Interclub Team Race Championship at Bembridge Sailing Club
by Rudy Jurg 17 Dec 2012 15:40 GMT
15-16 December 2012
Six teams from sailing clubs all over the Island made it last weekend to Bembridge Sailing Club to compete for the annual Interclub Team Race Championship. This hotly contested event has been raced in Illusions since the mid-nineties.
On Sunday there was a strongly breeze from the South West and very murky waters due to heavy rainfall of proceeding days. However despite the weather some of the best sailors in the class came out for this event and competition was very close. Husband and wife team Graham and Julia Bailey showed that there is no substitute for time on the water, being perfectly in-tune with each other and won most races. Out of six teams only 4 teams would go through to sail the next day. Despite their gallant efforts Andrew Christie & Richard Ambler and Rupert Holmes & Kass Schmidt did not make the cut and could have a lay-in on Sunday.
On Sunday the weather was very pleasant, sunshine, light breeze and the 4 remaining teams high on spirits with everybody out on the water before the race committee, headed by Jonathan Peel, had left the dock side. Because of the lighter breeze more daring manoeuvres where executed and the on-water umpires had their work cut out. Lots of loud voices with on the water instructions towards team members or, PROTEST, UMPIRE! Every match started with a 2 minute pre-start dual and multiple change over's during first beat. As racing was so close on the first run the boats laying 3 or 4 could haul in the leaders using the sailing rules to gain an advantage. Very often the boat placed first would wait near the finishing line on the final run to ensure they could still help their team member come back in the race to sail a winning combination. It certainly provided a lot action close to the committee boat.
After a very lacklustre performance on Saturday laying 4th place overall Rudy Jurg and Colin Simonds seemed to have done some reading up on Team Racing Tactics and Rules overnight and came out fighting with unexpected vigour, they even surprised themselves! On a count back they won the Interclub Team Race Championship sailing on behalf of Bembridge Sailing Club. Husband and wife team Mark and Jo Downer second (Royal Victoria Yacht Club), pro-sailor Graham Sunderland with newcomer to Illusion sailing Robbie Southwell third (Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club) and surprisingly, the overall leaders from the previous day, Graham and Julia Bailey came fourth sailing for the Royal Yacht Squadron.
Next event is the Christmas Cracker 29/30 December and very high turnout is expected. An 30th anniversary lunch of the Illusion Class will also be held that weekend. To escape further family duties over this festive period the Ice Breaker Trophy will be sailed 31st December and 1st January.