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FAVOR 29erXX Downhill Skiff Cross in Cesme, Turkey

by Icarus Sailing Media 8 Sep 2011 10:24 BST 2-5 September 2011

The final day of the FAVOR Skiff Cup was rewarding for competitors and organizing committee.

The races started early in the morning in order to finish with the qualification series and after a short break for lunch and rest, the girls were back in the water for the final series.

In the quarterfinals Team Safari Duo from Germany by Rebecca Lutz and Theresa Kohnlein lost from Team Gorge Twins of Jule and Lotta Gorge also from Germany.

The second pair was the Norwegian Team Oslo of Lillan Agerup and Kristin Nyland against the Danish Team Prikken of Lin Ea Cenhdt Christiansen and Stine Qourning.

The girls from Denmark took the lead from the start and kept it until they crossed the finish line.

The third race of the quarterfinals had Team Hotel Royal of Ida Marie Baad Nelsen and Marie Thusgaard Olsen from Denmark facing Team Hentinen of Hanna and Jutta Hentinen from Finland.

The race was closed and the Danish girls having made fewer mistakes won at the end.

The last race of the quarterfinals had very close battles. Team Norway of Helene Naess and Ane Gunderson had a great start and was far ahead from Team All Day Long of Sinem Kurtbay and Hanna Dahlborg from Turkey.

Sailing conservatively, the Norwegians lost precious meters giving the chance to the Turkish duo to catch up. At the downwind mark both teams capsized and Turkish team recovered faster and won the race.

Their luck continued also in the petit final were they raced against Team Prikken. The Danish were far ahead and capsized literally one meter before the finish line. After not being able to recover quickly Team All Day Long came and took the third place in Favor Skiff Cup.

At the final Team Gorge Twins faced Team Hotel Royal. They started very close to each other and continued like this until the second upwind. Though a few wrong choices from the Gorge Twins near the upwind mark made them lose many meters and gave Ida Marie and Marie from Denmark an easy lead for the downwind to finish first and win the Favor Skiff Cup.

A beautiful ceremony followed right after the races inside the Cemse Marina where all the girls had the chance to cheer for the winners and enjoy the party that followed after.

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