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CoastWaterSports 2014

Sprite Week at Blackwater Sailing Club

by Ian Barbrook 15 Jun 2011 16:46 BST
Sprite Week at Blackwater © Emily Harris Photography

Following the success of the World Championships in 2009, held with a 20 strong Sprite Fleet at the Blackwater Sailing Club - Sprite Week has been revived after an absence of 30 years. It was held at the beginning of June 2011. Eight races were held over 4 Days - racing for the Heron Cup which has been competed for since 1954.

Day 1 - a gusty day with variable W/ NW wind conditions force 3-4 resulting in the fleet of 11 dinghies experiencing close racing and constantly changing positions – a challenging start to the week.

Day 2 - a complete change in the weather with variable and light breezes. Both races were finished but with shortened courses, giving lots of very exciting position changes and spinnaker work.

Day 3 - a lovely consistent NE breeze force 2-3, resulting in steady racing with fewer place changes throughout the races. The wind direction did make for a very crowded but hectic start line for both races.

Day 4 - force 4-5 NE wind very variable and gusty which made tacking along the Northey Shore off Heybridge Basin great fun for all competitors and for the spectators on-shore. Many position changes happened during both races with plenty of spinnaker flying, high speed action and a number penalty turns for infringements.

Overall Results:

1st Mick and Pat Sargeant - Djinn
2nd Graham and Tricia Parker - Thaleia
3rd Chris and Katherine Nichols - Nida II
4th Bevis Wright and Tessa Young - Juno
5th Donald Tipper and Rory Ash - Aeolus
6th Ian and Ellie Barbrook - Banshee
7th Elizabeth Waterfield and Jane Fitzgerald - Mustardseed
8th Steve and Frankie Ash - Ariel
9th= Pat Woodgate and Mick Terry - Arrow
9th= Sheena Berney and Jane Hare - Pegasus

The week was a resounding success with a rare sight - just the Sprite fleet racing on the river as it would have been in the early 1960's. We aim to make this event a permanent fixture for the future and encourage more boats to participate, with helms from other classes joining in for an enjoyable extra week of sailing in addition to the popular BSC club week. Many thanks to everyone who helped organise the event and to the competitors for supporting the week.

If any one is interested in a sailing a Sprite please contact the Class Captain by email,

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