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Crewsaver 2021 Safetyline LEADERBOARD
Product Feature
Mantus M1 2.5lbs (1.13kg) Stainless Steel Dinghy Anchor Kit
Mantus M1 2.5lbs (1.13kg) Stainless Steel Dinghy Anchor Kit

Official horn opening of the Kieler Woche Regatta with (from the right) Ulisses Correia e Silva, Dr. Ulf Kämpfer, Dr. Sabine Sütterlin-Waack, Rodion Luka, Susann Beucke, Dirk Ramhorst

© Kieler Woche /
Official horn opening of the Kieler Woche Regatta with (from the right) Ulisses Correia e Silva, Dr. Ulf Kämpfer, Dr. Sabine Sütterlin-Waack, Rodion Luka, Susann Beucke, Dirk Ramhorst photo copyright Kieler Woche / taken at Kieler Yacht Club
MiscKieler Yacht Club