Rooster 8.1 nationals date announced
by Steve Cockerill 16 Sep 2009 18:02 BST
31 October - 1 November 2009
The Rooster 8.1 nationals takes place at Weir Wood on 31st October - 1st November 2009 © Rooster Sailing
The Rooster 8.1 Class National Championships will be held at Weir Wood Sailing Club over the weekend of the 31st October and 1st November 2009. Rigs will be available for hire at just £15 for the weekend. Entry fee will be £20 to include a meal on Saturday evening with event prizes generously provided by Rooster Sailing. You can expect a fast and furious weekends sailing no matter what the forecast, with 8 races scheduled in this turbo charged rig.
Don't have a rig?
You can either join the 400 who have already bought the 8.1 package for just £365 or you can bring your Laser along with the standard spars and we will hire you a mast extender, sail and battens for just £15! To pre-book your rig please tuning guide see the class association website at