work. Guy and Tony talked with some of their connections, and donations came in to get any missing parts together to complete the Laser / ILCA dinghies, as Tony describes:

"In a 20-foot container you can easily fit six boats, five stacked and one on its side. Donations came through from Rooster, Ovington, SailingFast and Trident, and Queen Mary SC members had sails which they donated; soon we had a whole pile of kit that went into the container, along with the boats."

Loading the container at Queen Mary Sailing Club - photo © Guy Noble
Loading the container at Queen Mary Sailing Club - photo © Guy Noble

Harken UK 2021 - NEBO 1 MPU   Noble Marine 2022 YY - MPU

Guy also contacted the Queen Mary ILCA / Laser WhatsApp group (200+ members) and the UKLA Facebook group (3000+ members) appealing for anything they could spare:

"It was amazing, really heartening. There were people that donated sails, spars and all sorts of things. Stokes Bay Sailing Club got involved as well, with Nick Harrison supplying some things. The UKLA has some very proactive sponsors such as Rooster, Ovington and SailingFast, and they were all really keen to support the idea. They couldn't have been more cooperative. Rooster then supplied a whole sailing kit to a Caribbean sailor who's going off to do the Pan American Games. Ovington supplied a huge number of strings and the sort of things that make those boats usable."

At this point you may be thinking that this was just a fortuitous set of circumstances coming together, but Guy was quick to point out that when you start asking questions, connections can be made:

"Tim Law, who was the person that introduced me to Carl James at Antigua Yacht Club, is shipping out a boat and a load of stuff to Antigua in the next few weeks. Again, he found a sympathetic shipping company. It's a question of ask, ask, and ask around. Who are the contacts? There are many people out there who are willing to help.

"It's keeping lines of communication open with people, making sure the cogs line up, as people often didn't know about each other - they knew each other, but they didn't know things were needed. I was a kind of facilitator, who got people together and talking, then suddenly things started happening."

Kelly Glass is a kiwi who want to put something back into the community that he's adopted out in St. Vincent - photo © Guy Noble
Kelly Glass is a kiwi who want to put something back into the community that he's adopted out in St. Vincent - photo © Guy Noble

Selden 2023 CXe   Stoneways Marine 2021 - MPU

Tony then gathered a team to load the container at Queen Mary Sailing Club to make sure everything could be safely delivered to the Caribbean:

"One guy said he'd bring the wood, and we put together a team, made the frame, and in a couple of hours everything was in the 20-foot container, packed down securely and nicely boxed up. We then made a big inventory of everything, because it's got to go to the port and then they've got a list of exactly what was in the container for the paperwork.

"It's all about opening doors and meeting people. You just don't know where these conversations are going to go. You don't know who you're going to be connected with and how these things are going to then spin off and have other benefits. The next stage on for this is Queen Mary Sailing Club potentially twinning with the SVG Sailing Association. Then you have this connection so that members can go and sail over in the Caribbean, and not just go on holiday: if they need to a couple of pintles or something, you can chuck that into your hand luggage and you could deliver them.

Cleaning off an ILCA - photo © QMSC
Cleaning off an ILCA - photo © QMSC

Sailingfast 2018 Zhik 600x500   MPU from May 9 2022

"Jenny Trumble, who set up the SVG Sailing Association together with Martic Ince, is very much the key person to this whole project. Her passion for sailing and her drive to make this happen is really behind this. Her excitement means it's got this sort of 'Cool Runnings' vibe to it, where you've got this island, which is getting this sailing kit, and you've got a top-class coach, who is taking a Caribbean sailor to the Pan American Games. So they've got this pathway for getting on the water, these islanders who have been supporting holidaymakers to go sailing, but couldn't go sailing themselves. The foundation of this is to get the islanders onto the water and see the islands from the sea, which they just can't do otherwise.

"You just never know where a conversation with somebody is going to end up, and that's what I like about the whole project."

The team at Queen Mary Sailing Club - photo © QMSC
The team at Queen Mary Sailing Club - photo © QMSC

The idea has turned to reality, but keeping the momentum up and building from here will take more conversations, so I asked Guy where he'd like to see things in two years' time:

"More boats out there is the first thing, and maybe some other clubs taking the initiative. If any clubs are interested then Tony and I can point you in the direction or give you some kind of handbook on how to do these things. It is a bit bespoke, as every club and situation is different, but the biggest piece of advice I can give is go and talk to individuals."

ILCAs rigging at Antigua Yacht Club - photo © Guy Noble
ILCAs rigging at Antigua Yacht Club - photo © Guy Noble

J Composites 2022 - J45 v4 MPU   Allen 2022 - TiiTAN MPU

Tony added:

"There's definitely a lot of documented stuff that we can share, but just as Guy said it's about having those conversations and networking, because you've got to find the person that you trust that will deliver. Find a club that has a few boats, and then you have to put those people together and make it work. So, there's a bit of luck in this happening, but luck only happens when you work hard and talk to people, doesn't it?"

It once again goes to show in this day and age where we have every communication method under the sun available to us, what it often takes is actually communicating and networking to make things happen. Jon Holt at the Greig Academy with the Scaramouche Sailing Trust is a prime example of a person who gets people connected, and the results are quite incredible. We're not all Jon Holt, but we can talk to people in our spare time, and in the process achieve something remarkable. As a full-time practicing artist Guy doesn't have much time on his hands, but still managed to help get the project off the ground:

"It's kind of ludicrous in some ways, but you can do something which really takes very little, a little bit of push, and it can have life-changing consequences for other people, and that can only be a good thing. It's not philanthropic in a way, it's also selfish: I want to see singlehanded sailing, in particular ILCA sailing, prosper and grow. The ILCA is low-maintenance, you can learn the basics, and fantastic, world-beating sailors have learned their craft in the boat. Why shouldn't that be accessible to every single kid everywhere?"

Tony Bishop with a pair of ILCA daggerboards - photo © QMSC
Tony Bishop with a pair of ILCA daggerboards - photo © QMSC

MPU July August September   Marine Products Direct 2023 - Calypso MPU

These boats won't just be used by one kid, or one sailor in the Caribbean, and Tony has long believed that to be a good thing:

"The model where you've got multiple people using kit is the future. This is the way that we will sustain the sport. These boats we've sent out are going to be used multiple times by multiple people; they'll probably have more use in the next three or four years than they have done in their entire lifetime, and some of these boats are 25 years old. They've got a load of new spars, sails, and parts, so they will stay together. This second lease of life that they're going to have is probably some of the best sailing those boats will do. In the next three or four years we'll have some more abandoned boats, so we can continue to supply more to the project, and hopefully inspire other clubs to do the same."

So, this is 'Build Sailing Participation 101'. An inspiring project which can help get more sailors on the water and increase the diversity of sailing in the process. If you're feeling inspired then feel free to contact Tony Bishop at or Guy Noble via and get started!

Mark Jardine and Managing Editor

Ocean Safety 2021 - MPU   TMS 2022 - BONOMI MPU

RS Aeros Northern Tour at Notts County Sailing Club
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OK Southern Area Championship at Hayling Island Sailing Club
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RS600 Rooster National Tour at Notts County Sailing Club
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Enterprise SW Area Championship at Looe Sailing Club
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Ibiza JoySail 2023 Overall
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Craftinsure Merlin Rocket Silver Tiller at Mumbles Yacht Club
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5.5 Metre World Championship at Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, Porto Cervo - Overall
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ILCA Open at Bartley Sailing Club
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Topper “Super South Traveller” at Poole Yacht Club
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GP14 Inland Championship at Frensham Pond Sailing Club
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Rooster 2023 - MPU   RYA Membership - Personal 2017
Solo Northern Area Championship at Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club
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International Etchells Class UK National Championship at the Royal Yacht Squadron
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Squib class at the Waldringfield Cartoon Trophy
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Crewsaver Ergofit MPU   Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image 2023
Medway Yacht Club Commodores Day 2023
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420 Welsh Championship at the Plas Heli Welsh National Sailing Academy
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Scorpion Inland Championship in association with Craftinsure at Draycote Water Sailing Club
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ITCA Eastern Region Topper Traveller Round 8 at Brancaster Staithe Sailing Club
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Hassall Law Salcombe Yawl Open at Salcombe Yacht Club
A bumper turnout for the September Open Meeting saw 19 red fleet Yawls take to the water. What makes this even more impressive is that there were a few notable absent teams who, for their own reasons, were unable to attend.

Lark Inland Championship at Draycote Water Sailing Club
Following hot off the heels of the Weymouth and Waldringfield open meetings the the Lark enjoyed a long awaited return to Draycote Water for their Inland Champs on 23rd/24th, shared with the Scorpions.

MYA RG65 National Championship 2023 at West Kirby Sailing Club
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Typhoon International appoints new Managing Director
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2023 North West Senior Traveller Series Final at Elton Sailing Club
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SKUD 18 UK National Championship 2023 at Rutland Sailing Club
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Barton Carbon Tiller Extensions
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Contender National Championship (take two) at Castle Cove Sailing Club
On the 7th to the 10th of September the Contender fleet headed off to the picturesque surroundings of Exe Sailing Club in Exmouth for the National Championship, to be greeted by warm sunshine and a distinct lack of wind as the forecasts had suggested.

RS Aero UK Women's Championship at Hayling Island Sailing Club
45 RS Aero Ladies made their way to Hayling Island, excited for the 3rd UK Women's Championships. Visitors travelled from as far away as Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands with the huge home ladies fleet at Hayling well represented.

Pushing the boundaries of design
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Osprey Class Round The Isle of Wight Race
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Baltic 111 Raven foiling trials completed
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Zhik turns 20!
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Noble Marine Lightning 368 2023 National Championship at Chase Sailing Club
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Flying Fifteen National Championship at Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy - Overall
The final day dawned, and it was windy, a southerly with gusts of 26 - 28 knots. Many in the boat yard were wondering if the fleet would get racing and others had decided it was too windy for them and head home early.

Royal Southern Yacht Club September Regatta
The Royal Southern Yacht Club hosted the fourth and finale event of the Summer Series on the 15th-17th September. It was a weekend with mixed conditions making it challenging for the sailors and race committees alike.

2023 Noble Marine UK Musto Skiff National Championship at Restronguet Sailing Club - Overall
Well done to all 41 competitors who participated in this year's UK Nationals. It has been a fantastic few days of racing, and we are already looking forward to next year's championship, which is planned for Filey in North Yorkshire.

Selden 2020 - FOOTER

Stoneways Marine 2021 - FOOTER

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