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Melges 15

Performance vs. Participation or Correlation vs. Causation? - newsletter


Performance vs. Participation or Correlation vs. Causation?

Noble Marine 2022 YY - LEADERBOARD

Carey Olsen Jersey Regatta 2024

That's one heavy seagull... - photo © Editor

Dear Recipient Name

I've heard many a time that one of the reasons for a fall in participation in sailing is the increased performance of boats. Effectively, the skill level and athleticism required in high performance boats excludes a range of people from participating.

Personally, I cannot agree with this rationale for one simple reason: just because high performance sailing is available, does not mean that traditional, or lower performance boats, suddenly aren't available for all.

In other words, a perceived inverse correlation doesn't necessarily imply a causation. Case in point being the photo above, where you could argue that the seagull must be super heavy to have bent the railing.

I tend to believe sailing can be more accessible than ever, and attendance - while very different to 50 or 60 years ago - isn't half bad.

Those who believe that performance is to blame for perceived falling participation often hark back to the days of the dinghy boom of the '60s and '70s, which I referenced in the opening paragraph of my last editorial. Class championships during this time could gather up to 200 boats - sometimes more - which is used as the 'evidence' for falling attendance, when those same classes now attract a tenth of that number.

Stoneways Marine 2021 - MPU   Melges 15

Noble Marine Rooster RS200 National Championships at Hayling Island -Day 1 - photo © Phil Jackson / Digital Sailing
Noble Marine Rooster RS200 National Championships at Hayling Island -Day 1 - photo © Phil Jackson / Digital Sailing

The counterargument is that the modern equivalents, such as the RS200, are in this echelon, with 182 taking part in the 2022 UK Championship. Yes, overall, there are fewer classes with ultra-high attendances, but there are more classes overall - for better or for worse.

The dinghies that were designed for the dinghy boom years were mostly 'general purpose' (that's what the GP stands for in GP14) and frequently built at home out of plywood, coming in kit form. Nowadays that's a rarity with sailors wanting their boat to be ready to race out of the box, but that's more a reflection of the changing behaviours in general rather than that of sailing as a pastime.

A modern International Moth, taking one example, cannot in any way be described as general purpose, but it has attracted people to the sport who may otherwise have been uninterested in it, due to it lacking the thrill factor. It has also spawned more accessible foiling classes, such as the WASZP, which again has developed its own loyal following. Then there's the explosion in popularity of the wing foil - I've said it before and I'll say it again, sailing is a diverse sport!

Jacob Pye (NZL)  - Day 5 of the Wetsuit Outlet and Zhik International Moth World Championship 2023 - photo © Mark Jardine / IMCAUK
Jacob Pye (NZL) - Day 5 of the Wetsuit Outlet and Zhik International Moth World Championship 2023 - photo © Mark Jardine / IMCAUK

Carey Olsen Jersey Regatta 2024   Hyde Sails 2022 One Design MPU

Another reflection of changing lifestyles is how more and more clubs are implementing pay and play. This isn't just the big clubs, it's across the board, and the booking systems work seamlessly online, meaning you know what's booked when, and can quickly rent out the boat you want to sail.

The growth in the pay and play model also reflects changes in modern lifestyles. Phones, appliances, cars and houses are much more are likely to be rented rather than purchased.

When you look closely at pay and play, it often works out far cheaper than boat ownership, and gets around dinghy park waiting lists. Going back to lifestyles, those whose work is nomadic may jump from club to club as their location changes and never actually own a boat. The first thing they'll be looking at when choosing a club is the availability of pay and play. Something to think about if your club is struggling to attract members...

A packed dinghy park ahead of the Arenal Training Camps Trophy - photo © Jesus Renedo
A packed dinghy park ahead of the Arenal Training Camps Trophy - photo © Jesus Renedo

May 2024 MPU   wot-tac 2024 2

One more common misconception is that club fleets have to be dinghies.'s North American Editor David Schmidt showed this isn't the case when he talked with Ashley Walker about Lakewood Yacht Club's new RS21 fleet back in 2019. The club bought twelve of the sportsboats, recognising changes in people's lifestyles, as well as the times in life when sailors are unable to commit to boat ownership, but want to remain engaged with the sport.

Ashley's words on the scheme, and its reasoning, are a must-read for any sailing club:

"Lakewood Yacht Club has built a nationally recognized Youth Sailing Program over the years. Many of those youth sailors have moved on and completed college sailing programs as a result of their skills developed at LYC. We want them to return to our club as members and saw a pay-to-play option as providing a high level of value in return for their membership.

"Many young sailors, fresh from college or building a family, often have to choose between investing in either a club membership or purchasing a boat, and cannot do both. We'd rather they join our club and let us provide them with a fleet to sail at a nominal cost compared to boat ownership."

Lakewood Yacht Club's Fleet of RS21s - photo © US Sailing
Lakewood Yacht Club's Fleet of RS21s - photo © US Sailing

June to September 2024   Sailing Chandlery 2024 MPU ILCA

Championship attendance also isn't necessarily the sign of sailing's health. For sure, gathering a large number of the same type of boat in a single place at a single time makes for superb racing, and often an even better social scene, but it isn't the be-all and end-all.

The ILCA 7 class (or Laser as most still now it) attracted 57 boats to its UK Nationals in 2023, but there are regional and local events around the world which equal or better that number.

The ILCA with its three rigs can attract extraordinary numbers at their events, for example the 533 helms taking part in May's EurILCA Europa Cup Italy at Punta Ala. That's a serious turnout of sailors, and shows the class to be in rude health, over 50 years since the late, great Bruce Kirby designed it.

EurILCA Europa Cup Italy at Punta Ala - photo © Nicola Damonte / Centro Velico Punta Ala
EurILCA Europa Cup Italy at Punta Ala - photo © Nicola Damonte / Centro Velico Punta Ala

MPU brokerage   Cyclops 2024 Live Loads MPU 2

My point is that highlighting numbers in a certain class, or certain event, doesn't necessarily give an overall picture of the health of sailing in general. Habits change, people change, events and classes wax and wane, and the broader picture shows the sport in good health.

Can we do better? Of course. Should we be constantly analysing the figures and behaviours? Absolutely. Should clubs, classes and events be adapting to the changing times? Without a doubt if they want to survive.

High altitude racing amongst the snowy mountains of Switzerland - 2024 Formula Wing European Championships - photo © IWSA media / Sailing Energy
High altitude racing amongst the snowy mountains of Switzerland - 2024 Formula Wing European Championships - photo © IWSA media / Sailing Energy

Sailing needs to be constantly mindful of its position in the world. The rental lifestyle of today means people can be fickle in the pastimes they choose, and the options available as to how you spend your free time have never been more plentiful. Sailing needs to be attractive to bring new people in.

I said earlier that sailing can be more accessible that ever, and at some clubs that is true, but conversely there are clubs where it isn't - those are the clubs where I'd say a declining membership is where correlation and causation do align.

Mark Jardine and Managing Editor

Harken UK 2021 - NEBO 1 MPU   Musto 2023 BR1 MPU 2

XOD class set for Itchenor Keelboat Week
Itchenor Keelboat Week is here once more! 23 XODs will take to the start line, for what's to be a hotly contested week, with light winds forecast it could be all to play for!

2023 McIntyre Ocean Globe Prize giving - It's a wrap with 2027 OGR on the horizon!
Heather Thomas and her all-women Maiden crew have been crowned the 2023 McIntyre Ocean Globe champions during a lavish mid-summer day poolside prize-giving party, hosted by and at Marco Trombetti's Translated villa headquarters in Rome.

Craftinsure Lark Open at Barnt Green Sailing Club
12 boats contested the Lark open at Barnt Green SC on Saturday, with two local boats being joined by 10 travellers from as far as Ipswich. This would be the 8th event of the year to count towards the Craftinsure Lark Travellers Series.

ICOM UK IC-M510BB   Rooster SB1 Inshore Range JPG
Folkboat Nationals 2024 at the Royal Lymington Yacht Club - Overall
Warm sunny weather welcomed the Folkboat Association Nationals 2024, this year being held at Royal Lymington Yacht Club as a stand-alone event with five races over the two days featuring 16 boats, each with 3 crew from the sailing clubs across the Solent.

NEYYSA North Junior Championships at Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club
143 U19 sailors from 21 regional clubs and associations converged at Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club over the weekend of 22 & 23 June 2024 for the North Junior Championships.

Salcombe Yacht Club Summer Series - Race 2
Races 2 of the Salcombe YC Summer Series took place on 22nd June. The competitors were favoured by what the over 60s call classic Salcombe conditions. That is to say blue skies, blue seas, a strongly flooding tide and a Force 3-5 South Westerly wind.

RYA 2024 - We're here for people like you   Selden ART
ILCA 4 World Championship 2024 at Viana do Castelo, Portugal - Opening Day & Practice Race
The ILCA 4 World Championship 2024, the largest junior sailing event in the world, is being held in Viana do Castelo from 23rd to 30th June 2024. There are 51 countries being represented by 427 sailors, 108 coaches, and over 900 supporters.

Tense day ahead as finishing stage to SSE Renewables Round Ireland Race beckons
After more than three days at sea, weather is once again providing the decisive hand in the 705 nautical-mile SSE Renewables Round Ireland Race as the leading boats pass the north coast this evening.

J/99s dominate the Duo Cat-Amania 2024
The Js didn't leave a single crumb of victory to the others, winning all six legs of this edition! There were six Js in the top ten, with the J/99 J LANCE and J/99 WHIMJY taking first and second place respectively.

MPU New launch Spring 2023   Vaikobi 2024 MPU
Irish Fireball Open Championship at Galway Bay Sailing Club
Chris Bateman and Lisa Flynn are the new Fireball Open Champions after six close-fought races on Galway Bay over the weekend.

When to reef on a catamaran
Whether you're an experienced sailor, or you've picked it up in later life, catamaran sailing comes with its own unique challenges - not least when it comes to deciding when to reduce sail.

Merlin Rocket Craftinsure Silver Tiller Round 5 at Whitstable Yacht Club
The Merlin Rocket class headed to Whitstable Yacht Club on the 22nd and 23rd June for the fifth Crafinsure Silver Tiller of the year combined with the fifth Allen South East Series event.

Zhik 2024 March - MPU   Noble Marine 2022 YY - MPU
RS Aero Europeans and RS Eurocup at Yacht Club de Carnac - Overall
Patience was the key word for the last day at the RS Aero European Championship / RS Eurocup, organised by the Yacht Club de Carnac (YCC).

Classic & Vintage Merlin Open at Banbury Sailing Club
On Saturday 15th June 2024 despite the forecast of heaving rain and strong winds three Merlins braved the conditions to attend Banbury Sailing Club's Annual Vintage and Classic Merlin Event which is also part of the CVRDA circuit.

Enterprise Bluebell Traveller at Largo Bay Sailing Club
Fourteen Enterprises entered for this round of the Bluebell series at one of the best sea sailing areas in Scotland. Special mention to Callum Gibb for drumming up support for this event.

Ocean Safety 2023 - New Identity - MPU   TMS 2024 MPU 2
RS600 Inland Championship at Carsington Sailing Club, part of the RS600 Rooster National Tour
A small but select fleet of seven RS600s arrived at Carsington Sailing Club for their Inland Championships, sponsored by Rooster. Although small by normal standards, the fleet included National Champion and recent Eurocup winner George Smith.

X-Yachts Aurum Cup 2024 Overall
The second day of the 2024 X-Yachts Aurum Cup saw cooler weather, shifty breezes, and rain! The fleet of 12 yachts headed out into the Sydney Sound at Middle Head for two races in two divisions.

Solo Open at West Kirby Sailing Club
Arriving at the Club, everyone was excited at the prospect of sailing on the sea with West Kirby hosting the only northern sea event of the 2024 series.

Crewsaver Ergofit MPU   GJW Direct 2024 Dinghy
Craftinsure Supernova Traveller Series at Winsford Flash Sailing Club
On 15th June sixteen contenders arrived ready and raring to go for the Craftinsure Supernova travellers event at Winsford Flash Sailing Club.

SailGP: Black Foils dominate in New York, securing fifth win of the season
The Black Foils have claimed victory in the Big Apple - securing their fifth win in 12 events and extending their lead at the top of the season standings.

Leaders pass Fastnet Rock off West Cork coast in SSE Renewables Round Ireland Race
Less than 30 hours after starting the 705 nautical-mile circumnavigation, the leading boats in the SSE Renewables Round Ireland Race have passed the famous Fastnet Rock lighthouse off Cape Clear island in West Cork.

Sailingfast 2018 Zhik 600x500   RS Sailing 2021 - MPU
44Cup Marstrand 2024 - Overall
Nico Poons' Charisma won the 44Cup Marstrand in 2023 and has been 44Cup champion for the last two seasons. But some changes in personnel and two deep results in Porto Calero, Lanzarote dumped the Dutchman's team to the bottom of the leaderboard.

Svea finish on top at The Superyacht Cup Palma
With a carefully crafted victory in Saturday's final 25 nautical mile coastal race, the Swedish flagged Svea won the J Class at The Superyacht Cup Palma.

America's Cup: Emirates Team NZ's AC75 arrives in Barcelona
Emirates Team New Zealand's AC75 Taihoro has safely arrived at the team base in Barcelona after a 28-day journey travelling over 13,000 miles between the Port of Tauranga and the base in the Port of Barcelona.

Henri-Lloyd - For the Best Days of your life   Barton Marine 2019 600x500
Superyacht Cup Palma 2024 Overall
Classic Bay of Palma sailing conditions delivered exceptional racing across the board to conclude the Superyacht Cup Palma 2024.

Sparkling start to 705 nautical mile SSE Renewables Round Ireland at Wicklow
Thousands of spectators lined the pier and coast at Wicklow this afternoon (Saturday 22nd June 2024) for the start of the 705 nautical mile SSE Renewables Round Ireland Race that has attracted an international fleet of 48 starters.

Wayfarer National Championship at Paignton Sailing Club, part of the Craftinsure National Circuit
Paignton Sailing Club were the excellent hosts of the Wayfarer Nationals this year, with generous sponsorship from Craftinsure, McNamara Sails, Hartley Boats, and Allen Brothers, over the 13-16th June in the fantastic sailing area of Torbay.

Feb - Nov 23 MPU Lasdrop   Allen Dynamic 60 MPU
Stewart Brewing Squib UK National Championships 2024 at Royal Forth Yacht Club - Overall
Prior to the last race of the Squib Nationals, two boats had dominated the racing Micky Wright's 'Spoof' from the Royal Corinthian YC on Hyde Sails on 20 points and Mark Hogan's 'RicO'Shea' from South Caernarvonshire YC on Batt Sails on 24 points.

12mR World Championship at Yacht Club de Porquerolles Overall
The end of the 12mR World Championship in Porquerolles. On this final day, a strong mistral wind (22-36 knots) is blowing across the harbour of Hyères. Due to these conditions, the race committee decided this morning not to launch the race.

P&B Northampton Youth Series 2024 Round 3 at Hollowell Sailing Club
Wow. What an event! More than 50 sailors signed on for third round of this year's series. The sailing club rigging areas and car park were jam packed with enthusiastic youth and junior sailors.

Allspars 2024   Craftinsure 2023 MPU
Beautiful Bonifacio delights the Swans
When you combine the latest Swan yachts, superb conditions, and one of the most stunning Mediterranean venues, you have the recipe for a top yachting event.

SailGP: New South American team announced for Season 5 - Brazil Sail GP
Mubadala Capital, the wholly owned asset management subsidiary of Mubadala Investment Company, and SailGP, the global racing championship, have announced a strategic investment to acquire a newly-formed SailGP Team to represent Brazil.

Salcombe Gin Merlin Rocket Week 2024 at Salcombe Yacht Club - Runners and Riders
With the sun finally shining, the water warming up and beaches looking enticing, its time to get excited about Merlin Rocket Week 2024. With 120 boats descending on the very beautiful Salcombe Harbour, there's guaranteed to be an element of chaos.

J Composites J/45   A+T Instruments BFD 2024 MPU
2024 Falmouth Classics
The Falmouth Classics, one of the largest classic sailing events in the UK which ran from the 14 -16th June, welcomed 174 entries.

How to get peace of mind when at anchor
When we anchor it's something we want to do only once, when we find the perfect spot.

Sailing Chandlery D-Zero Europeans and UK Nationals at the WPNSA - Runners & Riders
The Sailing Chandlery D-Zero championships takes place over four days from 27th- 30th June at WPNSA, Weymouth. This is the 10th anniversary of the D-Zero UK Nationals and the inaugural European Championship.

2024 fill-in (side)   X-Yachts MPU 5
Welsh Harp Sailing Association Brent Regatta
The Welsh Harp Sailing Association (WHSA) celebrated the highly anticipated return to on-the-water activities with the successful Brent Regatta this past weekend.

Swallows and Amazons celebrations - Visit the Lake District to see both dinghies from the 1974 film
2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the first feature length film made of the book, Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome. The focus of the celebrations will be on Lake Windermere during the last weekend of June.

Collective Spirit returns to the water after a decade on land!
In collaboration with the Lone Twin Boat Project, funded by the Arts Council and designed by Simon Rogers, this unique 30-foot sailing yacht was crafted in Emsworth with the guidance of local Olympic yachtsman Mark Covell.

RS Aero Northern Championship at Yorkshire Dales Sailing Club
Ellie Craig with a 6 rig from Basssenthwaite SC joined the home fleet of 10 Aeros for the Northern Championship at Yorkshire Dales over the weekend 15-16th June.

2024 GP14 World Championship at Plas Heli, Pwllheli - Runners and Riders
The GP14 Worlds at Plas Heli, Pwllheli is once again five championships in one event. Following changes by World Sailing, the GP14 Association able to crown five World Champions from one event, subject to meeting criteria of number of entries.

RS300 Inland Championship at Carsington Sailing Club - Rooster National Tour Round 3
Excited wasn't the word when I looked at the forecast a week in advance of my first event of 2024. Light winds and inland don't normally make for an event that I'd either choose to attend or enjoy while I was there.

B14 European and National Championship 2024 at Royal Torbay Yacht Club
Royal Torbay Yacht Club welcomed the B14s to the English Rivera for what promised to be a full on four days of sailing in the stunning waters of Torbay in south Devon.

Miracle and Mirror Open at Whitefriars Sailing Club
Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June saw Whitefriars SC hosting the joint Mirror & Miracle Open Meeting, an event which doubled up as the Miracle Southern Area Championship.

Daniel Ricciardo and Marc Márquez race in Alinghi Red Bull Racing boats ahead of Spanish Grand Prix
Motorsport champions Daniel Ricciardo and Marc Márquez trade the track for sea, for a high-speed sailing race yesterday in Barcelona with America's Cup team Alinghi Red Bull Racing.

Rooster Southern Topper Traveller Series Round 3 at Stokes Bay Sailing Club
Stokes Bay Sailing Club was host to the third event of this year's Rooster Southern Topper Traveller Series. Thankfully the wind had abated overnight, so the thirty-five sailors could enjoy perfect Stokes Bay conditions with a 15-20knots South Westerly.

Toto Wolff, Lewis Hamilton & George Russell take flight in Barcelona with Ainslie's INEOS Britannia
Today, Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team drivers Lewis Hamilton and George Russell with Team Principal and CEO Toto Wolff visited INEOS Britannia at their base in Barcelona as preparations continue ahead of the 37th America's Cup.

Man Overboard on Walkabout IV during the 2024 Round the Island Race
Photographer Caitlin D'Arcy was down at St Catherine's Point on the Isle of Wight, watching the Round the Island Race, when she watched a man overboard situation unfold. She picks up the story to tell us what happened.

Melges 15

Stoneways Marine 2021 - FOOTER

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