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Noble Marine 2022 YY - LEADERBOARD

Established in 1934, Muskegon YC is located on the South shore of Muskegon Lake, just one mile from the channel to Lake Michigan. The unique location offers MYC members and their guests easy access to Lake Michigan, making the most of your time on water

© U.S. Melges 24 Class Association
Established in 1934, Muskegon YC is located on the South shore of Muskegon Lake, just one mile from the channel to Lake Michigan. The unique location offers MYC members and their guests easy access to Lake Michigan, making the most of your time on water photo copyright U.S. Melges 24 Class Association taken at Muskegon Yacht Club and featuring the Melges 24 class
Melges 24Muskegon Yacht Club
Midwest One-Design Spring Championship at Muskegon Yacht Club - Preview
The U.S. Melges 24 Class is thrilled for the start of the 2023 Quantum Sails Great Lakes Cup, a four-part regatta series that officially gets under way on May 20-21.