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Barton Marine 2019 728x90
Product Feature
Harken 22mm Double Micro - 226
Harken 22mm Double Micro - 226

Leg 3, Cape Town to Melbourne, day 04, morning on board Turn the Tide on Plastic. Dee Caffari in her thoughts after getting the latest position report

© Jeremie Lecaudey / Volvo Ocean Race
Leg 3, Cape Town to Melbourne, day 04, morning on board Turn the Tide on Plastic. Dee Caffari in her thoughts after getting the latest position report photo copyright Jeremie Lecaudey / Volvo Ocean Race taken at  and featuring the Volvo One-Design class
Volvo One-Design
Feeling the pressure in Volvo Ocean Race Leg 3 - A brutally honest report
Caffari and her young team have opted to go north in the hope of avoiding the worst of the weather, however this particular storm is 400 nautical miles wide and avoiding it totally would be impossible.