Jack Holt Centenary Open Meeting at Chichester Yacht Club - Preview
by Meryl Deane 17 Apr 2012 12:41 BST
22 April 2012
Jack Holt ‘the peoples designer’ was a member of Chichester Yacht Club in his later years. The 18th April 2012 marks the 100th anniversary of his birth.
Jack Holt was Britain’s premier post-war dinghy designer, designing the original Merlin, Mirror, GP14, Enterprise, Solo, Hornet, Streaker and many other dinghies.
The Chichester Yacht Club Jack Holt Centenary Open is open to any dinghy designed by Jack Holt. It takes place at Chichester Yacht Club on Sunday 22nd April at 11:30. Both ‘Classic’ and ‘Modern’ Holt boats are welcome. Full details on www.cycdinghies.co.uk
Many dinghy sailors have sailed in a ‘Holt Boat’ at some time in their sailing career. Sailors who knew Jack Holt, or who have sailed one of his designs are also welcome to a celebration of his life and work on Saturday 21st April at Chichester Yacht Club at 17:45.
David Henshall sailing journalist & historian will give a talk at 18:00 on Jack Holt - the man who brought dinghy sailing to the people. Further details contact Chichester Yacht Club on 01243 512918.