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Risk and reward - newsletter


Risk and reward

Leaderboard Q1 2023

Hyde Sails 2023 Wuzzos - LEADERBOARD

Hot Stuff broaches in the Solent - photo © Ingrid Abery /

Dear Recipient Name

I've yet to meet a keen sailor who hasn't at some point banged a corner, usually after a poor start, and come out top at the windward mark. Nine times out of ten it won't work, probably ninety-nine times out of a hundred in reality, but that one time where it does certainly brings out the smiles.

Regattas require consistency though, and unless the venue is one where a certain side always pays, when everyone bangs the corner, going off on a flyer may win you a race, but won't win you the event.

Henri-Lloyd 2023 Freo Jacket - YY MPU   Hyde Sails 2022 One Design SALE MPU

Poland gets away with a port tack start - 49er - Hyundai World Championships, Oceania Championship, Day 3, November 27, , Royal Akarana Yacht Club - photo © Richard Gladwell /
Poland gets away with a port tack start - 49er - Hyundai World Championships, Oceania Championship, Day 3, November 27, , Royal Akarana Yacht Club - photo © Richard Gladwell /

Risk and reward have to be weighed up the entire time when sailing. Crossing a starboard tacker when it's a bit tight risks penalty turns or a protest, but the reward may be to avoid a pair of tacks and gain that clear air you'd been searching for. Flying the kite on a relatively tight reach may reward you with an extra knot or two of speed, but risks a broach or capsize. A port tack flyer on the start line risks having to duck the fleet, but the reward when you do get to cross them all is the 'whoop, whoop!' shouts and being the centre of the bar chat that evening.

Then there's the ever-increasing risk assessments, safety protocols and paperwork needed to run sailing events - especially junior and youth sailing - but the reward is the sense of fulfilment, and seeing the joy and happiness of enabling people to get out on the water.

Typhoon 2022 MPU   Marine Products Direct 2023 - Calypso MPU

Thread the Needles day - photo © Mark Jardine
Thread the Needles day - photo © Mark Jardine

Sometimes the higher the risk, the greater the reward. Last year when we got the kids out to 'Thread the Needles' at my local club we knew it carried an increased risk over one of our usual youth sailing sessions, but they still talk about it and it was the first event we got in the diary to run it again this year. I would never advocate a gung-ho attitude; it did take far more planning, coordination, and concentration than any of the events we do. The kids were tired after a long and challenging day on the water, but the leaders and RIB teams were shattered.

PRADA Cup Round Robin 3 - INEOS TEAM UK vs Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli - photo © COR36 / Studio Borlenghi
PRADA Cup Round Robin 3 - INEOS TEAM UK vs Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli - photo © COR36 / Studio Borlenghi

When it comes to competitive sailing, the margins get tighter, and the risks increase. With the step-change in speed in top-end sailing due to the foiling revolution, we've seen remarkable moments, such as when the British AC75 crossed the Italian team on the downwind leg, caught in the incredible photo above.

Musto 2023 BR1 MPU 2   Allen 2022 - TiiTAN MPU

Canada SailGP Team helmed by Phil Robertson nearly capsize as France SailGP Team helmed by Quentin Delapierre sail closely past during the second race on Race Day 1 of the Range Rover France Sail Grand Prix in Saint Tropez, France - photo © Bob Martin for SailGP
Canada SailGP Team helmed by Phil Robertson nearly capsize as France SailGP Team helmed by Quentin Delapierre sail closely past during the second race on Race Day 1 of the Range Rover France Sail Grand Prix in Saint Tropez, France - photo © Bob Martin for SailGP

With SailGP we're now seeing these kinds of hair-raising moments with the boats approaching each other at up to 50 knots. The risks have certainly increased, but with one million dollars going to the winner of the SailGP Grand Final, so have the rewards.

While the prize money may seem a huge incentive, the F50 foiling catamarans aren't cheap, and collisions have to be avoided at all costs. Not to mention the risk to the sailors themselves, who are relatively out in the open. Thankfully a tightening up on the rules and punishments, combined with the skill of the sailors, has kept incidents in a minimum so far. Let's all hope it stays that way.

Collision between USA SailGP Team and Spain SailGP Team on Race Day 2 of San Francisco SailGP, Season 2 - photo © Simon Bruty for SailGP
Collision between USA SailGP Team and Spain SailGP Team on Race Day 2 of San Francisco SailGP, Season 2 - photo © Simon Bruty for SailGP

In my opinion, by far the trickiest balance of risk and reward comes with bringing up young sailors in competitive sailing.

Winning an event is reward, but losing as well can be an opportunity for developing valuable life skills: learning from mistakes, building resilience, composure under pressure and understanding that however good you are at something, there's (usually) someone better, being just a few.

The risk is losing young sailors to the sport altogether, and there has been far too high an attrition rate in junior and youth dinghy classes where the focus is all on the top sailors. As I've said more times than I can remember, and many much wiser people have said before me, sailing is a sport for life, and it's a tragedy that people can leave the sport before they've even reached 18, when their journeys on the water haven't even had the chance to properly start.

Noble Marine 2022 YY - MPU   Ocean Safety 2021 - MPU

40th Lake Garda Optimist Meeting - photo © Elena Giolai
40th Lake Garda Optimist Meeting - photo © Elena Giolai

Part of this pressure has been due to funding models, where governing bodies are rewarded for success on the biggest stages, such as the Olympics. The more medals your sport achieves, the higher the funding received. This inevitably leads to concentrating on those who show 'medal potential', with others being ignored.

Thankfully this attrition in participation is being slowly recognised, and the focus is being redressed. Making competitive sailing more interesting for the bulk of the fleet doesn't have to come at the cost of reduced success at the top, and both goals can be achieved at the same time.

Much of it comes down to recognising what an individual young sailor is looking to get out of their time on the water. Some are naturally competitive, and will always push themselves to do more, while others are looking to just have fun with their mates. Understanding this, and adjusting how you communicate with them according to their goals, will increase their engagement and enthusiasm.

RYA Membership - Personal 2017   Vaikobi 2021 Boots - MPU

470 Worlds at Sdot Yam, Israel: All smiles from the new World Champions - photo © Int. 470 Class
470 Worlds at Sdot Yam, Israel: All smiles from the new World Champions - photo © Int. 470 Class

Kids (and adults) can develop their competitive natures at very different ages, which is why having a primary goal of keeping the majority of the fleet happy is good for the top as well. Apart from the obvious point that sailing in bigger fleets is better practice, those who may have taken it less seriously to begin with may become successful sailors a bit later than others. There are many cases of top sailors who had no results to their name in the Optimists.

Risk and reward are inexorably linked. The potential reward that you receive from an action is often proportional to the amount of risk that you are willing to take, but taking too much of a risk can also be detrimental. Keep in mind that different people have different goals, and understanding what drives an individual will help keep them engaged in sailing. If we can keep more people in the sport, then the rewards are great for everyone.

Mark Jardine and Managing Editor

Epoxycraft 2022 PRO-SET - MPU   MPU from May 9 2022

Spring Break Miami for Etchells Sailors is a North American Championship
While Spring Breakers descend on Miami this time of year to escape the end of winter, 156 Etchells sailors took to Biscayne Bay for their own kind of fun: The Coral Reef Cup.

Warsash Spring Series - Day 1
Day 1 of the 2023 Warsash Spring Series for IRC boats started with sunny intervals in about 10 degrees which seemed quite warm after the snow of a few days earlier.

March episode of the World Sailing Show takes on big winds and even bigger waves
The main feature of the March episode of the World Sailing Show returns to the Canary Islands for the Lanzarote International Regatta where 360 sailors from six classes took to the water for eight days of races.

Rooster 2020 - Impact BA - MPU   Craftinsure 2018 Retina MPU
Ancasta Group acquires Spencer Rigging
Ancasta Group has announced the acquisition of Cowes-based Spencer Rigging to further bolster its portfolio of yacht services provided worldwide.

Big Savings on Rip Curl Wetsuits & Accessories - 30% off at CoastWaterSports!
Save 30% on all Rip Curl products in March at CoastWaterSports, including the Freelite 3/2 and the Junior Dawn Patrol wesuits, as well as Flashbomb gloves and boots.

Endeavour Homes 2023 Flying Fifteen World Championship at Fremantle - Day 3
It was an early start for the fleet on day 3 of the 2023 Flying Fifteen World Championship held on another hot and sunny day off the coast of Fremantle. The forecast was for an early Easterly which was due to shut down by lunchtime.

GJW Direct 2020 MPU   RS Sailing 2021 - MPU
Paprec Arkea and For People: What they show about the evolution of IMOCAs
Launched less than a month after each other, the monohulls for Yoann Richomme and Thomas Ruyant have been designed by Antoine Koch and the Finot-Conq firm.

Salcombe Yacht Club Spring Series - Race 2
When in the race box, Simon Ballantine has earned himself quite a reputation of being pretty imaginative with his course selection. Needless to say he did not disappoint and sent the competitors off on their first Estuary tour of the season.

Chichester Yacht Club Snowflake Series concludes
On Sunday 12th March we saw the series come to an end with the last two races of the winter season, and we were very pleased to welcome so many old and new friends.

TMS 2022 - BONOMI MPU   Barton Marine 2019 600x500
Ad Ports Group Wingfoil Racing World Cup Abu Dhabi - Overall
After three intense days of competition, the Ad Ports Group Wingfoil Racing World Cup Abu Dhabi concluded with no racing on the final day due to a lack of wind.

Thomas Ruyant's new TR Racing IMOCA launched
At the top of the IMOCA Class, teams, designers, skippers and commercial partners are fighting for supremacy, and every now and again something new appears and everyone has to take stock.

The Ocean Race Leg 3 Day 21: All lined up with one way to go
On Saturday it seemed as if the race couldn't get any closer. By Sunday morning UTC that was proved wrong. Today, all four teams are lined up on a 13 mile line.

Sailingfast 2018 Zhik 600x500   Harken UK 2021 - NEBO 1 MPU
ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Christchurch - Overall
Canada became the fifth different team to win a SailGP Season 3 event with a thrilling victory over New Zealand and Australia in the ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Christchurch event final.

18ft Skiff Queen of the Harbour
Karly Zinga became the Australian 18 Footers League's Queen of Sydney Harbour when she teamed with John Winning, Fang Warren and Josh Porebski on Yandoo to win the annual event today.

Clipper 2023-24 Round the World Yacht Race skippers announced
The eleven skippers set to lead teams of amateur sailors from all walks of life around the globe has been revealed.

Selden 2020 - Carbon Masts - MPU   Upffront 2020 Foredeck Club MPU
Golden Globe Race Day 193: Jeremy Bagshaw a Cape Horner
Jeremy Bagshaw (ZAF) who's had his fair share of issues, with barnacles forcing him to moor in South Africa and stop in Australia, has been a model of determination in continuing his round the world adventure.

ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Christchurch - Day 1
The New Zealand SailGP Team staked its claim for Season 3 Championship favoritism with an impressive display in front of a raucous set of home fans in Christchurch.

2023 ILCA Senior European Championships at Circolo Nautico Andora, Italy - Overall
A great day of sailing to wrap the 2023 ILCA Senior European Championships & Open European Trophy in great shape at Circolo Nautico Andora in Italy.

J Composites 2022 - J45 v4 MPU   MPU brokerage
Vaikobi polarized ocean eyewear - Made for life in the sun
Life in the sun? Vaikobi polarized ocean eyewear has you covered. Our sunnies protect you from direct sun and water-reflected light.

Marine Resources latest jobs: Get hired now - hot jobs available
We've collected the latest job openings in the leisure marine industry, and sent them straight to you! Applications for these roles are coming in fast and hot, so send us yours ASAP!

SailGP Tech Base tour ahead of the ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Christchurch
With practice racing cancelled, top photographer Sam Kurtul went on a tour of the SailGP Tech Base ahead of the weekend's racing at the ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix in Christchurch.

IC-M37E MPU 2019   Stoneways Marine 2021 - MPU
SailGP: Media Conference from Christchurch - Slingsby not happy at Practice cancellation
The Media Conference from the Christchurch round of SailGP took place Friday morning at Lyttleton, the venue for the regatta. Today's no-sail decision attracted some adverse comment at the media conference from Australia's Tom Slingsby.

British 420 Inland Championship at Rutland Sailing Club
The first day started off light with the wind coming from the club which meant we were going to have light shifty conditions. We warmed up for the racing and the race committee were straight into racing.

Henri-Lloyd partners with British explorer Jim McNeill and the Ocean Warrior Project
Iconic performance brand Henri-Lloyd announces an exciting new partnership with British explorer Jim McNeill, who will represent the brand as a Global Ambassador through his role leading the Ocean Warrior Project.

MPU E6 question mark animated   MPU Q1 2023
Classics head for 50th Rolex Fastnet Race
Appropriately, given the 2023 Rolex Fastnet Race will be the 50th edition of the Royal Ocean Racing Club's premier event, a significant number of classic yachts are entered, competing for the Dorade Cup.

RS400 Rope4Boats Southern Tour at Queen Mary Sailing Club
The casual observer could easily have mistaken the Rope4Boats RS400 Southern Tour event at Queen Mary for an RS400 Champion of Champions event.

Gill Dart 15 Winter TT at Grafham Water Sailing Club
The Gill Dart 15 Winter TT at Grafham Water got underway in near perfect sailing conditions for the 13 hardy competitors braving a cool, fresh mainly South-Westerly breeze with a steady 22 knots on the start line.

Zhik 2022 Choice of Champions MPU   Allspars December 2019 MPU
UK 29er Allen Grand Prix Series 2022/23 Round 5 at the WPNSA
As boats arrived and masts went up at the WPNSA the sailors were greeted with a brisk 6 degrees and lush 20 knots blowing from the SE promising a spiffing day of racing.

Allen Self Aligning Mainsheet Jammer
Central mainsheet jammers are an important bit of kit. They don't feature on all types of boats, but when they are used it's because they play a vital role in helping the helm or crew.

Endeavour Homes 23rd Flying 15 Australian Championship at Fremantle - Overall
The final day of the Flying Fifteen Australian Championship was set up to go down to the wire on the final day of racing and it certainly did that.

SEC HAYAI comes full circle to take outright victory in the GLOBE40
Off Lorient, Brittany, the Dutch crew on SEC HAYAI made up of Frans Budel and Ysbrand Endt, crossed the finish line of the 8th and final leg of the GLOBE40 at 19:41 UTC this Wednesday.

Merlin Rocket Craftinsure Silver Tiller Round 1 at South Cerney Sailing Club
15 boats turned up to a cold blustery South Cerney Sailing Club, hosting their first Merlin Rocket Open and the season opener for the 2023 Craftinsure Silver Tiller, SW Regional and HD Midland Circuits.

Whitbread history strong in Ocean Globe Race 50th celebration
The legendary Whitbread Round The World Race will forever be linked to Great Britain with those iconic images of 17 classic yachts sailing down the Solent into the unknown.

Firefly Class appoint new builder
Following an extensive review process, The National Firefly Class Association is pleased to announce that they have selected Ovington Boats as the new sole builder for the Firefly.

Outstanding Mid-Layer Performance - Made Responsibly by Henri-Lloyd
Henri-Lloyd are proud to introduce the Smart Therm Hi-Performance mid-layer. Engineered through advanced body mapping for exceptional warming performance. Whenever, wherever you need it.

RS200 Sailing Chandlery EaSEA Tour at Queen Mary Sailing Club
Seventeen RS 200s gathered at Queen Mary Sailing Club to dust off the cobwebs at the first event of the season and Round 1 of the newly formed Sailing Chandlery East and South East Area (EaSEA) Tour.

Charlie Dalin: Comanche's 618-mile record is within an IMOCA's reach
The scintillating performance of the four IMOCAs flying over the Southern Ocean in the third leg of The Ocean Race, has made a lot of people sit up and take notice, not least the reigning IMOCA GLOBE SERIES champion Charlie Dalin.

Rooster Aquafleece® Now in More Colours!
Hello new colours! The same Aquafleece® you know and love with some fresh new colours for you to choose from. Check out the latest colours: khaki, pink, orange and navy below in all the styles they are available in (standard colours are still available).

Discover the Barton range of Winches and the unique Wincher
Winches make handling large loads through halyards, sheets and control lines far, far easier than the alternative of hauling them in by hand.

Gray and Edwards' Osprey lands a big fish
The 2022-2023 Selden Sailjuice Winter Series has given the perfect start to the Osprey class's 70th Anniversary Year. Sailing the Osprey Class Association's demo boat, Peter Gray & Geoff Edwards won the series overall.

Hadron Dinghies Ltd appoints Seldén Mast as class spar supplier
Gosport based Seldén Mast is delighted to announce it has been appointed by Hadron Dinghies Ltd as the spar supplier to the Hadron H2 class.

GJW Direct 2020 FOOTER

Marine Products Direct 2023 - Calypso FOOTER

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