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Selden 2020 - LEADERBOARD
Mornington Yacht Club is located in Schnapper Point Drive Mornington approximately 50km SSE of Melbourne on the Mornington Peninsula. The Club was established in 1946.

The MYC clubhouse is situated near the waters edge adjacent to the Mornington pier and close to good swimming beaches. Facilities at the club include a deep water harbour sheltered from the West, South and East but is exposed to the North, a launching ramp, 2 launching cranes with a capacity of 2 tonnes, and a slipway. MYC also has facilities to assist disabled persons enjoy on water sailing.

Classes sailed at MYC include Div 1 and 2 Keelboats, Trailerables (D3), and Off the Beach Classes. Classes sailed include S80s, Flying Fifteens, Etchells, Seaway 25s, Elliot's, Thompson's, Lasers, Optimists, 420's, RS Feva's, and many others. Most racing is mixed fleets with the exception of Etchells, FFs and Optimists. There is also a well structured Crusing Division.
Product Feature
Harken NEW 30mm Protexit Block - 1200
Harken NEW 30mm Protexit Block - 1200
Mornington Yacht Club Mornington Yacht Club
Photo © Peter Barker