Insurance4dinghies sponsored sailor Scott Wallis blog #8
by Scott Wallis 19 Mar 2012 14:26 GMT
February 2012

Scott Wallis, left, and Josh Voller competing at the 420 Winter Championships at Grafham © Towergate Insurance
January blog from Insurance4dinghies sponsorship winner Scott Wallis
In February, I undertook a mixture of training and racing. At the beginning of half term, I had Transitional Training at Hayling Island, Hampshire. It was very cold and our boats were frozen. The wind was very light so we didn’t get a lot of sailing but we covered a lot of theory.
Towards the end of the half term, there was a Youth Squad four-day camp at Weymouth, Dorset. We had a mixture of winds from very light to too windy. Despite this we had some excellent sailing and we learnt a lot. We also had some specialist sessions from the RYA physio, Matt, and the psychologist, Gemma. We stayed at Boscawen House but we were based in the academy.
Later on in the month, we had our first GBR Team Selection Event at the 420 Winter Championships at Grafham. With very light winds we had an average day on Saturday and we finished 8th overall. However Sunday woke to no wind and the racing was cancelled.
The next phase of the Selections will be in March at Weymouth.
Scott Wallis is sponsored by insurance4dinghies after winning their £2000 sponsorship package competition.