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Noble Marine 2022 YY - LEADERBOARD
Product Feature
Crewsaver Euro 100N
Crewsaver Euro 100N

After IRC time correction for 15 days of racing, Jangada won overall by seven minutes and nine seconds. Rob Craigie's Sun Fast 3600 Bellino racing Two-Handed with Deb Fish was second overall - Sevenstar Round Britain & Ireland Race

© James Tomlinson / RORC
After IRC time correction for 15 days of racing, Jangada won overall by seven minutes and nine seconds. Rob Craigie's Sun Fast 3600 Bellino racing Two-Handed with Deb Fish was second overall - Sevenstar Round Britain & Ireland Race photo copyright James Tomlinson / RORC taken at Royal Ocean Racing Club and featuring the IRC class
IRCRoyal Ocean Racing Club